2427 résultats

Formal interpretation


This is the KMEHR table to refer to the formal interpretation concept (provided by NIHDI) as used in SAM v2. (and available in the SAM v2 RML downloads)
"A legal reference can be modelled in several formal interpretations. A formal interpretation expresses both the Reimbursement conditions and the Reimbursement terms of legal texts. A formal interpretation describes (exactly) one way of gaining “terms” by satisfying a set of conditions." (from the SAM v2 PIM pdf)

The version of the table used is specified in the attribute 'SV' of the cd element: this is an external table, please follow the versioning system proposed by the owner of the table !
This table is used in the Chapter IV flow of MyCareNet. Please refer to the MyCareNet website for examples and further documentation.

Reimbursement term parameter


This is the KMEHR table to refer to the reimbursement parameter (b, e or d) (provided by NIHDI) as used in SAM v2. (and available in the SAM v2 RML downloads)
"Reimbursement terms are additional information about the result of a reimbursement after approval. For example the validity period of a reimbursement authorization, the maximum quantity that can be reimbursed, …[…]" (From the SAM v2 ReimbLaw Rules and Expressions doc)

The version of the table used is specified in the attribute 'SV' of the cd element: this is an external table, please follow the versioning system proposed by the owner of the table !
This table is used in the Chapter IV flow of MyCareNet. Please refer to the MyCareNet website for examples and further documentation.

Reimbursement context environment


This is the KMEHR table to refer to the reimbursement context environment (provided by NIHDI) as used in SAM v2. (and available in the SAM v2 RMB downloads)
"A DMPP can be reimbursement in one or more contexts depending on current legislation. The link with Reimbursement Context is based on Delivery Environment, Code and Code Type only. […]" (from the SAM v2 PIM pdf)

The version of the table used is specified in the attribute 'SV' of the cd element: this is an external table, please follow the versioning system proposed by the owner of the table !
This table is used in the Chapter IV flow of MyCareNet. Please refer to the MyCareNet website for examples and further documentation.

MAA Transaction types


This contents of this table has been defined by NIC/CIN.

Values identify specific transactions for Medical Advisor Agreements.

Context of use: transaction

Medical Advisor Agreement Items


This contents of this table has been defined by NIC/CIN.

Values identify specific items to be used in the transactions for Medical Advisor Agreements.

Context of use: item

Medical Advisor Agreement Coverage Types


This table is used in the context of the Medical Advisor Agreements (Chapter IV). This contents of this table has been defined by NIC/CIN.

Values identify the coverage types for Medical Advisor Agreements.

Context of use: item

Medical Advisor Agreement Refusal Justification


This table is used in the context of the Medical Advisor Agreements (Chapter IV). This contents of this table has been defined by NIC/CIN.

Values identify different refusal justifications for Medical Advisor Agreements.

Context of use: item

Medical Advisor Agreement Request types


This contents of this table has been defined by NIC/CIN.

Values identify request types for Medical Advisor Agreements.

Context of use: items

Medical Advisor Agreement Response Types


This table is used in the context of the Medical Advisor Agreements (Chapter IV). This contents of this table has been defined by NIC/CIN.

Values identify specific responses for Medical Advisor Agreements.

Context of use: item

Medical Advisor Agreement Type


This table is used in the context of the Medical Advisor Agreements (Chapter IV). This contents of this table has been defined by NIC/CIN.

Values identify the type of Medical Advisor Agreements.

Context of use: item