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I want/need to have myself or my child tested

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In some situations, it is desirable or necessary to test yourself or your children for COVID-19.

There are two types of tests: PCR tests and rapid tests.

For a PCR test, the sample is taken at a testing centre. For a rapid test, the sample is taken at a testing centre or a pharmacy.

To be tested, you need a code, the famous CTPC (FR) code (Corona Test Prescription Code).


Work out which situation you are in and follow the step-by-step plan

Situation 1: I already have a CTPC code

Situation 2: I do not yet have a CTPC code and I live in Belgium

Situation 3: I do not yet have a CTPC code and I do not live in Belgium


Situation 1: I already have a CTPC (FR) code

Step 1: Organise a sample collection

With the CTPC that you received by text message and/or e-mail, you can make an appointment for a test at a testing centre in Wallonia, Brussels, Flanders or the German-speaking Community or go to a pharmacist (FR).

Make sure you take the following with you:
1.   your CTPC (FR)
2.   a mobile phone number and/or e-mail address where you can be reached
3.   the national registration number (NISS (FR)) of the person to be tested

Step 2: sample collection

Go to the testing centre or pharmacist at the agreed time.

Be sure to bring:
1.   your CTPC
2.   an identity document for the person to be tested, preferably an electronic ID card

Step 3: Test result

You can obtain your test result through these channels (FR).


Situation 2: I do not yet have a CTPC (FR) code and I live in Belgium

Step 1: Self-assessment or selftest


You can anonymously assess whether it is desirable or necessary for you or your child to take a test via the self-assessment application (FR). If you use the self-assessment app, you will receive a notification at the end. If the self-assessment app advises you to get tested, you'll find in the notice a link to the app, where you can request a CTPC for a free test. Go to step 2a. Don't forget to load the notice from the self-assessment app and bring it to the testing centre, either electronically or on paper.

You are only entitled to a free test based on the self-assessment app
          -   if the app advises you to get tested and
          -   once every 11 days.

Positive self-test

Is your self-test positive? Fill in the online form (FR) to find out whether or not you can get a CTPC test code to perform a test. If yes, the link will be available in the advice at the end of the form.
Please note: a recovery certificate can only be obtained after a positive PCR test.

If you want to be tested in other cases, you can request a CTPC for a paid test. Go to step 2b.

Step 2a: Request a CTPC for a free test

You can request a CTPC for a free test via the app to which the notice refers. You must first log in with your electronic identity card or Itsme.

Make sure you have the following:
1.   either an e-ID reader, your e-ID card and the e-ID card pincode
          -   of the person to be tested, or
          -   of a parent of the child to be tested
2.   or the mobile phone with the Itsme app and the Itsme pincode of the person to be tested
3.   and a mobile phone number and e-mail address to which the CTPC can be sent.

Step 2b: Request a CTPC for a paid test

Via this app, you can request a CTPC for a paid test. You must first log in with your electronic identity card or Itsme.

Make sure you have the following:
1.   either an e-ID reader, your e-ID card and the e-ID card pincode
          -   of the person to be tested, or
          -   of a parent of the child to be tested
2.   or the mobile phone with the Itsme app and the Itsme pincode of the person to be tested
3.   and a mobile phone number and e-mail address to which the CTPC can be sent.

Step 3: Organise a sample collection

With the CTPC that you received by text message and/or e-mail, you can make an appointment for a test at a testing centre in Wallonia, Brussels, Flanders or the German-speaking Community or go to a pharmacist (FR).

Make sure you bring the following with you:
1.   your CTPC (FR)
2.   the mobile phone number and/or e-mail address to which your CTPC was sent
3.   your national registration number (NISS (FR))

Step 4: sample collection

Go to the testing centre or pharmacist at the agreed time.

Make sure you bring
1.   your CTPC (FR)
2.   if you have requested a CTPC for a free test, the notice from the self-assessment app in electronic or paper form.

Step 5: Test result

You can obtain your test result through these channels (FR).


Situation 3: I do not yet have a CTPC (FR) and I do not live in Belgium

Step 1: Request a CTPC for a paid test

Via this app, you can request a CTPC for a paid test.

Make sure you have the following information:
1.   the first and last name of the person to be tested
2.   a mobile phone number and e-mail address to which the CTPC can be sent.

Step 2: Organise a sample collection

With the CTPC that you received by text message and/or e-mail, you can make an appointment for a test at a testing centre in Wallonia, Brussels, Flanders or the German-speaking Community or go to a pharmacist (FR).

Make sure you bring the following with you:
1.   your CTPC (FR)
2.   the mobile phone number and/or e-mail address to which your CTPC was sent
3.   if applicable, your Social Security Identification number (NISS (FR))

Step 3: sample collection

Go to the testing centre or pharmacist at the agreed time.

Assurez-vous d’apporter
1.   your CTPC (FR)
2.   if applicable, your Social Security Identification Number (NISS (FR))

Step 4: Test result

You can obtain your test result via this app.


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