Please be aware any FHIR project shall follow the FHIR governance that is described on its own page
The patient element aims to represent patients. It thus corresponds to an open structure- very few elements are mandatory- that gathers common (administrative) attributes of physical persons.
Each folder must contain at least one transaction. A transaction is related to the patient that is included within the parent folder. A transaction has also a defined author, which must be a healthcare professional (represented by an appropriate hcparty).
The hcparty element is a generic element that aims to represent any kind of healthcare party: organization, physician, medical specialty or even IT systems.
The ehValidator tool is a small local application that is intended to perform more advanced syntactic validation of the Kmehr transactions "Sumehr" en "GP Software Migration Format" than the one made possible by the KMEHR grammar defined using the KMEHR XSD.
If you are looking for the work-in-progress concerning FHIR laboratory, please consult our laboratory IG.
Some messages use OIDs: unique object identifiers. Mostly to refer to a system or organization that itself uses its own codes to identify its elements or members.
The tutorial explains, step by step, the KMEHR message structure, using a simple case study.
To help developing parties to implement message specifications, eHealth platform provides Schematron files.