0 Table of Contents |
  1 Home |
  2 Guidance |
  3 Changes |
  4 Artifacts Summary |
   4.1 BeModelVaccination |
   4.2 BeModelVaccinationReduced |
   4.3 BeVaccination |
   4.4 BeAdministeredProduct |
   4.5 BeExtSimpleNote |
   4.6 BeVaccinationConfirmationStatus |
   4.7 BeVaccinationOriginalOrder |
   4.8 BeVaccinationStockFundingOrganization |
   4.9 BeVaccinationStockOrigin |
   4.10 BeVSCareLocation |
   4.11 BeVSVaccinationBodySite |
   4.12 BeVSVaccinationConfirmationStatus |
   4.13 BeVSVaccinationProduct |
   4.14 BeVSVaccinationReasonCode |
   4.15 BeVSVaccinationStatusReason |
   4.16 BeVSVaccineAdministrationRoute |
   4.17 BeVSVaccineCode |
   4.18 BeVSVaccineTargetDisease |
   4.19 BeCSCareLocation |
   4.20 BeCSStatusReason |
   4.21 BeCSVaccinationConfirmationStatus |
   4.22 BeCSVaccineAdministrationRoute |
   4.23 BeCSVaccineCode |
   4.24 BeCSVaccineTargetDisease |
   4.25 be-ns-one-vaccination |
   4.26 be-ns-product-manufacturer |
   4.27 be-ns-vaccinnet-vaccinecode |
   4.28 angioedema |
   4.29 Aymeric - rotavirus 1st dose |
   4.30 Aymeric - rotavirus 2nd dose |
   4.31 Aymeric - rotavirus 3rd dose |
   4.32 demo-encounter |
   4.33 demo-encounter-2 |
   4.34 demo-location |
   4.35 Eva - HPV 1st dose |
   4.36 Eva - HPV 2nd dose |
   4.37 Example based on data from Vaccinnet 1 |
   4.38 fever |
   4.39 Gabriel - influenza vaccine |
   4.40 Immunization Example - 1. HPV |
   4.41 Immunization Example - 1. Toto normal |
   4.42 Immunization Example - 1. Toto normal |
   4.43 Immunization Example - 2. childhood measles |
   4.44 Immunization Example - 2. Juan normal |
   4.45 Immunization Example - 3. Emergency reinforcement |
   4.46 Immunization Example - 4. not done due to not enough stock. This can happen when there are surges or any disruption in the supply chain |
   4.47 Immunization Example - 4. not done due to not enough stock. This can happen when there are surges or any disruption in the supply chain |
   4.48 Immunization Example - 4. not done due to not enough stock. This can happen when there are surges or any disruption in the supply chain |
   4.49 Immunization Example - Immediate reaction (swelling and redness) upon administration |
   4.50 Immunization Example - Mistaken entry of measles when patient means rubeola |
   4.51 Immunization Example - Mistaken entry of measles when patient means rubeola |
   4.52 Immunization Example - Mistaken entry of measles when patient means rubeola |
   4.53 Jan's first COVID-19 vaccination |
   4.54 Jan's second failed COVID-19 vaccination |
   4.55 Jan's second successful COVID-19 vaccination |
   4.56 Juan - 1st hexa (reported) |
   4.57 Juan - 2nd hexa (hospital) |
   4.58 Juan - 3rd hexa (effective) |
   4.59 Juan - 3rd hexa (not done) |
   4.60 Julia - refuse HPV |
   4.61 org-university |
   4.62 othercode |
   4.63 Regional Child Care Agency |
   4.64 Research and Training Hospital |
   4.65 Simon HPV - work |
   4.66 Swelling and redness |
   4.67 terminology-expansion |
   4.68 Toto - 2nd hexavalent vaccination |
   4.69 Toto - 3rd hexavalent vaccination |
   4.70 Toto - 4th hexavalent vaccination - skipped (fever) |
   4.71 Toto - 4th hexavalent vaccination |
   4.72 Toto - First hexavalent vaccination |