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Chapter IV Information Consultation System - Webservices

Chapter IV describes the conditions for reimbursement of specialties which are refundable through a medical advisor’s agreement. In order to obtain reimbursement of these specialties, specific criteria have to be met and filled in on application forms.

Chapter IV Information Consultation System - Webservices Version 1.3 (26/09/14) - 750.66 KB
Ce document est en anglais

SAM - Logical data dossier

The structuring of the database SAM is divided into two parts: the Medicinal Product part that explains in detail the areas dedicated to substances, specialities, galenic forms, packages, etc. and the Reimbursement part that represents all information relative to the conditions, procedures, medical and social profiles, amounts, etc.

SAM - Logical data dossier Version 2.3 (16/12/13) - 670.83 KB
Ce document est en anglais

Structuring Chapter IV

Description of the structuring principles applied to ChIV legislation prior to integration in the database SAM.

Structuring Chapter IV Version 1.0 (05/04/11) - 556.57 KB
Ce document est en anglais

Chapter IV Information Consultation System : Webapplication Export

Chapter IV describes the conditions for reimbursement of specialties which are refundable through a medical advisor’s agreement. In order to obtain reimbursement of these specialties, specific criteria have to be met and filled in on application forms.

Chapter IV Information Consultation System : Webapplication Export Version 3.0 (04/04/11) - 112.5 KB
Ce document est en anglais

Document informatif

SAM - Physical data dossier

The database scheme SAM structure is divided in two parts which are interconnected: The Medical Products structures in detail the medicine sphere from the substances to the commercialized medicine packages at the pharmacist; The Reimbursement taking into account the Belgian system for sickness and invalidity insurance. In this first implementation phase, the emphasis is on the reimbursement agreements as specified in the Royal Decree of December 21st, 2001, more commonly known as ‘Chapter IV’.

SAM - Physical data dossier Version 2.3 (16/12/13) - 1.23 MB
Ce document est en anglais

SAM - Physical diagram

SAM : Physical Diagram - Subview CURRENT

SAM - Physical diagram Version 2.2 (03/12/13) - 1020.74 KB
Ce document est en anglais

SAM - Conceptual data dossier

This conceptual analysis is the first step towards the development of a useful and flexible structure of the authentic source of medicines for use by healthcare professionals in Belgium. This model will describe a national therapeutic arsenal with 6 basic concepts (3 universal and 3 with country and brand specification).

The conceptual analysis gives a listing of the essential concepts, a thorough delineation of the concepts and a graphical representation of the logic relations between the different concepts.

SAM - Conceptual data dossier Version 2.1 (05/04/13) - 673.56 KB
Ce document est en anglais


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API Catalog

Le portail "API Catalog" est le catalogue des services web offerts par la plate-forme eHealth et ses partenaires via le API Gateway qui gère notamment la consommation des appels aux services.

Il s’agit d’informations :

  • techniques : URL, version, contrat formel (WSDL+XSD pour les services SOAP ou Swagger pour les services REST)
  • fonctionnelles : liens vers la documentation disponible, description des services en ligne
Accéder au API Catalog