HL7 Belgium Vaccination (Patient Dossier)
1.0.3 - STU Belgium flag

This page is part of the HL7 Belgium FHIR Implementation Guide - Vaccination profiles (v1.0.3: Release) based on FHIR R4. This is the current published version in its permanent home (it will always be available at this URL). For a full list of available versions, see the Directory of published versions

Logical Model: BeModelVaccination

Official URL: https://www.ehealth.fgov.be/standards/fhir/vaccination/StructureDefinition/be-model-vaccination Version: 1.0.3
Active as of 2023-06-26 Computable Name: BeModelVaccination

Logical Model for vaccination


  • This Logical Model Profile is not used by any profiles in this Implementation Guide

Formal Views of Profile Content

Description of Profiles, Differentials, Snapshots and how the different presentations work.

This structure is derived from Element

NameFlagsCard.TypeDescription & Constraintsdoco
.. be-model-vaccination 0..*ElementBase for all elements
This logical model cannot be the target of a reference
... recorded 1..1dateTimeThe date and time when the administration of the vaccine was recorded
... patient 1..1Reference(Patient)The patient that received vaccination.
... vaccinationRequest 0..1Reference()The patient-specific order or recommendation for the vaccination
... performer 0..1Reference(Practitioner)The professional that administered the medication
... vaccineCode 1..1CodeableConceptThe vaccine code, typically identified by the diseas(s) it covers. For example MMR, HPV, Tetanus, DTPa
... vaccinationDate[x] 0..1The date and time when the vaccination has been administered
.... vaccinationDateDateTimedateTime
.... vaccinationDateStringstring
... administeredProduct 0..1BackboneElementThe details of the product that was administered.
.... product[x] 0..1The actual product that was administered. This should be a product code or a reference to an actual Medication resource
..... productReferenceReference(Any)
..... productCodeableConceptCodeableConcept
.... lotNumber 0..1stringThe lot number
.... expirationDate 0..1dateThe expiration date of the product.
... route 0..1CodeableConceptThe route of administration.
... status 1..1codeThe status of this vaccination record entry
... statusReason 0..1CodeableConceptThe reason for the status e.g. 'not completed because...'
Binding: BeVSVaccinationStatusReason (required): Belgium codes to describe reasons considered for status of vaccination actions, e.g. reasons for not administering vaccine

... reaction 0..1BackboneElementReaction to the immunization - cfr. AllergyIntolerance
.... reactionDate 1..1dateTimedate of the reaction
.... manifestation 0..1Reference()reference to the observation of the reaction
... doseQuantity 0..1BackboneElementThe number or quantity of product(s) that was administered - e.g. 1/2 dose
... note 0..1AttachmentAdditional notes for the vaccination.
... site 1..1CodeableConceptThe body site where the vaccination entered the body
... identifier 0..*IdentifierThe business identifier(s) for the vaccination entry
... bodyLaterality 0..1CodeableConceptThe side of the body (for sites that occur on both sides of the body)
... location 0..1Reference()The location where the immunization is performed.
... locationType 0..1CodeableConceptThe location where the immunization administration was performed. This can be a text (e.g. 'at the physician's office' or a code e.g. '00078' meaning 'patient's home'
... cause 0..1CodeableConceptIs the vaccination due to pre or post exposition prophylaxis?

doco Documentation for this format

Terminology Bindings (Differential)

NameFlagsCard.TypeDescription & Constraintsdoco
.. be-model-vaccination 0..*ElementBase for all elements
This logical model cannot be the target of a reference
... recorded 1..1dateTimeThe date and time when the administration of the vaccine was recorded
... patient 1..1Reference(Patient)The patient that received vaccination.
... vaccinationRequest 0..1Reference()The patient-specific order or recommendation for the vaccination
... performer 0..1Reference(Practitioner)The professional that administered the medication
... vaccineCode 1..1CodeableConceptThe vaccine code, typically identified by the diseas(s) it covers. For example MMR, HPV, Tetanus, DTPa
... vaccinationDate[x] 0..1The date and time when the vaccination has been administered
.... vaccinationDateDateTimedateTime
.... vaccinationDateStringstring
... administeredProduct 0..1BackboneElementThe details of the product that was administered.
.... modifierExtension ?!Σ0..*ExtensionExtensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized
.... product[x] 0..1The actual product that was administered. This should be a product code or a reference to an actual Medication resource
..... productReferenceReference(Any)
..... productCodeableConceptCodeableConcept
.... lotNumber 0..1stringThe lot number
.... expirationDate 0..1dateThe expiration date of the product.
... route 0..1CodeableConceptThe route of administration.
... status 1..1codeThe status of this vaccination record entry
... statusReason 0..1CodeableConceptThe reason for the status e.g. 'not completed because...'
Binding: BeVSVaccinationStatusReason (required): Belgium codes to describe reasons considered for status of vaccination actions, e.g. reasons for not administering vaccine

... reaction 0..1BackboneElementReaction to the immunization - cfr. AllergyIntolerance
.... modifierExtension ?!Σ0..*ExtensionExtensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized
.... reactionDate 1..1dateTimedate of the reaction
.... manifestation 0..1Reference()reference to the observation of the reaction
... doseQuantity 0..1BackboneElementThe number or quantity of product(s) that was administered - e.g. 1/2 dose
... note 0..1AttachmentAdditional notes for the vaccination.
... site 1..1CodeableConceptThe body site where the vaccination entered the body
... identifier 0..*IdentifierThe business identifier(s) for the vaccination entry
... bodyLaterality 0..1CodeableConceptThe side of the body (for sites that occur on both sides of the body)
... location 0..1Reference()The location where the immunization is performed.
... locationType 0..1CodeableConceptThe location where the immunization administration was performed. This can be a text (e.g. 'at the physician's office' or a code e.g. '00078' meaning 'patient's home'
... cause 0..1CodeableConceptIs the vaccination due to pre or post exposition prophylaxis?

doco Documentation for this format

Terminology Bindings

NameFlagsCard.TypeDescription & Constraintsdoco
.. be-model-vaccination 0..*ElementBase for all elements
This logical model cannot be the target of a reference
... extension 0..*ExtensionAdditional content defined by implementations
Slice: Unordered, Open by value:url
... recorded 1..1dateTimeThe date and time when the administration of the vaccine was recorded
... patient 1..1Reference(Patient)The patient that received vaccination.
... recorder 1..1Reference(Practitioner)The professional that recorded the administration of the vaccine
... performer 0..1Reference(Practitioner)The professional that administered the medication
... vaccineCode 1..1CodeableConceptThe vaccine code, typically identified by the diseas(s) it covers. For example MMR, HPV, Tetanus, DTPa
... vaccinationDate[x] 0..1The date and time when the vaccination has been administered
.... vaccinationDateDateTimedateTime
.... vaccinationDateStringstring
... administeredProduct 0..1BackboneElementThe details of the product that was administered.
.... extension 0..*ExtensionAdditional content defined by implementations
Slice: Unordered, Open by value:url
.... modifierExtension ?!Σ0..*ExtensionExtensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized
.... product[x] 0..1The actual product that was administered. This should be a product code or a reference to an actual Medication resource
..... productReferenceReference(Any)
..... productCodeableConceptCodeableConcept
.... lotNumber 0..1stringThe lot number
.... expirationDate 0..1dateThe expiration date of the product.
... route 0..1CodeableConceptThe route of administration.
... status 1..1codeThe status of this vaccination record entry
... statusReason 0..1CodeableConceptThe reason for the status e.g. 'not completed because...'
Binding: BeVSVaccinationStatusReason (required): Belgium codes to describe reasons considered for status of vaccination actions, e.g. reasons for not administering vaccine

... reaction 0..1BackboneElementReaction to the immunization - cfr. AllergyIntolerance
.... extension 0..*ExtensionAdditional content defined by implementations
Slice: Unordered, Open by value:url
.... modifierExtension ?!Σ0..*ExtensionExtensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized
.... reactionDate 1..1dateTimedate of the reaction
.... manifestation 0..1Reference()reference to the observation of the reaction
... doseQuantity 0..1BackboneElementThe number or quantity of product(s) that was administered - e.g. 1/2 dose
... note 0..1AttachmentAdditional notes for the vaccination.
... site 1..1CodeableConceptThe body site where the vaccination entered the body
... identifier 0..*IdentifierThe business identifier(s) for the vaccination entry
... bodyLaterality 0..1CodeableConceptThe side of the body (for sites that occur on both sides of the body)
... location 0..1Reference()The location where the immunization is performed.
... locationType 0..1CodeableConceptThe location where the immunization administration was performed. This can be a text (e.g. 'at the physician's office' or a code e.g. '00078' meaning 'patient's home'
... cause 0..1CodeableConceptIs the vaccination due to pre or post exposition prophylaxis?

doco Documentation for this format

Terminology Bindings


This structure is derived from Element


Mandatory: 0 element (7 nested mandatory elements)

Differential View

This structure is derived from Element

NameFlagsCard.TypeDescription & Constraintsdoco
.. be-model-vaccination 0..*ElementBase for all elements
This logical model cannot be the target of a reference
... recorded 1..1dateTimeThe date and time when the administration of the vaccine was recorded
... patient 1..1Reference(Patient)The patient that received vaccination.
... vaccinationRequest 0..1Reference()The patient-specific order or recommendation for the vaccination
... performer 0..1Reference(Practitioner)The professional that administered the medication
... vaccineCode 1..1CodeableConceptThe vaccine code, typically identified by the diseas(s) it covers. For example MMR, HPV, Tetanus, DTPa
... vaccinationDate[x] 0..1The date and time when the vaccination has been administered
.... vaccinationDateDateTimedateTime
.... vaccinationDateStringstring
... administeredProduct 0..1BackboneElementThe details of the product that was administered.
.... product[x] 0..1The actual product that was administered. This should be a product code or a reference to an actual Medication resource
..... productReferenceReference(Any)
..... productCodeableConceptCodeableConcept
.... lotNumber 0..1stringThe lot number
.... expirationDate 0..1dateThe expiration date of the product.
... route 0..1CodeableConceptThe route of administration.
... status 1..1codeThe status of this vaccination record entry
... statusReason 0..1CodeableConceptThe reason for the status e.g. 'not completed because...'
Binding: BeVSVaccinationStatusReason (required): Belgium codes to describe reasons considered for status of vaccination actions, e.g. reasons for not administering vaccine

... reaction 0..1BackboneElementReaction to the immunization - cfr. AllergyIntolerance
.... reactionDate 1..1dateTimedate of the reaction
.... manifestation 0..1Reference()reference to the observation of the reaction
... doseQuantity 0..1BackboneElementThe number or quantity of product(s) that was administered - e.g. 1/2 dose
... note 0..1AttachmentAdditional notes for the vaccination.
... site 1..1CodeableConceptThe body site where the vaccination entered the body
... identifier 0..*IdentifierThe business identifier(s) for the vaccination entry
... bodyLaterality 0..1CodeableConceptThe side of the body (for sites that occur on both sides of the body)
... location 0..1Reference()The location where the immunization is performed.
... locationType 0..1CodeableConceptThe location where the immunization administration was performed. This can be a text (e.g. 'at the physician's office' or a code e.g. '00078' meaning 'patient's home'
... cause 0..1CodeableConceptIs the vaccination due to pre or post exposition prophylaxis?

doco Documentation for this format

Terminology Bindings (Differential)


Key Elements View

NameFlagsCard.TypeDescription & Constraintsdoco
.. be-model-vaccination 0..*ElementBase for all elements
This logical model cannot be the target of a reference
... recorded 1..1dateTimeThe date and time when the administration of the vaccine was recorded
... patient 1..1Reference(Patient)The patient that received vaccination.
... vaccinationRequest 0..1Reference()The patient-specific order or recommendation for the vaccination
... performer 0..1Reference(Practitioner)The professional that administered the medication
... vaccineCode 1..1CodeableConceptThe vaccine code, typically identified by the diseas(s) it covers. For example MMR, HPV, Tetanus, DTPa
... vaccinationDate[x] 0..1The date and time when the vaccination has been administered
.... vaccinationDateDateTimedateTime
.... vaccinationDateStringstring
... administeredProduct 0..1BackboneElementThe details of the product that was administered.
.... modifierExtension ?!Σ0..*ExtensionExtensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized
.... product[x] 0..1The actual product that was administered. This should be a product code or a reference to an actual Medication resource
..... productReferenceReference(Any)
..... productCodeableConceptCodeableConcept
.... lotNumber 0..1stringThe lot number
.... expirationDate 0..1dateThe expiration date of the product.
... route 0..1CodeableConceptThe route of administration.
... status 1..1codeThe status of this vaccination record entry
... statusReason 0..1CodeableConceptThe reason for the status e.g. 'not completed because...'
Binding: BeVSVaccinationStatusReason (required): Belgium codes to describe reasons considered for status of vaccination actions, e.g. reasons for not administering vaccine

... reaction 0..1BackboneElementReaction to the immunization - cfr. AllergyIntolerance
.... modifierExtension ?!Σ0..*ExtensionExtensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized
.... reactionDate 1..1dateTimedate of the reaction
.... manifestation 0..1Reference()reference to the observation of the reaction
... doseQuantity 0..1BackboneElementThe number or quantity of product(s) that was administered - e.g. 1/2 dose
... note 0..1AttachmentAdditional notes for the vaccination.
... site 1..1CodeableConceptThe body site where the vaccination entered the body
... identifier 0..*IdentifierThe business identifier(s) for the vaccination entry
... bodyLaterality 0..1CodeableConceptThe side of the body (for sites that occur on both sides of the body)
... location 0..1Reference()The location where the immunization is performed.
... locationType 0..1CodeableConceptThe location where the immunization administration was performed. This can be a text (e.g. 'at the physician's office' or a code e.g. '00078' meaning 'patient's home'
... cause 0..1CodeableConceptIs the vaccination due to pre or post exposition prophylaxis?

doco Documentation for this format

Terminology Bindings


Snapshot View

NameFlagsCard.TypeDescription & Constraintsdoco
.. be-model-vaccination 0..*ElementBase for all elements
This logical model cannot be the target of a reference
... extension 0..*ExtensionAdditional content defined by implementations
Slice: Unordered, Open by value:url
... recorded 1..1dateTimeThe date and time when the administration of the vaccine was recorded
... patient 1..1Reference(Patient)The patient that received vaccination.
... recorder 1..1Reference(Practitioner)The professional that recorded the administration of the vaccine
... performer 0..1Reference(Practitioner)The professional that administered the medication
... vaccineCode 1..1CodeableConceptThe vaccine code, typically identified by the diseas(s) it covers. For example MMR, HPV, Tetanus, DTPa
... vaccinationDate[x] 0..1The date and time when the vaccination has been administered
.... vaccinationDateDateTimedateTime
.... vaccinationDateStringstring
... administeredProduct 0..1BackboneElementThe details of the product that was administered.
.... extension 0..*ExtensionAdditional content defined by implementations
Slice: Unordered, Open by value:url
.... modifierExtension ?!Σ0..*ExtensionExtensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized
.... product[x] 0..1The actual product that was administered. This should be a product code or a reference to an actual Medication resource
..... productReferenceReference(Any)
..... productCodeableConceptCodeableConcept
.... lotNumber 0..1stringThe lot number
.... expirationDate 0..1dateThe expiration date of the product.
... route 0..1CodeableConceptThe route of administration.
... status 1..1codeThe status of this vaccination record entry
... statusReason 0..1CodeableConceptThe reason for the status e.g. 'not completed because...'
Binding: BeVSVaccinationStatusReason (required): Belgium codes to describe reasons considered for status of vaccination actions, e.g. reasons for not administering vaccine

... reaction 0..1BackboneElementReaction to the immunization - cfr. AllergyIntolerance
.... extension 0..*ExtensionAdditional content defined by implementations
Slice: Unordered, Open by value:url
.... modifierExtension ?!Σ0..*ExtensionExtensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized
.... reactionDate 1..1dateTimedate of the reaction
.... manifestation 0..1Reference()reference to the observation of the reaction
... doseQuantity 0..1BackboneElementThe number or quantity of product(s) that was administered - e.g. 1/2 dose
... note 0..1AttachmentAdditional notes for the vaccination.
... site 1..1CodeableConceptThe body site where the vaccination entered the body
... identifier 0..*IdentifierThe business identifier(s) for the vaccination entry
... bodyLaterality 0..1CodeableConceptThe side of the body (for sites that occur on both sides of the body)
... location 0..1Reference()The location where the immunization is performed.
... locationType 0..1CodeableConceptThe location where the immunization administration was performed. This can be a text (e.g. 'at the physician's office' or a code e.g. '00078' meaning 'patient's home'
... cause 0..1CodeableConceptIs the vaccination due to pre or post exposition prophylaxis?

doco Documentation for this format

Terminology Bindings


This structure is derived from Element


Mandatory: 0 element (7 nested mandatory elements)


Other representations of profile: CSV, Excel