2427 résultats

eWZC - Liaison and Transfer


The eWZC transaction supports patients of retirement homes or home services. It allows caregivers and retirement homes to send detailed and accurate data to the party taking care of the patient.

Proof type


Proof type 

Fedict Country Codes


Variant of the ISO-3166-1 country codification defined by FedICT to describe nationalites and countries.

The following codes have been added to the ISO-3166-1 codes : CS, XA, XE, XI, XK, XR, XS.

Context of use: country element, nationality element.



This table aims to describe the autonomy of a patient.

Context of use : In a content item within an autonomy item. When defining the autonomy level of a patient using a description. E.g. when defining in a physiotherapy prescription a patient is homebound and cannot travel to the pt’s site.

Galenic forms for magistral preparations


This table is related to the pharmaceutical prescription transaction.

The contents have been been defined from within the Recip-e project.

Context of use : when defining a magistral preparation using a galenic form.

ISO teeth codes


The ISO 3950 Classification System is used for the classification of teeth and areas of the oral cavity. It is controlled by ISO.

For more information see http://www.iso.org/iso/home.html

The version of the table used is specified in the attribute 'SV' of the cd element: this is an external table, please follow the versioning system proposed by the owner of the table.

Context of use: content element (cd)

Substance codes for magistral preparations


This table is related to the pharmaceutical prescription transaction.

The contents have been been defined from within the Recip-e project.

The values of this table are considered externally managed and can be obtained from the website 


Please note that list only contains the substance codes that might lead to financial reimbursement. To have further information on supplementary codes to use here please contact the Recipe-e contactperson tom.henkens@apb.be.

Context of use : when defining a magistral preparation using substances.

Pharmacy formulas from formularies


This table is related to the pharmaceutical prescription transaction.

The contents have been been defined from within the Recip-e project. 

The values of this table are considered externally managed and can be obtained from the website http://www.mfk-qmp.be

Context of use : when defining a magistral preparation using a formularyreference.

eBirth Item Type


This table is related to the 4 ebirth transactions. Its content has been defined by FedICT.

Values identify the types of the items of the ebirth transactions.

Context of use: item

eBirth major congenital malformations


This table is related with the ebirth-baby-medicalform transaction. It has been defined by FedICT.

The contents have been jointly defined by the FPS Economy, the 3 Belgian communities (Brussels, Flemish and French), the FPS Health and CEPIP as part of the description of model I statistical data, established by the Royal Decree of 14 June 1999, and implemented by FedICT for the eBirth project.

Values describe 'major congenital malformations' detected at birth.

Context of use: content of the item 'congenitalmalformation'.