Reference Tables: Healthcare Party Type
General information
Value identifies the type of health care party. Three main categories are covered: persons, organisations and medical specialities.
Context of use: hcparty element.
Value identifies the type of health care party. Three main categories are covered: persons, organisations and medical specialities.
Context of use: hcparty element.
Code | Meaning (English) | Meaning (French) | Meaning (Dutch) | Meaning (German) | SNOMED-CT |
deptanatomopathology | anatomopathology | anatomopathologie | anatomo-pathologie | pathologische Anatomie | |
deptanesthesiology | anesthesiology | anesthésiologie | anesthesiologie | Anästhesiologe | |
deptbacteriology | bacteriology | bactériologie | bacteriologie | Bakteriologie | |
deptcardiology | cardiology | cardiologie | cardiologie | Kardiologie | |
deptdermatology | dermatology | dermatologie | dermatologie | Dermatologie | |
deptdietetics | dietetics | diététique | diëtetiek | Diätetik | |
deptemergency | emergency | services d'urgence | spoeddiensten | Notfalldienst | |
deptgastroenterology | gastroenterology | gastroentérologie | gastro-enterologie | Gastroenterologie | |
deptgeneralpractice | general practice | médecine générale | algemene geneeskunde | Allgemeinmedizin | |
deptgenetics | genetics | génétique | genetica | Genetik | |
deptgeriatry | geriatry | gériatrie | geriatrie | Geriatrie | |
deptgynecology | gynecology | gynécologie | gynaecologie | Gynäkologie | |
depthematology | hematology | hématologie | hematologie | Hämatologie | |
deptintensivecare | intensive care | soins intensifs | intensieve zorgen | Intensivmedizin | |
deptkinesitherapy | kinesitherapy | kinésithérapie | kinesitherapie | Bewegungstherapie | |
deptlaboratory | Laboratory service or department within an organisation | Service / Département laboratoire au sein d'une organisation | Laboratoriumdienst of -afdeling binnen een organisatie | Laboratorium Dienst/Abteilung in einer Organisation | |
deptmedicine | internal medecine | médicine interne | interne geneeskunde | Innere Medizin | |
deptmolecularbiology | molecular biology | biologie moléculaire | moleculaire biologie | Molekularbiologie | |
deptneonatalogy | neonatalogy | néonatologie | neonatologie | Neonatologie | |
deptnephrology | nephrology | néphrologie | nefrologie | Nephrologie | |
deptneurology | neurology | neurologie | neurologie | Neurologie | |
deptnte | nose-throat-ear | oto-rhino-laryngologie | neus-keel-oor (NKO) | Otorhinolaryngologie | |
deptnuclear | nuclear | médecine nucléaire | nucleaire geneeskunde | Nuklearmedizin | |
deptoncology | oncology | oncologie | oncologie | Onkologie | |
deptophtalmology | ophtalmology | ophtalmologie | oftalmologie | Augenheilkunde | |
deptpediatry | pediatry | pédiatrie | pediatrie | Pädiatrie | |
deptpharmacy | Pharmacy service or department within an organisation | Service / Département pharmacie au sein d'une organisation | Apotheekdienst of -afdeling binnen een organisatie | Pharmazie Dienst/Abteilung in einer Organisation | |
deptphysiotherapy | physiotherapy | physiothérapie | fysiotherapie | Physiotherapie | |
deptpneumology | pneumology | pneumologie | pulmonologie | Pulmonologie | |
deptpsychiatry | psychiatry | psychiatrie | psychiatrie | Psychiatrie | |
deptradiology | radiology | radiologie | radiologie | Radiologie | |
deptradiotherapy | radiotherapy | radiothérapie | radiotherapie | Strahlentherapie | |
deptrhumatology (deprecated) | rhumatology | rhumatologie | reumatologie | Rheumatologie | |
deptstomatology | stomatology | stomatologie | stomatologie | Stomatologie | |
deptsurgery | surgery | chirurgie | chirurgie | Chirurgie | |
depttoxicology | toxicology | toxicologie | toxicologie | Toxikologie | |
depturology | urology | urologie | urologie | Urologie | |
orghospital | hospital | hôpital | ziekenhuis | Krankenhaus | |
orginsurance | insurance | assurance | verzekering | Versicherung | |
orglaboratory | Independent laboratory | laboratoire indépendant | Onafhankelijk laboratorium | Unabhängiges Laboratorium | |
orgpublichealth | public health organisation | service public de santé | openbare gezondheidsdienst | Gesundheitsbehörde | |
persbiologist | medical laboratory technician | technicien de laboratoire médical | medisch laboratoriumtechnoloog | medizinischer Labortechniker | |
persdentist | dentist | dentiste | tandarts | Zahnarzt | |
persnurse | nurse | infirmier | verpleegkundige | Krankenpfleger/in | |
persparamedical (deprecated) | paramedical (deprecated: use the specific code from CD-HCPARTY for the paramedical) | personnel paramédical (deprecated: utilisez un code spécifique du CD-HCPARTY pour personnel paramédical) | paramedisch personeel (deprecated: gebruik een specifieke code van CD-HCPARTY voor paramedisch personeel) | medizinisches Hilfspersonal (deprecated: verwenden Sie den spezifischen Code von CD-HCPARTY für medizinisches Hilfspersonal) | |
perspharmacist | pharmacist | pharmacien | apotheker | Apotheker | |
persphysician | physician | médecin | arts | Arzt | |
perssocialworker | social worker | travailleur social | maatschappelijk werker | Sozialarbeiter | |
perstechnician | Medical Imaging Technician | Technicien d'imagerie médicale | Technicus medische beeldvorming | medizinische Bildgebung Techniker | |
persadministrative | administrative | personnel admistratif | administratieve medewerker | Büroangestellte(r) | |
persmidwife | midwife | sage-femme | vroedvrouw | Hebamme | |
application | software application | application logicielle | softwaretoepassing | Softwareapplikation | |
deptorthopedy | orthopedy | orthopédie | orthopedie | Orthopädie | |
orgpractice | practice organisation | cabinet | praktijk | Praxis | |
orgpharmacy | Independent pharmacy | Pharmacie indépendante | Onafhankelijke apotheek | Unabhängige Apotheke | |
deptalgology | algology | algologie | algologie | Algologie | |
deptcardiacsurgery | cardiac surgery | chirurgie cardiaque | hartchirurgie | Herzchirurgie | |
depthandsurgery | hand surgery | chirurgie de la main | handchirurgie | Handchirurgie | |
deptmaxillofacialsurgery | maxillofacial surgery | chirurgie maxillofaciale | mond-, kaak- en aangezichtschirurgie | Mund-Kiefer-Gesichtschirurgie | |
deptpediatricsurgery | pediatric surgery | chirurgie pédiatrique | kinderchirurgie | Kinderchirurgie | |
deptplasticandreparatorysurgery | plastic and reparatory surgery | chirurgie esthétique et réparatrice | plastische en reconstructieve chirurgie | plastische Chirurgie und Reparaturchirurgie | |
deptthoracicsurgery | thoracic surgery | chirurgie thoracique | thoraxchirurgie | Thoraxchirurgie | |
deptvascularsurgery | vascular surgery | chirurgie vasculaire | vasculaire chirurgie | Vaskuläre Chirurgie | |
deptvisceraldigestiveabdominalsurgery | visceral digestive abdominal surgery | chirurgie abdominale, digestive et viscérale | digestieve/viscerale chirurgie/buikchirurgie | Viszeralchirurgie/Abdominalchirurgie/Bauchchirurgie | |
deptdentistry | dentistry | dentisterie | tandheelkunde | Zahnheilkunde | |
deptdiabetology | diabetology | diabétologie | diabetologie | Diabetologie | |
deptendocrinology | endocrinology | endocrinologie | endocrinologie/hormonenleer | Endokrinologie | |
deptoccupationaltherapy | occupational therapy | ergothérapie | ergotherapie | Ergotherapie | |
deptmajorburns | major burns | grands brûlés | brandwondencentrum | Zentrum für Schwerbrandverletzte | |
deptinfectiousdisease | infectious disease | maladie infectieuse | infectieziekte | Infektionskrankheit | |
deptspeechtherapy | speech therapy | logopédie | logopedie | Sprachtherapie | |
deptsportsmedecine | sports medecine | médecine des sports | sportgeneeskunde | Sportmedizin | |
deptphysicalmedecine | physical medecine | médecine physique | fysische geneeskunde | physikalische Medizin | |
depttropicalmedecine | tropical medecine | médecine tropicale | tropische geneeskunde | Tropenmedizin | |
deptneurosurgery | neuro surgery | neurochirurgie | neurochirurgie | Neurochirurgie | |
deptnutritiondietetics | nutrition dietetics | diététique nutritionnelle | diëtetiek | Diätetik | |
deptobstetrics | obstetrics | obstétrique | verloskunde | Geburtshilfe | |
deptchildandadolescentpsychiatry | child and adolescent psychiatry | psychiatrie de l'enfant et de l'adolescent | kinder- en jeugdpsychiatrie | Kinder-und Jugendpsychologie | |
deptpodiatry | podiatry | podiatrie | podiatrie | Podiatrie | |
deptpsychology | psychology | psychologie | psychologie | Psychologie | |
deptrevalidation | revalidation | rééducation | revalidatie | Rehabilitation | |
deptsenology | senology | sénologie | senologie | Senologie | |
deptsocialservice | social service | service social | sociale dienst | Sozialdienst | |
deptpediatricintensivecare | pediatric intensive care | soins intensifs pédiatriques | intensieve zorg voor kinderen | Intensivpflege für Kinder | |
deptpalliativecare | palliative care | soins palliatifs | palliatieve zorg | Palliativpflege | |
deptrheumatology | rheumatology | rhumatologie | reumatologie | Rheumatologie | |
persambulancefirstaid | ambulance first aid | ambulance premier secours | ambulance eerste hulp | Krankenwagen erste Hilfe | |
persaudician | audician | audicien | audicien | Hörgeräteakustiker | |
persaudiologist | audiologist | audiologue | audioloog | Audiologe | |
perscaregiver (deprecated) | caregiver | soignant informel | mantelzorger | Pflegeperson | |
persdietician | dietician | diététicien | dietist | Diätist | |
perseducator | educator | éducateur | opvoeder | Erzieher | |
perslogopedist | logopedist | logopède | logopedist | Logopäde | |
persoccupationaltherapist | occupational therapist | ergothérapeute | ergotherapeut | Ergotherapeut | |
persorthopedist (deprecated) | orthopedist | orthopédiste | orthopedist | Orthopädist | |
persorthoptist | orthoptist | orthoptiste | orthoptist | Orthoptist | |
persoptician | optician | opticien | opticien | Optiker | |
perspharmacyassistant | pharmacy assistant | assistant en pharmacie | apothekersassistent | Apothekenhelfer | |
persphysiotherapist | physiotherapist | kinésithérapeute | kinesitherapeut | Krankengymnast | |
perspodologist | podologist | podologue | podologist | Podologe | |
perspracticalnurse | practical nurse | aide-soignante | verzorgende | Pfleger | |
perspsychologist | psychologist | psychologue | psycholoog | Psychologe | |
orgprimaryhealthcarecenter | primary health care center | Maison médicale | medisch huis | Gesundheitspflege der ersten Linie | |
guardpost | Guard post | poste de garde | wachtpost | Wachposten | |
groupofphysicianssameaddress | Group of physicians same address | regroupement de médecins même adresse | groepering van artsen zelfde adres | Gruppierung von Ärzten gleiche Adresse | |
groupofphysiciansdifferentaddress | Group of physicians different address | Regroupement de médecins adresse différente | Groepering van artsen verschillend adres | Gruppierung von Ärzten andere Adresse | |
groupofnurses | Group of nurses | Regroupement d'infirmiers | Groepering van verplegers | Krankenpflegeverein | |
certificateholder | Certificate holder | Titulaire du certificat | Houder van certificaat | Zertifikatsinhaber | |
perstrussmaker | Truss maker | Bandagiste | Bandagist | Bandagist | |
patient | Patient | Patient | Patient | Patient | |
persorthotist | Orthotist | Orthésiste/Prothésiste | Orthopedische technieker | Orthopädietechniker | |
perspatientdriver | Patient driver (not urgent) | Transporteur de patient (non urgent) | Ziekenvervoerder (niet urgent) | Patientenfahrer (nicht dringend) | |
orgprevention | Prevention organisation | Service de pévention | Preventiedienst | Präventionsdienst | |
perspharmacistclinicalbiologist | pharmacist-clinical biologist | pharmacien-biologiste clinicien | apotheker-klinisch bioloog | Apotheker-klinische Biologe | |
hub | hub | hub | hub | hub | |
deptnursing | nursing | soins infirmiers | verpleegkunde | Krankenpflege | |
persoraldentalhygienist | Oral dental hygienist | Hygiéniste bucco-dentaire | Mondhygiënist | Dentalhygieniker | |
persclinicalpsychologist | Clinical psychologist | Psychologue clinicien | Klinisch psycholoog | Klinischer Psychologe | |
persclinicalorthopedagogist | Clinical orthopedagogist | Orthopédagogue clinicien | Klinisch orthopedagoog | Klinischer Orthopädagoge | |
orgretirementhome | retirementhome | maison de repos | woonzorgcentrum | Altenheim | |
orgrevalidationcenter | revalidation center | centre de revalidation | revalidatiecentrum | Unfallkrankenhaus | |
orgshelteredliving | sheltered living | initiative d’habitation protégée | initiatief voor beschut wonen | geschütztes Leben | |
orgpsychiatriccarehome | psychiatric care home | maison de soins psychiatriques | psychiatrische verzorgingstehuis | psychiatrisches Pflegeheim | |
orgpolyclinic | polyclinic | polyclinique | polikliniek | Poliklinik | |
persappliedpsychbachelor | Bachelor in applied psychology | Bachelier en psychologie | Bachelor in de toegepaste psychologie | Bachelor in angewandter Psychologie | |
persfamilysciencebachelor | Bachelor in family sciences | Bachelier en sciences de la famille | Bachelor in de gezinswetenschappen | Bachelor in Familienwissenschaften | |
persgerontologymaster | Master in gerontological sciences | Master en gérontologie | Master in de gerontologie | Master in Gerontologie | |
persorthopedagogistmaster | Master of orthopedagogist | Master en orthopédagogie | Master in de orthopedagogie | Master in Heilpädagogik | |
perspsychomotortherapymaster | Master in psychomotor therapy | Master en thérapie psychomotrice | Master in de psychomotorische therapie | Master in Psychomotorik | |
persreadaptationbachelor | Bachelor in physiotherapy and rehabilitation | Bachelier en kinésithérapie et réadaptation | Bachelor in de readaptatiewetenschappen | Bachelor in Rehabilitation | |
perspedagogybachelor | Bachelor in pedagogy | Bachelier en pédagogie | Bachelor in de opvoedkunde | Bachelor in Pädagogik | |
deptpsychogeriatry | Psychogeriatry | Psychogériatrie | Psychogeriatrie | Psychogeriatrie | |
persoptometrist | optometrist | optométriste | optometrist | Optometrist | |
persmobilityimprover | mobility improver (orthopedic technologist) | améliorateur de mobilité (technologue en orthopédie) | mobiliteitsverbeteraar (orthopedisch technoloog) | Mobilitätsverbesserer (Orthopädietechniker) | |
persbandagistorthosiologist | bandagist orthosiologist (orthopedic technologist) | orthosiologue bandagiste (technologue en orthopédie) | bandagist orthosioloog (orthopedisch technoloog) | Bandagist Orthosiologe (Orthopädietechniker) | |
persprosthesiologist | prosthesiologist (orthopedic technologist) | prothésiste (technologue en orthopédie) | prothesemaker (orthopedisch technoloog) | Orthopädietechniker (Orthopädietechniker) | |
persshoetechnologist | shoe technologist (orthopedic technologist) | technicien de chaussures (technologue en orthopédie) | schoentechnicus (orthopedisch technoloog) | Schuhtechniker (Orthopädietechniker) | |
orgpharmacyinvoicingoffice | pharmacy invoicing office | office de tarification | facturatie kantoor apotheek | Rechnungstelle für Apotheken |
Code | Meaning (English) | Meaning (French) | Meaning (Dutch) | Meaning (German) | SNOMED-CT |
deptanatomopathology | anatomopathology | anatomopathologie | anatomo-pathologie | pathologische Anatomie | |
deptanesthesiology | anesthesiology | anesthésiologie | anesthesiologie | Anästhesiologe | |
deptbacteriology | bacteriology | bactériologie | bacteriologie | Bakteriologie | |
deptcardiology | cardiology | cardiologie | cardiologie | Kardiologie | |
deptdermatology | dermatology | dermatologie | dermatologie | Dermatologie | |
deptdietetics | dietetics | diététique | diëtetiek | Diätetik | |
deptemergency | emergency | services d'urgence | spoeddiensten | Notfalldienst | |
deptgastroenterology | gastroenterology | gastroentérologie | gastro-enterologie | Gastroenterologie | |
deptgeneralpractice | general practice | médecine générale | algemene geneeskunde | Allgemeinmedizin | |
deptgenetics | genetics | génétique | genetica | Genetik | |
deptgeriatry | geriatry | gériatrie | geriatrie | Geriatrie | |
deptgynecology | gynecology | gynécologie | gynaecologie | Gynäkologie | |
depthematology | hematology | hématologie | hematologie | Hämatologie | |
deptintensivecare | intensive care | soins intensifs | intensieve zorgen | Intensivmedizin | |
deptkinesitherapy | kinesitherapy | kinésithérapie | kinesitherapie | Bewegungstherapie | |
deptlaboratory | Laboratory service or department within an organisation | Service / Département laboratoire au sein d'une organisation | Laboratoriumdienst of -afdeling binnen een organisatie | Laboratorium Dienst/Abteilung in einer Organisation | |
deptmedicine | internal medecine | médicine interne | interne geneeskunde | Innere Medizin | |
deptmolecularbiology | molecular biology | biologie moléculaire | moleculaire biologie | Molekularbiologie | |
deptneonatalogy | neonatalogy | néonatologie | neonatologie | Neonatologie | |
deptnephrology | nephrology | néphrologie | nefrologie | Nephrologie | |
deptneurology | neurology | neurologie | neurologie | Neurologie | |
deptnte | nose-throat-ear | oto-rhino-laryngologie | neus-keel-oor (NKO) | Otorhinolaryngologie | |
deptnuclear | nuclear | médecine nucléaire | nucleaire geneeskunde | Nuklearmedizin | |
deptoncology | oncology | oncologie | oncologie | Onkologie | |
deptophtalmology | ophtalmology | ophtalmologie | oftalmologie | Augenheilkunde | |
deptpediatry | pediatry | pédiatrie | pediatrie | Pädiatrie | |
deptpharmacy | Pharmacy service or department within an organisation | Service / Département pharmacie au sein d'une organisation | Apotheekdienst of -afdeling binnen een organisatie | Pharmazie Dienst/Abteilung in einer Organisation | |
deptphysiotherapy | physiotherapy | physiothérapie | fysiotherapie | Physiotherapie | |
deptpneumology | pneumology | pneumologie | pulmonologie | Pulmonologie | |
deptpsychiatry | psychiatry | psychiatrie | psychiatrie | Psychiatrie | |
deptradiology | radiology | radiologie | radiologie | Radiologie | |
deptradiotherapy | radiotherapy | radiothérapie | radiotherapie | Strahlentherapie | |
deptrhumatology (deprecated) | rhumatology | rhumatologie | reumatologie | Rheumatologie | |
deptstomatology | stomatology | stomatologie | stomatologie | Stomatologie | |
deptsurgery | surgery | chirurgie | chirurgie | Chirurgie | |
depttoxicology | toxicology | toxicologie | toxicologie | Toxikologie | |
depturology | urology | urologie | urologie | Urologie | |
orghospital | hospital | hôpital | ziekenhuis | Krankenhaus | |
orginsurance | insurance | assurance | verzekering | Versicherung | |
orglaboratory | Independent laboratory | laboratoire indépendant | Onafhankelijk laboratorium | Unabhängiges Laboratorium | |
orgpublichealth | public health organisation | service public de santé | openbare gezondheidsdienst | Gesundheitsbehörde | |
persbiologist | medical laboratory technician | technicien de laboratoire médical | medisch laboratoriumtechnoloog | medizinischer Labortechniker | |
persdentist | dentist | dentiste | tandarts | Zahnarzt | |
persnurse | nurse | infirmier | verpleegkundige | Krankenpfleger/in | |
persparamedical (deprecated) | paramedical (deprecated: use the specific code from CD-HCPARTY for the paramedical) | personnel paramédical (deprecated: utilisez un code spécifique du CD-HCPARTY pour personnel paramédical) | paramedisch personeel (deprecated: gebruik een specifieke code van CD-HCPARTY voor paramedisch personeel) | medizinisches Hilfspersonal (deprecated: verwenden Sie den spezifischen Code von CD-HCPARTY für medizinisches Hilfspersonal) | |
perspharmacist | pharmacist | pharmacien | apotheker | Apotheker | |
persphysician | physician | médecin | arts | Arzt | |
perssocialworker | social worker | travailleur social | maatschappelijk werker | Sozialarbeiter | |
perstechnician | Medical Imaging Technician | Technicien d'imagerie médicale | Technicus medische beeldvorming | medizinische Bildgebung Techniker | |
persadministrative | administrative | personnel admistratif | administratieve medewerker | Büroangestellte(r) | |
persmidwife | midwife | sage-femme | vroedvrouw | Hebamme | |
application | software application | application logicielle | softwaretoepassing | Softwareapplikation | |
deptorthopedy | orthopedy | orthopédie | orthopedie | Orthopädie | |
orgpractice | practice organisation | cabinet | praktijk | Praxis | |
orgpharmacy | Independent pharmacy | Pharmacie indépendante | Onafhankelijke apotheek | Unabhängige Apotheke | |
deptalgology | algology | algologie | algologie | Algologie | |
deptcardiacsurgery | cardiac surgery | chirurgie cardiaque | hartchirurgie | Herzchirurgie | |
depthandsurgery | hand surgery | chirurgie de la main | handchirurgie | Handchirurgie | |
deptmaxillofacialsurgery | maxillofacial surgery | chirurgie maxillofaciale | mond-, kaak- en aangezichtschirurgie | Mund-Kiefer-Gesichtschirurgie | |
deptpediatricsurgery | pediatric surgery | chirurgie pédiatrique | kinderchirurgie | Kinderchirurgie | |
deptplasticandreparatorysurgery | plastic and reparatory surgery | chirurgie esthétique et réparatrice | plastische en reconstructieve chirurgie | plastische Chirurgie und Reparaturchirurgie | |
deptthoracicsurgery | thoracic surgery | chirurgie thoracique | thoraxchirurgie | Thoraxchirurgie | |
deptvascularsurgery | vascular surgery | chirurgie vasculaire | vasculaire chirurgie | Vaskuläre Chirurgie | |
deptvisceraldigestiveabdominalsurgery | visceral digestive abdominal surgery | chirurgie abdominale, digestive et viscérale | digestieve/viscerale chirurgie/buikchirurgie | Viszeralchirurgie/Abdominalchirurgie/Bauchchirurgie | |
deptdentistry | dentistry | dentisterie | tandheelkunde | Zahnheilkunde | |
deptdiabetology | diabetology | diabétologie | diabetologie | Diabetologie | |
deptendocrinology | endocrinology | endocrinologie | endocrinologie/hormonenleer | Endokrinologie | |
deptoccupationaltherapy | occupational therapy | ergothérapie | ergotherapie | Ergotherapie | |
deptmajorburns | major burns | grands brûlés | brandwondencentrum | Zentrum für Schwerbrandverletzte | |
deptinfectiousdisease | infectious disease | maladie infectieuse | infectieziekte | Infektionskrankheit | |
deptspeechtherapy | speech therapy | logopédie | logopedie | Sprachtherapie | |
deptsportsmedecine | sports medecine | médecine des sports | sportgeneeskunde | Sportmedizin | |
deptphysicalmedecine | physical medecine | médecine physique | fysische geneeskunde | physikalische Medizin | |
depttropicalmedecine | tropical medecine | médecine tropicale | tropische geneeskunde | Tropenmedizin | |
deptneurosurgery | neuro surgery | neurochirurgie | neurochirurgie | Neurochirurgie | |
deptnutritiondietetics | nutrition dietetics | diététique nutritionnelle | diëtetiek | Diätetik | |
deptobstetrics | obstetrics | obstétrique | verloskunde | Geburtshilfe | |
deptchildandadolescentpsychiatry | child and adolescent psychiatry | psychiatrie de l'enfant et de l'adolescent | kinder- en jeugdpsychiatrie | Kinder-und Jugendpsychologie | |
deptpodiatry | podiatry | podiatrie | podiatrie | Podiatrie | |
deptpsychology | psychology | psychologie | psychologie | Psychologie | |
deptrevalidation | revalidation | rééducation | revalidatie | Rehabilitation | |
deptsenology | senology | sénologie | senologie | Senologie | |
deptsocialservice | social service | service social | sociale dienst | Sozialdienst | |
deptpediatricintensivecare | pediatric intensive care | soins intensifs pédiatriques | intensieve zorg voor kinderen | Intensivpflege für Kinder | |
deptpalliativecare | palliative care | soins palliatifs | palliatieve zorg | Palliativpflege | |
deptrheumatology | rheumatology | rhumatologie | reumatologie | Rheumatologie | |
persambulancefirstaid | ambulance first aid | ambulance premier secours | ambulance eerste hulp | Krankenwagen erste Hilfe | |
persaudician | audician | audicien | audicien | Hörgeräteakustiker | |
persaudiologist | audiologist | audiologue | audioloog | Audiologe | |
perscaregiver (deprecated) | caregiver | soignant informel | mantelzorger | Pflegeperson | |
persdietician | dietician | diététicien | dietist | Diätist | |
perseducator | educator | éducateur | opvoeder | Erzieher | |
perslogopedist | logopedist | logopède | logopedist | Logopäde | |
persoccupationaltherapist | occupational therapist | ergothérapeute | ergotherapeut | Ergotherapeut | |
persorthopedist (deprecated) | orthopedist | orthopédiste | orthopedist | Orthopädist | |
persorthoptist | orthoptist | orthoptiste | orthoptist | Orthoptist | |
persoptician | optician | opticien | opticien | Optiker | |
perspharmacyassistant | pharmacy assistant | assistant en pharmacie | apothekersassistent | Apothekenhelfer | |
persphysiotherapist | physiotherapist | kinésithérapeute | kinesitherapeut | Krankengymnast | |
perspodologist | podologist | podologue | podologist | Podologe | |
perspracticalnurse | practical nurse | aide-soignante | verzorgende | Pfleger | |
perspsychologist | psychologist | psychologue | psycholoog | Psychologe | |
orgprimaryhealthcarecenter | primary health care center | Maison médicale | medisch huis | Gesundheitspflege der ersten Linie | |
guardpost | Guard post | poste de garde | wachtpost | Wachposten | |
groupofphysicianssameaddress | Group of physicians same address | regroupement de médecins même adresse | groepering van artsen zelfde adres | Gruppierung von Ärzten gleiche Adresse | |
groupofphysiciansdifferentaddress | Group of physicians different address | Regroupement de médecins adresse différente | Groepering van artsen verschillend adres | Gruppierung von Ärzten andere Adresse | |
groupofnurses | Group of nurses | Regroupement d'infirmiers | Groepering van verplegers | Krankenpflegeverein | |
certificateholder | Certificate holder | Titulaire du certificat | Houder van certificaat | Zertifikatsinhaber | |
perstrussmaker | Truss maker | Bandagiste | Bandagist | Bandagist | |
patient | Patient | Patient | Patient | Patient | |
persorthotist | Orthotist | Orthésiste/Prothésiste | Orthopedische technieker | Orthopädietechniker | |
perspatientdriver | Patient driver (not urgent) | Transporteur de patient (non urgent) | Ziekenvervoerder (niet urgent) | Patientenfahrer (nicht dringend) | |
orgprevention | Prevention organisation | Service de pévention | Preventiedienst | Präventionsdienst | |
perspharmacistclinicalbiologist | pharmacist-clinical biologist | pharmacien-biologiste clinicien | apotheker-klinisch bioloog | Apotheker-klinische Biologe | |
hub | hub | hub | hub | hub | |
deptnursing | nursing | soins infirmiers | verpleegkunde | Krankenpflege | |
persoraldentalhygienist | Oral dental hygienist | Hygiéniste bucco-dentaire | Mondhygiënist | Dentalhygieniker | |
persclinicalpsychologist | Clinical psychologist | Psychologue clinicien | Klinisch psycholoog | Klinischer Psychologe | |
persclinicalorthopedagogist | Clinical orthopedagogist | Orthopédagogue clinicien | Klinisch orthopedagoog | Klinischer Orthopädagoge | |
orgretirementhome | retirementhome | maison de repos | woonzorgcentrum | Altenheim | |
orgrevalidationcenter | revalidation center | centre de revalidation | revalidatiecentrum | Unfallkrankenhaus | |
orgshelteredliving | sheltered living | initiative d’habitation protégée | initiatief voor beschut wonen | geschütztes Leben | |
orgpsychiatriccarehome | psychiatric care home | maison de soins psychiatriques | psychiatrische verzorgingstehuis | psychiatrisches Pflegeheim | |
orgpolyclinic | polyclinic | polyclinique | polikliniek | Poliklinik | |
persappliedpsychbachelor | Bachelor in applied psychology | Bachelier en psychologie | Bachelor in de toegepaste psychologie | Bachelor in angewandter Psychologie | |
persfamilysciencebachelor | Bachelor in family sciences | Bachelier en sciences de la famille | Bachelor in de gezinswetenschappen | Bachelor in Familienwissenschaften | |
persgerontologymaster | Master in gerontological sciences | Master en gérontologie | Master in de gerontologie | Master in Gerontologie | |
persorthopedagogistmaster | Master of orthopedagogist | Master en orthopédagogie | Master in de orthopedagogie | Master in Heilpädagogik | |
perspsychomotortherapymaster | Master in psychomotor therapy | Master en thérapie psychomotrice | Master in de psychomotorische therapie | Master in Psychomotorik | |
persreadaptationbachelor | Bachelor in physiotherapy and rehabilitation | Bachelier en kinésithérapie et réadaptation | Bachelor in de readaptatiewetenschappen | Bachelor in Rehabilitation | |
perspedagogybachelor | Bachelor in pedagogy | Bachelier en pédagogie | Bachelor in de opvoedkunde | Bachelor in Pädagogik | |
deptpsychogeriatry | Psychogeriatry | Psychogériatrie | Psychogeriatrie | Psychogeriatrie | |
persoptometrist | optometrist | optométriste | optometrist | Optometrist | |
persmobilityimprover | mobility improver (orthopedic technologist) | améliorateur de mobilité (technologue en orthopédie) | mobiliteitsverbeteraar (orthopedisch technoloog) | Mobilitätsverbesserer (Orthopädietechniker) | |
persbandagistorthosiologist | bandagist orthosiologist (orthopedic technologist) | orthosiologue bandagiste (technologue en orthopédie) | bandagist orthosioloog (orthopedisch technoloog) | Bandagist Orthosiologe (Orthopädietechniker) | |
persprosthesiologist | prosthesiologist (orthopedic technologist) | prothésiste (technologue en orthopédie) | prothesemaker (orthopedisch technoloog) | Orthopädietechniker (Orthopädietechniker) | |
persshoetechnologist | shoe technologist (orthopedic technologist) | technicien de chaussures (technologue en orthopédie) | schoentechnicus (orthopedisch technoloog) | Schuhtechniker (Orthopädietechniker) | |
orgpharmacyinvoicingoffice | pharmacy invoicing office | office de tarification | facturatie kantoor apotheek | Rechnungstelle für Apotheken |
<hcparty> <id SV="1.0" S="ID-HCPARTY">71071801</id> <cd SV="1.18" S="CD-HCPARTY">orghospital</cd> <name>Hôpital civil de Charleroi</name> </hcparty> Explanation: This means that the health care party is an organisation and more precisely an hospital.
<hcparty> <id SV="1.0" S="ID-HCPARTY">71071801</id> <cd SV="1.18" S="CD-HCPARTY">orghospital</cd> <name>Hôpital civil de Charleroi</name> </hcparty> Explanation: This means that the health care party is an organisation and more precisely an hospital.