Basic data types

KMEHR makes use of usual XSchema literals such as xsd:boolean, xsd:decimal and xsd:nonNegativeInteger.

We briefly describe here only the following basic data types.

Date and time

Any complete date within KMEHR message is formatted according to xsd:date template. Any complete time within KMEHR messages is formatted according to the xsd:time template.

Partial dates are also allowed and make use of the xsd:gYear and xsd:gYearMonth templates.

XML examples


String and text

A String is a literal that refers to the xsd:string template of the appropriate W3C recommendation. It represents a string of characters that should be understandable without translation (a patient's name, a city name, ...).

User's dependent text must be transmitted through the text element of the type TextType that:

  • excludes the possibility of mixing text with other XML elements
  • forces the specification of the language used


The natural language that is used within the text element is described using the L attribute filled with the languages identifiers defined by primitive xsd:language data type that uses codes from IETF RFC 1766 (Tags for the identification of Languages). In this RFC, tags are constructed from two-letter language codes as defined by ISO 639, from two-letter country codes as defined by ISO 3166, or from language identifiers registered with the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA-LANGCODES).

The most common languages in Belgium are:

  • nl : Dutch
  • fr : French
  • de : German
  • en : English

XML example

   <text L="nl">één jaar geleden</text>