HL7 BE Laboratory WG Implementation Guide
1.0.0 - STU

This page is part of the HL7 Belgium FHIR Implementation Guide - Lab related profiles (v1.0.0: Trial Use) based on FHIR R4. This is the current published version in its permanent home (it will always be available at this URL). For a full list of available versions, see the Directory of published versions


This provides a list of changes to the specification since its 0.0.2 initial draft release. Please note, this IG is considered a draft specification until further notice.

2021-06-21 v0.0.7 - Published based on FHIR R4

  • Clarified which reference types are expected when sending to eHealth Box
  • Added FHIR document clarifications in Guidance.

2021-05-31 v0.0.6 - Published based on FHIR R4

  • Clarified expected use in Guidance in first iteration is to send a FHIR Document as payload in an eHealth box message.
  • Added Document example and profile on Composition.
  • Clarification on SHALL use of different code systems.

2021-03-22 v0.0.5 - Published based on FHIR R4

  • Version after feedbacks from the HL7 WG of 20210308
  • Clarified qualifier in guidance.
  • Expectations in guidance towards use of contained and bundle.
  • Clean up of examples

2021-03-05 v0.0.4 - Published based on FHIR R4

  • Version after feedbacks from the HL7 WG of 20210222
  • Provided multiple qualifier guidance in Guidance and via slicing in lab observation profile.
  • Built on feedback from HL7 community: component can be used to qualify codes.

2020-12-03 v0.0.3 - Published based on FHIR R4

  • Version after feedbacks from the HL7 WG of 20201130
  • Clarification around use of images in guidance.
  • Clarification around use of narrative in guidance.
  • Clarification around use of specimen in guidance.

2020-11-16 v0.0.2 - Published based on FHIR R4

  • Version after initial feedbacks from the HL7 WG.