eHealth Platform Federal Core Profiles
2.0.0 - Released

This page is part of the HL7 Belgium FHIR Implementation Guide - Core profiles (v2.0.0: Trial Use Draft) based on FHIR R4. The current version which supercedes this version is 2.0.1. For a full list of available versions, see the Directory of published versions

Artifacts Summary

This page provides a list of the FHIR artifacts defined as part of this implementation guide.

Structures: Resource Profiles

These define constraints on FHIR resources for systems conforming to this implementation guide

Organisation core BE profile

Belgian federal profile for an organization. Initially based on the functional description of the NIHDI.

Patient core BE profile

Belgian federal profile for a patient. Initially based on the functional description of the NIHDI. Special remarks for KMEHR users: following elements in KMEHR are not available in this FHIR resource. If needed, an extension can be defined in a future iteration of these specifications: the ‘deathlocation’ (location is not available but the death of the patient is expressed by either date or Boolean cfr. infra.), the ‘insurancystatus’ (covered in a seperate FHIR resource: Coverage), ‘insurancymembership’ (covered in a seperate FHIR resource: Coverage) and ‘profession’ (covered in a possible future FHIR resource: OccupationalData.)

Practitioner core BE profile

Belgian federal profile for a practitioner. Initially based on the functional description of the NIHDI.

Practitioner role core BE profile

Belgian federal profile for a practitioner role. Initially based on the functional description of the NIHDI.

Provenance core BE profile

Belgian federal profile for a provenance. Note this profile does not introduce any changes from the base profile but has been created to mark its importance, specifically when FHIR is used in a non-document approach. General use case remarks: ‘Provenance of a resource is a record that describes entities and processes involved in producing and delivering or otherwise influencing that resource.’ (cfr. the HL7 base specifications) According to the FHIR specifications, the provenance resource SHALL only be provided when no other resource already plays this role: for a Patient it SHOULD be its managing organization, provenance of an Observation SHOULD be its performer, provenance of an AllergyIntolerance SHOULD be its recorder. ‘Many other FHIR resources contain some elements that represent information about how the resource was obtained, and therefore they overlap with the functionality of the Provenance.’ Special remarks for KMEHR users: The FHIR Provenance resource in general refers to an entity that had something to do with the creation or updating of something else. In a KMEHR context, this is somewhat different – as it is ‘XML document’ based, each KMEHR message has an ‘author’ element that is responsible.

Structures: Data Type Profiles

These define constraints on FHIR data types for systems conforming to this implementation guide

Address core BE profile

Belgain federal profile on address, to provide the possibility in the ‘line’ element to provide a seperate streetname, housenumber and postal box. It is always RECOMMENDED to give these elements seperately.

Structures: Extension Definitions

These define constraints on FHIR data types for systems conforming to this implementation guide


The recorder of the information - note that this may not always be the same as the asserter - when a patient reports to a nurse and the nurse enters the data, the asserter is the patient, but the recorder is the nurse

Terminology: Value Sets

These define sets of codes used by systems conforming to this implementation guide


Codes supported by eHealth Platform differentiating types of civil state. This valueset supports the Belgian federal FHIR profiling effort. Whenever possible add a code from for international interoperability but also use for the Belgian specific code.


Maximum valuest to define category of a contact person, using the HL7 values and the Belgian CD-CONTACT-PERSON values.

Care Location Value Set

Care Location Value Set

Terminology: Code Systems

These define new code systems used by systems conforming to this implementation guide

Care Location Code System

Care Location Code System


Civil state in Belgium.


Contact person in Belgium.


FedICT country codes.


healthcare party in Belgium.

Terminology: Naming Systems

These define identifier and/or code system identities used by systems conforming to this implementation guide






insurance number


Membership number of a patient with an insurance organization




Naming System - Nihdi - Organization


Naming System - Nihdi - Professional



Example: Example Instances

These are example instances that show what data produced and consumed by systems conforming with this implementation guide might look like

Example Organization - organization1
Example Patient - patient1
Example Patient - patient2
Example Practitioner - practitioner1
Example PractitionerRole - practitionerrole1
Example Provenance - provenance1