2376 resultaten

BVT Sample Type


This table is related with the bvt-sample transaction. Its contents have been defined by the Belgian Cancer Register (BCR).

Values describe the different sample types.

Context of use: content of the item 'sampletype'.

Care paths


This table is a part of the software migration format.

Values describe 'RIZIV/INAMI care paths'.

Context of use: as a local code to caracterize a 'preventionplan' transaction

Clinical Summary


This transaction is a part of the ‘Software migration format’ . The reader is recommended to consult this page before any further reading.

eCare-SAFE consultation


This transaction is related with the eCare-SAFE webservice. It has been defined by the Belgian Royal Society for Rheumatology (KBVR-SRBR) in conjunction with RIZIV-INAMI.

Summarised Electronic Healthcare Record v1.1


The Summarised Electronic Health Record (or SumEHR) is the minimal set of data that a physician needs to understand the medical status of the patient in a few minutes and to ensure the continuity of care. The content of this new version has been defined by a group of experts and the sub-group “GP Label Group” of the eHealth Platform’s G19 Group in 2009. The latter did validate this new SumEHR version in December 2009. The resulting specification was published in a draft status on January 2010. It was published on June 2010 with some minor corrections. At the request of software providers, some corrections are made on Augustus 2010 leading to the current specification. At the request of Prorec and G19, the specification is extended on September 2010 to support the 'patient's will' items. This version is the one that will be used during the coming certification process of GP software packages foreseen in 2010. SumEHR 1.1 content specification. Sumehr 1.1 requires the use of Kmehr 20100601 (or a more recent version). To support the elaboration of messages that fullfill the Sumehr 1.1 specification, a tool has been developped. This tool is available here. Each version of the Sumehr specification leads to a release of this tool.  

INN Cluster


National codes for INN Clusters.

This table has been defined by the CBIP/BCFI and is available on the FPS Health site ( NL / FR ) as a part of the 'DCI/VOS prescription' archive.

We only provide here a small extract for illustration purpose.

The version of the table used is specified in the attribute 'SV' of the cd element: this is an external table, please follow the versioning system proposed by the owner of the table!

Context of use: intendedcc element of substanceproduct element (within content element)

Technical note

Technically, INNCluster codes are special 'CNK codes' attributed to INN clusters. You will find those codes in the column 'INNGroup_CNK' within the file 'VMP_INN_EXPORT.csv' of the archive. The file 'AMMPP_INN_EXPORT.csv' will allow you to map those codes to the CNK codes identifying the products of the cluster.

Drug National Code


National codes for drugs.

This table is defined by the CBIP/BCFI and is also available on the FPS Health site.

We only provide here a small extract for illustration purpose.

The version of the table used is specified in the attribute 'SV' of the cd element: this is an external table, please follow the versioning system proposed by the owner of the table !

Contexts of use: medication element, medicinalproduct element (within content element).

ATC codes


The Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical (ATC) Classification System is used for the classification of drugs. It is controlled by the WHO Collaborating Centre for Drug Statistics Methodology (WHOCC).

For more information see http://www.whocc.no/atc_ddd_index/

The terminal codifications used in Belgium are available on the FPS Health site. We only provide here a small extract for illustration purpose.

The version of the table used is specified in the attribute 'SV' of the cd element: this is an external table, please follow the versioning system proposed by the owner of the table !

Context of use: content element (cd)

Technical note

The file proposed on the FPS Health also allows you to map those ATC final codes on the corresponding CNK codes.



This service should be used to get the access rights on a transaction within the hub.



This service should be used to declare a transaction within a hub.