HL7 Belgium Vaccination (Patient Dossier)
1.0.3 - STU Belgium flag

This page is part of the HL7 Belgium FHIR Implementation Guide - Vaccination profiles (v1.0.3: Release) based on FHIR R4. This is the current published version. For a full list of available versions, see the Directory of published versions

Example Immunization: Immunization Example - 4. not done due to not enough stock. This can happen when there are surges or any disruption in the supply chain

Generated Narrative: Immunization

Resource Immunization "immunization-example-not-given-contraindication" (Language "nl-BE")

Profile: BeVaccination

BeExtRecorder: Organization/org-regional-child-care-agency "Regional Child Care Agency"

identifier: id: 6021840732

status: not-done

statusReason: medical precaution (ActReason#MEDPREC)

vaccineCode: Hepatitis B virus antigen only vaccine product (SNOMED CT[BE]#871822003)



status: finished

class: AMB (Details: [not stated] code AMB = 'AMB', stated as 'null')




serviceProvider: Organization/org-regional-child-care-agency "Regional Child Care Agency"

occurrence: 2020-03-12

recorded: 2020-05-26


*Organization/org-regional-child-care-agency "Regional Child Care Agency"

note: Patiënt heeft nu koorts, aanbevolen 1 ​​week te wachten

Generated Narrative: Encounter #demo-encounter

status: finished

class: AMB (Details: [not stated] code AMB = 'AMB', stated as 'null')




serviceProvider: Organization/org-regional-child-care-agency "Regional Child Care Agency"