This service should be used to declare a transaction within a hub.
This service should be used to retrieve the data associated with an healthcare party within a hub.
This service should be used to retrieve the patient data within a hub.
This service should be used to retrieve the consent of an healthcare party within a hub. Its main purpose is to allow one to check if there is an active consent for a given healthcare party.
This service should be used to put an access right on the transaction within a hub.
This service should be used to create an healthcare party within a hub. It can also be used to update the information about this healthcare party.
This service should be used to declare the consent of an healthcare party within a hub.
This service should be used to create a patient within a hub. It can also be used to update the information about a patient.
This service allows a healthcare party to ask to another healthcare party to publish documents related to a patient. This service is intended to be used, for instance, for documents whose reporting date is anterior to the consent of the patient.
This service allows a hub to ask to another hub to propagate the request to the hcparty owner in order to publish documents related to a patient. This service does not allow a hub to ask information to an hcparty owner outside of the network covered by the target hub.