Web Services

The definition of KMEHR is completed by a minimal set of web service operations to support the exchange and the sharing of medical files. Those web services result from concrete implementations initiated throughout the Flows projects.

In order to unify the interfaces developed within those local and regional initiatives, a revision of those interfaces has been undertaken within the ‘G19 - Belgian Care Providers Telematic Advisory Group’ in the context of the 'hubs-metahub' architecture. The result of this work is available here. The work currently published has the status of a draft as the definitions must still be validated through effective testing with partners involved in the hub-metahub project. Those tests are currently running.

The 'hub-metahub' architecture identifies two sets of web service operations: the operations provided by the hubs to their clients, called 'intrahub webservices', and the web service operations provided by the hubs to the other hubs, called 'interhub webservices'.

The functional specification of each operation is available in the table below.

The following archive file contains the complete XSD structure corresponding to the payload of the webservices. It also contains the WSDL that defines the interface at the interhub level.

xsd-hubservices-1.3.0.jar (2024-03-27)

xsd-hubservices-3.6.0.jar (2024-03-27)