HL7 Belgium Vaccination (Patient Dossier)
1.0.1 - STU

This page is part of the HL7 Belgium FHIR Implementation Guide - Vaccination profiles (v1.0.1: Trial Use) based on FHIR R4. The current version which supercedes this version is 1.0.2. For a full list of available versions, see the Directory of published versions

Table of Contents

...0 Table of Contents
...1 Home
...2 Guidance
...3 Changes
....4 Artifacts Summary
....4.1 BeModelVaccination
....4.2 BeModelVaccinationReduced
....4.3 BeVaccination
....4.4 BeAdministeredProduct
....4.5 BeExtSimpleNote
....4.6 BeVaccinationConfirmationStatus
....4.7 BeVaccinationLocation
....4.8 BeVaccinationOriginalOrder
....4.9 BeVSCareLocation
....4.10 BeVSVaccinationBodySite
....4.11 BeVSVaccinationConfirmationStatus
....4.12 BeVSVaccinationProduct
....4.13 BeVSVaccinationReasonCode
....4.14 BeVSVaccinationStatusReason
....4.15 BeVSVaccineAdministrationRoute
....4.16 BeVSVaccineTargetDisease
....4.17 be-vs-vaccine-code
....4.18 BeCSCareLocation
....4.19 BeCSStatusReason
....4.20 BeCSVaccinationConfirmationStatus
....4.21 BeCSVaccineAdministrationRoute
....4.22 BeCSVaccineCode
....4.23 BeCSVaccineTargetDisease
....4.24 be-ns-one-vaccination
....4.25 be-ns-product-manufacturer
....4.26 be-ns-vaccinnet-vaccinecode
....4.27 angioedema
....4.28 Aymeric - rotavirus prescription
....4.29 Aymeric - rotavirus 1st dose
....4.30 Aymeric - rotavirus 2nd dose
....4.31 Aymeric - rotavirus 3rd dose
....4.32 Jan's first COVID-19 vaccination
....4.33 Jan's second failed COVID-19 vaccination
....4.34 Jan's second successful COVID-19 vaccination
....4.35 demo-encounter
....4.36 demo-encounter-2
....4.37 demo-location
....4.38 Eva - HPV 1st dose
....4.39 Eva - HPV 2nd dose
....4.40 fever
....4.41 Gabriel - influenza vaccine
....4.42 Immunization Example - 1. Toto normal
....4.43 Immunization Example - 2. Juan normal
....4.44 Immunization Example - 1. Toto normal
....4.45 Immunization Example - 1. HPV
....4.46 Immunization Example - 2. childhood measles
....4.47 Immunization Example - Mistaken entry of measles when patient means rubeola
....4.48 Immunization Example - Mistaken entry of measles when patient means rubeola
....4.49 Immunization Example - 4. not done due to not enough stock. This can happen when there are surges or any disruption in the supply chain
....4.50 Immunization Example - 4. not done due to not enough stock. This can happen when there are surges or any disruption in the supply chain
....4.51 Immunization Example - 4. not done due to not enough stock. This can happen when there are surges or any disruption in the supply chain
....4.52 Immunization Example - Mistaken entry of measles when patient means rubeola
....4.53 Immunization Example - Immediate reaction (swelling and redness) upon administration
....4.54 Immunization Example - 3. Emergency reinforcement
....4.55 Juan - 1st hexa (reported)
....4.56 Juan - 2nd hexa (hospital)
....4.57 Juan - 3rd hexa (not done)
....4.58 Juan - 3rd hexa (effective)
....4.59 Julia - refuse HPV
....4.60 Swelling and redness
....4.61 order-gabriel-flu
....4.62 order-simon-hpv
....4.63 Kind en Gezin
....4.64 org-msd-belgium
....4.65 ONE Brussels
....4.66 org-pfizer
....4.67 org-sanofi
....4.68 UZ Gent
....4.69 org-vub-brussels
....4.70 othercode
....4.71 Simon HPV - work
....4.72 Toto - First hexavalent vaccination
....4.73 Toto - 2nd hexavalent vaccination
....4.74 Toto - 3rd hexavalent vaccination
....4.75 Toto - 4th hexavalent vaccination - skipped (fever)
....4.76 Toto - 4th hexavalent vaccination