2376 resultaten

eBirth special values


This table is related with the ebirth-baby-medicalform and ebirth-mother-medical form transactions. It has been defined by FedICT.

The contents have been jointly defined by the FPS Economy, the 3 Belgian communities (Brussels, Flemish and French), the FPS Health and CEPIP as part of the description of model I statistical data, established by the Royal Decree of 14 June 1999, and implemented by FedICT for the eBirth project.

Values describe special values allowed for some ebirth items. The allowed values depend on the item.

Context of use: content of some ebirth items.

eBirth type of neonatal department


This table is related with the ebirth-baby-medicalform transaction. It has been defined by FedICT.

The contents have been jointly defined by the FPS Economy, the 3 Belgian communities (Brussels, Flemish and French), the FPS Health and CEPIP as part of the description of model I statistical data, established by the Royal Decree of 14 June 1999, and implemented by FedICT for the eBirth project.

Values describe the type of a neonatal department.

Context of use: content of the item 'neonataldept'.

eBirth birth place type


This table is related with the ebirth-baby-notification transaction. It has been defined by FedICT.

The contents have been jointly defined by the FPS Economy, the 3 Belgian communities (Brussels, Flemish and French), the FPS Health and CEPIP as part of the description of model I statistical data, established by the Royal Decree of 14 June 1999, and implemented by FedICT for the eBirth project.

Values describe 'types of place'.

Context of use: location element.

eBirth artificial respiration type


This table is related with the ebirth-baby-medicalform transaction. It has been defined by FedICT.

The contents have been jointly defined by the FPS Economy, the 3 Belgian communities (Brussels, Flemish and French), the FPS Health and CEPIP as part of the description of model I statistical data, established by the Royal Decree of 14 June 1999, and implemented by FedICT for the eBirth project.

Values describe artificial respiration middels.

Context of use : content of the item 'artificialrespiration'.

Vaccine codes


This is the national vaccine dictionary.

The table is deprecated. For the vaccine indication, please refer to the table CD-VACCINEINDICATION

Legal service


Code dienst.

Referral letter


The referral letter is primarily used to orientate the patient when referred from the first to the second line of the healthcare system. It contains key information on the current patient's issue and possibly a summary of his (her) medical history.

Procedure result


The Procedure Result transaction aims to transfer the results of a technical examination, that is typically identified as a service of the RIZIV/INAMI nomenclature.Results from a clinical investigation should be reported through the transaction Contact report.Laboratory results are reported through the transaction Laboratory result.

Procedure request


The Procedure Request transaction aims to request any service other than a laboratory examination or the delivery of a pharmaceutical product.



This type of transaction could be used for free notes, certificates, ...