
The item element corresponds to the atomic medical information (e.g. blood pressure). It can also represent a concept that is not medical if required (e.g. a contact person).

We do not describe here all the possible elements for an item since the meaning and the use of those elements are defined by the transaction context. We only provide the very basic elements that could be used in every context.


Identifies the heading or item within the current parent element (transaction or heading).
The ID-KMEHR identifying system requires using the sequential position of the heading or item within the parent element.

In addition to this, local heading identifiers may be used.



Specifies the ‘type’ of the item according to the CD-ITEM dictionary (or other recognized dictionary for items)

Other local codifications may be associated.



Provides the ‘value’ of the item. The data type to use to describe this value is defined by the transaction context.



Comments about the item.



To establish link(s) with the item.


XML examples

The following item element describes a contact person. Its content is a person element.

   <id SV="1.0" S="ID-KMEHR">1</id>
   <cd SV="1.0" S="CD-ITEM">contactperson</cd>
   <cd SV="1.0" S="CD-CONTACT-PERSON">father</cd>
         <id SV="1.0" S="INSS"/>
            <cd SV="1.0" S="CD-SEX">male</cd>

The following item represents a ‘medical problem’ that is described in free text.

   <id S="ID-KMEHR" SV="1.0">8</id> 
   <cd S="CD-ITEM" SV="1.0">healthcareelement</cd> 
      <text L="en">Adult respiratory distress syndrom</text>

The following item represents a ‘medical problem’ described with multiple codifications.

   <id S="ID-KMEHR" SV="1.0">8</id>
   <cd S="CD-ITEM" SV="1.0">healthcareelement</cd>
      <cd S="CD-CLINICAL" SV="1.0">10008140</cd>
      <cd S="ICPC" SV="2">R99</cd>
      <cd S="ICD" SV="10">J80</cd>

The following item represents ‘major congenital malformations detected at birth’ as classified for eBirth project (specific classification).

   <id SV="1.0" S="ID-KMEHR">6</id>
   <cd SV="1.0" S="CD-ITEM-EBIRTH">congenitalmalformation</cd>
      <cd SV="1.0" S="LOCAL" SL="CD-EBIRTH-CONGENITALMALFORMATION">trisomie21</cd>
      <cd SV="1.0" S="LOCAL" SL="CD-EBIRTH-CONGENITALMALFORMATION">membersreduction</cd>