2360 resultaten

Toegang tot de gezondheidskluizen (Onboarding vaults)


In België worden de gezondheidsgegevens onder meer opgeslagen in de zogenaamde eerstelijnsgezondheidskluizen. Er bestaan er drie in België, één per gewest.  In Vlaanderen gaat het om Vitalink, in Wallonië om Intermed en in Brussel om Brusafe.  Dankzij de dienst ‘Toegang tot de regionale gezondheidskluizen’ kunnen de gemachtigde zorgverleners via hun medisch softwarepakket waarin deze dienst is opgenomen, toegang krijgen tot de gezondheidsgegevens die in die kluizen zijn opgeslagen. Die toegang wordt strikt gereglementeerd volgens de voorwaarden van de wet inzake gezondheidsgegevens. Het eHealth-platform heeft in dat kader als opdracht om de uitwisselingen te beveiligen.

UHMEP (Unaddressed Health Message Exchange Platform)


Deze dienst wordt momenteel ontwikkeld. 

Labo Result Type


This table is used to provide structured metadata in the exchange of Laboratorium Results.
This is related to the transaction Laboratory Result.
The codes provided are LOINC codes.
Context of use: add one or more extra <cd> within the <transaction> element.

Note: the content of this table is subject to future evolutions by the addition of new codes.

KMEHR 1.41 released


Dear stakeholder/client/developer,...

A new version of the KMEHR schema has been released: version 1.41.



This table gathers the recognized types of transactions.

Values identify the types of the transactions. Some values may be deprecated. Please consult the transactions cookbook.

Context of use : transaction element.

Laboratory result 2.0


The Laboratory result transaction aims to transfer the results of examinations performed by the following medical specialties: laboratory, anatomopathology, genetics, bacteriology, molecular biology and toxicology. This is the description of a minimal KMEHR transaction that can be processed by the current HUB/METAHUB system, and that contains a Lab Report FHIR resource and, at the same time,  that provides the means for clients that are not yet FHIR aware to show a simple PDF to the user.

Standard version


This is the latest version of the Belgian Healthcare Telematics Standard to which the message complies.

Context of use: standard element (header)

Media type


This is the type of the multimedia attachment.

Context of use: lnk element. Attention: the use of this table is particular. It does not make use of the cd element. Values are instead used for the attribute 'MEDIATYPE' of the lnk element.

KMEHR 1.39 released


Dear stakeholder/client/developer,...

A new version of the KMEHR schema has been released: version 1.39.

Transaction Type


This table gathers the recognized types of transaction specializations.

Values identify the specializations of the transactions. Some values may be deprecated, not all values can be combined with all the values from CD-TRANSACTION. Please consult the transactions cookbook.

Context of use : transaction element, in combination with a coded value from CD-TRANSACTION.