Path | Severity | Message |
CodeSystem.concept[0].designation[0].value (l1/c121784) | warning | value should not start or finish with whitespace 'a) Volgende posttraumatische of postoperatieve aandoeningen:situaties waarin één of meerdere verstrekkingen uit artikel 14 k) (orthopedie), I (heelkundige verstrekkingen) en III\r\n(diagnostische en therapeutische arthroscopieën) zijn aangerekend en waarin de verstrekking of de som van die\r\nverstrekkingen overeenkomst met een waarde van N 200 of meer; ' |
CodeSystem.concept[1].designation[0].value (l1/c122468) | warning | value should not start or finish with whitespace 'a) Volgende posttraumatische of postoperatieve aandoeningen:situaties waarin een verstrekking uit artikel 14 b) (neurochirurgie) zijn aangerekend en waarin deze verstrekking\r\novereenkomt met een waarde van K 225 of meer; ' |
CodeSystem.concept[1].designation[1].value (l1/c122713) | warning | value should not start or finish with whitespace 'a) Affections posttraumatiques ou postopératoires:situations dans lesquelles une prestation de l'article 14, b) (neurochirurgie) est attestée et pour laquelle la prestation correspond à une valeur de K225 ou plus ' |
CodeSystem.concept[2].designation[0].value (l1/c123236) | warning | value should not start or finish with whitespace 'a) Volgende posttraumatische of postoperatieve aandoeningen:in geval van handletsels, situaties waarin één of meerdere verstrekkingen uit artikel 14, k) (orthopedie) I\r\n(heelkundige verstrekkingen) met een totale waarde van Nx en een verstrekking van artikel 14, b) (neurochirurgie)\r\nmet een waarde van Ky tegelijk zijn verricht terwijl het resultaat van de volgende berekening [Nx/N200 +\r\nKy/K225] hoger is dan of gelijk is aan 1; ' |
CodeSystem.concept[3].designation[1].value (l1/c124449) | warning | value should not start or finish with whitespace 'a) Affections posttraumatiques ou postopératoires:situations dans lesquelles une des prestations 227695–227706, 227710–227721, 227813-227824, 227835– 227846, 226936-226940, 227592–227603, 227614–227625, 227651-227662, 227673-227684, 227776-227780 ou 227791-\r\n227802 de l'article 14, e) de la nomenclature est attestée. ' |
CodeSystem.concept[4].designation[0].value (l1/c124669) | warning | value should not start or finish with whitespace 'b) Situaties waarbij de verstrekkingen 211046, 212225 of 214045, (artikel 13, § 1 van de nomenclatuur (reanimatie)) werden\r\naangerekend. ' |
CodeSystem.concept[5].designation[0].value (l1/c125202) | warning | value should not start or finish with whitespace 'c) Situaties waarbij de rechthebbenden opgenomen zijn geweest in een erkende functie intensieve verzorging (code 490), in\r\neen erkende functie plaatselijke neonatale verzorging (functie N*\r\n) (code 190) of in een erkende dienst voor intensieve\r\nneonatalogie (NIC) (code 270). ' |
CodeSystem.concept[6].designation[1].value (l1/c125873) | warning | value should not start or finish with whitespace 'c) Insuffisance respiratoire pour les enfants de moins de 16 ans souffrant de trachéo-, laryngo- ou bronchomalacie ou d'infections récidivantes des voies respiratoires inférieures. ' |
CodeSystem.concept[10].designation[1].value (l1/c128436) | warning | value should not start or finish with whitespace 'f) Situations dans le domaine de l'orthopédie – traumatologie \r\n - fracture vertébrale qui a nécessité une immobilisation par plâtre, corset ou orthèse d'au moins trois semaines;\r\n - fracture du bassin qui nécessite une immobilisation ou une décharge totale ou partielle d'au moins trois semaines;\r\n - fracture de la rotule, du plateau tibial, de la tête humérale, du coude ou fracture intra-articulaire à la hauteur des\r\n membres, qui ont nécessité une immobilisation d'au moins trois semaines;\r\n - luxation du coude, de la hanche, de la prothèse de hanche ou de l'articulation de l'épaule ou de la prothèse de\r\nl'épaule;\r\n - entorse grave du genou avec rupture totale ou partielle d'un ou de plusieurs ligaments. ' |
CodeSystem.concept[13].designation[1].value (l1/c130152) | warning | value should not start or finish with whitespace 'h) Situations nécessitant une rééducation uro-, gynéco-, colo- ou proctologiqueRééducation postopératoire du dysfonctionnement sphinctérien après:\r\n(01) Prostatectomie radicale ou adénomectomie\r\n(02) Cystectomie totale avec entéro-cystoplastie chez des patients présentant une incontinence urinaire et/ou un déficit de sensibilité de réplétion vésicale.\r\n(03) Amputation d'une partie du système digestif avec maintien du sphincter anal\r\n(04) Prolapsus vésical, rectal ou utérin après intervention chirurgicale. ' |
CodeSystem.concept[14].designation[0].value (l1/c130757) | warning | value should not start or finish with whitespace 'h) Situaties die uro-, gynaeco-, colo- of proctologische revalidatie vereisenfunctionele aandoeningen bij kinderen tot de 16e\r\n varjaardag ten gevolge van één van de volgende disfuncties of\r\nmisvormingen\r\n(01) urinaire aandoeningen die op korte en middellange termijn een bedreiging vormen voor de\r\nhogere urinewegen:\r\n\r\n - dyssynergie tussen blaas en sfincter\r\n - recidiverende urinewegeninfecties\r\n - postoperatief syndroom van urethrakleppen\r\n - vesicale immaturiteit\r\n (02) encopresis bij het kind ' |
CodeSystem.concept[14].designation[1].value (l1/c131305) | warning | value should not start or finish with whitespace 'h) Situations nécessitant une rééducation uro-, gynéco-, colo- ou proctologiquePathologies fonctionnelles pour les enfants jusqu'au 16ème anniversaire dues à des dysfonctionnements 14.\r\n ou des malformations:\r\n(1) infections urinaires pouvant constituer une menace pour le haut appareil urinaire à court et moyen termes:\r\n - dyssynergie vésico-sphinctérienne\r\n - infections urinaires à répétition\r\n - syndrome des valves urétrales post-opératoire\r\n - immaturité vésicale\r\n (2) encoprésie chez l’enfant ' |
CodeSystem.concept[16].designation[0].value (l1/c132171) | warning | value should not start or finish with whitespace 'j) Polytraumatismen, met invaliderende functionele gevolgen ter hoogte van twee verschillende ledematen of ter hoogte van\r\neen lidmaat en de romp, waarvan ten minste 2 traumatismen voldoen aan de criteria van de pathologische situaties\r\nomschreven in § 14, 5°, A, a), 1) of 2) (posttraumatische of postoperatieve aandoeningen) en/of in § 14, 5°, A, f) (situaties\r\nin het domein van de orthopedie – traumatologie) ' |
CodeSystem.concept[17].designation[0].value (l1/c132972) | warning | value should not start or finish with whitespace 'k) De volgende situaties in het domein van de stomatologie: \r\n- na een intra-articulaire temporomandibulaire heelkundige ingreep;\r\n - tijdens en/of na radiotherapie betreffende de maxillo-faciale zone;\r\n - na een intra-articulaire of sub-condylaire mandibulaire breuk; ' |
CodeSystem.concept[19].designation[1].value (l1/c136523) | warning | value should not start or finish with whitespace 'b) Troubles du développement psychomoteur\r\nChez les enfants de moins de 16 ans, après avis et proposition de traitement d’un des médecins spécialistes mentionnés\r\nci-dessous, et avec un score significativement plus faible sur un test standardisé ;\r\nMédecin spécialiste en :\r\n- (neuro)pédiatrie\r\n- (neuro)pédiatrie et F et P (*)\r\n- neuropsychiatrie et F et P (*)\r\n- neurologie\r\n- neurologie et F et P (*)\r\n- psychiatrie\r\n- psychiatrie et F et P (*)\r\n\r\n(*) F et P = spécialiste en réadaptation fonctionnelle et professionnelle des handicapés\r\nChez les enfants de moins de 19 mois, l’avis, la proposition de traitement et le score significativement plus faible mentionnés\r\nci-dessus peuvent être remplacés par la constatation de troubles manifestes clinique du développement sur base d’une\r\névaluation effectuée par une équipe multidisciplinaire spécialisée, qui compte au moins un (neuro)pédiatre\r\n' |
CodeSystem.concept[20].designation[1].value (l1/c137064) | warning | value should not start or finish with whitespace 'c) Insuffisance respiratoire chez les bénéficiaires qui sont suivis dans le cadre de la convention-type de rééducation fonctionnelle relative à l'oxygénothérapie de longue durée à domicile ou en cas de respiration artificielle à domicile.\r\n' |
CodeSystem.concept[21].designation[1].value (l1/c137279) | warning | value should not start or finish with whitespace 'd) Polyneuropathie chronique motrice ou mixte. ' |
CodeSystem.concept[25].designation[1].value (l1/c140121) | warning | value should not start or finish with whitespace 'h) lymphoedème \r\nrépondant aux conditions prévues dans la nomenclature\r\n' |
CodeSystem.concept[33].designation[1].value (l1/c143022) | warning | value should not start or finish with whitespace 'e) Perte fonctionnelle :Perte fonctionnelle globale post-traumatique d'un membre, pendant la période évolutive ' |
CodeSystem.concept[38].designation[1].value (l1/c144661) | warning | value should not start or finish with whitespace 'g) Dysfonction articulaire grave résultant :d’une arthrogrypose ' |
CodeSystem.concept[44].designation[1].value (l1/c146505) | warning | value should not start or finish with whitespace 'h) Polyarthrites chroniques inflammatoires d’origine immunitaire :Syndrome de Sjögren primaire (selon les définitions acceptées par la Société Royale Belge de Rhumatologie) ' |
CodeSystem.concept[47].designation[1].value (l1/c147189) | warning | value should not start or finish with whitespace 'i)\u00a0Myopathies :Polymyosite auto-immune\u00a0' |
CodeSystem.concept[52].designation[1].value (l1/c149516) | warning | value should not start or finish with whitespace 'j) Affections pulmonaires :Dysplasie broncho-pulmonaire avec oxygénodépendance de plus de 28 jours. La demande motivée du pédiatre traitant comportera notamment le rapport d'hospitalisation en service N. ' |
CodeSystem.concept[72].designation[1].value (l1/c160105) | warning | value should not start or finish with whitespace 'Perte fonctionnelle importante d’un membre suite à une agénésie du membre ou à une dysmélie affectant l’anatomie de ses différents segments ' |
CodeSystem.concept[73].designation[1].value (l1/c160333) | warning | value should not start or finish with whitespace 'Dysfonction articulaire grave résultant\u00a0:hémophilie ' |
CodeSystem.concept[74].designation[1].value (l1/c160710) | warning | value should not start or finish with whitespace 'Dysfonction articulaire grave résultant\u00a0:maladies héréditaires du tissu conjonctif/ostéogenèse imparfaite de type III et IV ' |
CodeSystem.concept[75].designation[0].value (l1/c160901) | warning | value should not start or finish with whitespace 'Ernstige gewrichtsdysfunctie ten gevolge van:erfelijke bindweefselaandoeningen/Ehlers-Danlos-syndroom ' |
CodeSystem.concept[77].designation[0].value (l1/c161552) | warning | value should not start or finish with whitespace 'Ernstige gewrichtsdysfunctie ten gevolge van:erfelijke bindweefselaandoeningen/Marfan-syndroom ' |
CodeSystem.concept[80].designation[1].value (l1/c162857) | warning | value should not start or finish with whitespace 'Troubles graves de la ou des fonctions articulaire(s), qui sont le résultat d’une polyarthrite chronique inflammatoire d’origine immunitaire (selon les définitions acceptées par la Société Royale Belge de Rhumatologie)arthrite rhumatoïde ' |
CodeSystem.concept[85].designation[0].value (l1/c165562) | warning | value should not start or finish with whitespace 'Ernstige stoornissen van de gewrichtsfunctie(s), die het gevolg zijn van een chronische autoimmune inflammatoire polyarthritis (volgens de definities aanvaard door de Koninklijke Belgische Vereniging voor Reumatologie):primair syndroom van Sjögren ' |
CodeSystem.concept[89].designation[1].value (l1/c166849) | warning | value should not start or finish with whitespace 'Myopathies\u00a0: Polymyosite auto-immune ' |
CodeSystem.concept[90].designation[1].value (l1/c167103) | warning | value should not start or finish with whitespace 'Mucoviscidose ou dyskinésie ciliaire bronchiale primaire objectivées ' |
CodeSystem.concept[91].designation[1].value (l1/c167310) | warning | value should not start or finish with whitespace 'Bronchiectasies hyperproductives objectivées ' |
CodeSystem.concept[92].designation[1].value (l1/c168162) | warning | value should not start or finish with whitespace 'Affections pulmonaires chroniques irréversibles obstructives ou restrictives avec des valeurs de volume expiratoire maximum-seconde inférieures ou égales à 60 % mesurées à un intervalle d'au moins 1 mois\u00a0; chez un enfant de moins de 7 ans, l'insuffisance respiratoire irréversible pourra être établie sur base d'un rapport motivé du spécialiste traitant ' |
CodeSystem.concept[93].designation[1].value (l1/c168424) | warning | value should not start or finish with whitespace 'Infections pulmonaires récidivantes en cas d'immunodépression grave établie ' |
CodeSystem.concept[94].designation[1].value (l1/c168695) | warning | value should not start or finish with whitespace 'Dysplasie broncho-pulmonaire avec oxygénodépendance de plus de 28 jours ' |
CodeSystem | information | CodeSystems SHOULD have a stated value for the caseSensitive element so that users know the status and meaning of the code system clearly |
CodeSystem (l1/c226143) | warning | The ShareableCodeSystem profile says that the experimental element is mandatory, but it is not present. Published code systems SHOULD conform to the ShareableCodeSystem profile |
CodeSystem (l1/c226143) | warning | The ShareableCodeSystem profile says that the caseSensitive element is mandatory, but it is not present. Published code systems SHOULD conform to the ShareableCodeSystem profile |
fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-ex01.json | Entry 1 matches the reference Organization/Organization1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:e2c6f73a-74d8-40f2-af0b-a61ad20c53d4 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:Organization1 by Bundle resolution rules |
fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-ex01.json | Entry 9 matches the reference Claim/Claim1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:e85173bc-6f0d-480b-a2cd-2b70d9ffff7a does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:Claim1 by Bundle resolution rules |
fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-ex01.json | Entry 3 matches the reference Practitioner/Practitioner1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:03972cc4-d781-4285-8d79-0f05810e1931 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:Practitioner1 by Bundle resolution rules |
fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-ex01.json | Entry 6 matches the reference Practitioner/Practitioner2 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:8fc72085-d349-4bd7-ba84-91a935a4e3c6 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:Practitioner2 by Bundle resolution rules |
fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-ex01.json | Entry 4 matches the reference Patient/Patient1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:a52efcb6-1f81-4333-a115-d45bd3183686 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:Patient1 by Bundle resolution rules |
fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-ex01.json | Entry 5 matches the reference PractitionerRole/PractitionerRole2 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:035e3de4-011f-48a4-92c9-15b2bbcec321 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:PractitionerRole2 by Bundle resolution rules |
fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-ex01.json | Entry 4 matches the reference Patient/Patient1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:a52efcb6-1f81-4333-a115-d45bd3183686 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:Patient1 by Bundle resolution rules |
fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-ex01.json | Entry 5 matches the reference PractitionerRole/PractitionerRole2 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:035e3de4-011f-48a4-92c9-15b2bbcec321 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:PractitionerRole2 by Bundle resolution rules |
fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-ex01.json | Entry 4 matches the reference Patient/Patient1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:a52efcb6-1f81-4333-a115-d45bd3183686 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:Patient1 by Bundle resolution rules |
fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-ex01.json | Entry 2 matches the reference PractitionerRole/PractitionerRole1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:62c7bfad-0cb3-4a39-9abb-3a62e06de834 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:PractitionerRole1 by Bundle resolution rules |
fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-ex01.json | Entry 2 matches the reference PractitionerRole/PractitionerRole1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:62c7bfad-0cb3-4a39-9abb-3a62e06de834 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:PractitionerRole1 by Bundle resolution rules |
fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-ex01.json | Entry 7 matches the reference ServiceRequest/ServiceRequest1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:b3586cda-f1e5-4c58-a389-94249957d87a does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:ServiceRequest1 by Bundle resolution rules |
fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-ex01.json | Entry 8 matches the reference ServiceRequest/ServiceRequest2 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:3b8e1245-b480-4af6-90c0-f67037ef276b does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:ServiceRequest2 by Bundle resolution rules |
fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-ex02.json | Entry 1 matches the reference PractitionerRole/PractitionerRole1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:1dc5d974-5447-4afe-a4ab-57081ca518c3 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:PractitionerRole1 by Bundle resolution rules |
fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-ex02.json | Entry 8 matches the reference Claim/Claim1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:e85173bc-6f0d-480b-a2cd-2b70d9ffff7a does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:Claim1 by Bundle resolution rules |
fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-ex02.json | Entry 2 matches the reference Practitioner/Practitioner1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:03972cc4-d781-4285-8d79-0f05810e1931 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:Practitioner1 by Bundle resolution rules |
fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-ex02.json | Entry 5 matches the reference Practitioner/Practitioner2 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:8fc72085-d349-4bd7-ba84-91a935a4e3c6 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:Practitioner2 by Bundle resolution rules |
fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-ex02.json | Entry 3 matches the reference Patient/Patient1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:a52efcb6-1f81-4333-a115-d45bd3183686 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:Patient1 by Bundle resolution rules |
fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-ex02.json | Entry 4 matches the reference PractitionerRole/PractitionerRole2 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:035e3de4-011f-48a4-92c9-15b2bbcec321 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:PractitionerRole2 by Bundle resolution rules |
fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-ex02.json | Entry 3 matches the reference Patient/Patient1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:a52efcb6-1f81-4333-a115-d45bd3183686 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:Patient1 by Bundle resolution rules |
fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-ex02.json | Entry 4 matches the reference PractitionerRole/PractitionerRole2 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:035e3de4-011f-48a4-92c9-15b2bbcec321 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:PractitionerRole2 by Bundle resolution rules |
fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-ex02.json | Entry 3 matches the reference Patient/Patient1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:a52efcb6-1f81-4333-a115-d45bd3183686 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:Patient1 by Bundle resolution rules |
fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-ex02.json | Entry 1 matches the reference PractitionerRole/PractitionerRole1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:1dc5d974-5447-4afe-a4ab-57081ca518c3 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:PractitionerRole1 by Bundle resolution rules |
fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-ex02.json | Entry 1 matches the reference PractitionerRole/PractitionerRole1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:1dc5d974-5447-4afe-a4ab-57081ca518c3 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:PractitionerRole1 by Bundle resolution rules |
fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-ex02.json | Entry 6 matches the reference ServiceRequest/ServiceRequest1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:b3586cda-f1e5-4c58-a389-94249957d87a does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:ServiceRequest1 by Bundle resolution rules |
fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-ex02.json | Entry 7 matches the reference ServiceRequest/ServiceRequest2 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:3b8e1245-b480-4af6-90c0-f67037ef276b does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:ServiceRequest2 by Bundle resolution rules |
fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-ex03.json | Entry 1 matches the reference PractitionerRole/PractitionerRole1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:1dc5d974-5447-4afe-a4ab-57081ca518c3 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:PractitionerRole1 by Bundle resolution rules |
fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-ex03.json | Entry 8 matches the reference Claim/Claim1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:e85173bc-6f0d-480b-a2cd-2b70d9ffff7a does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:Claim1 by Bundle resolution rules |
fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-ex03.json | Entry 2 matches the reference Practitioner/Practitioner1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:03972cc4-d781-4285-8d79-0f05810e1931 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:Practitioner1 by Bundle resolution rules |
fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-ex03.json | Entry 5 matches the reference Practitioner/Practitioner2 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:8fc72085-d349-4bd7-ba84-91a935a4e3c6 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:Practitioner2 by Bundle resolution rules |
fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-ex03.json | Entry 3 matches the reference Patient/Patient1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:a52efcb6-1f81-4333-a115-d45bd3183686 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:Patient1 by Bundle resolution rules |
fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-ex03.json | Entry 4 matches the reference PractitionerRole/PractitionerRole2 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:035e3de4-011f-48a4-92c9-15b2bbcec321 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:PractitionerRole2 by Bundle resolution rules |
fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-ex03.json | Entry 3 matches the reference Patient/Patient1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:a52efcb6-1f81-4333-a115-d45bd3183686 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:Patient1 by Bundle resolution rules |
fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-ex03.json | Entry 4 matches the reference PractitionerRole/PractitionerRole2 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:035e3de4-011f-48a4-92c9-15b2bbcec321 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:PractitionerRole2 by Bundle resolution rules |
fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-ex03.json | Entry 3 matches the reference Patient/Patient1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:a52efcb6-1f81-4333-a115-d45bd3183686 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:Patient1 by Bundle resolution rules |
fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-ex03.json | Entry 1 matches the reference PractitionerRole/PractitionerRole1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:1dc5d974-5447-4afe-a4ab-57081ca518c3 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:PractitionerRole1 by Bundle resolution rules |
fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-ex03.json | Entry 1 matches the reference PractitionerRole/PractitionerRole1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:1dc5d974-5447-4afe-a4ab-57081ca518c3 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:PractitionerRole1 by Bundle resolution rules |
fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-ex03.json | Entry 6 matches the reference ServiceRequest/ServiceRequest1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:b3586cda-f1e5-4c58-a389-94249957d87a does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:ServiceRequest1 by Bundle resolution rules |
fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-ex03.json | Entry 7 matches the reference ServiceRequest/ServiceRequest2 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:3b8e1245-b480-4af6-90c0-f67037ef276b does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:ServiceRequest2 by Bundle resolution rules |
fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-ex04.json | Entry 1 matches the reference PractitionerRole/PractitionerRole1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:1dc5d974-5447-4afe-a4ab-57081ca518c3 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:PractitionerRole1 by Bundle resolution rules |
fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-ex04.json | Entry 3 matches the reference Organization/OrganizationIO1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:cfabb40d-a53f-4c56-bc19-725ea669b358 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:OrganizationIO1 by Bundle resolution rules |
fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-ex04.json | Entry 5 matches the reference ClaimResponse/ClaimResponse1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:0a0d60df-0340-45a6-a493-a5d67f74d693 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:ClaimResponse1 by Bundle resolution rules |
fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-ex04.json | Entry 2 matches the reference Practitioner/Practitioner1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:03972cc4-d781-4285-8d79-0f05810e1931 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:Practitioner1 by Bundle resolution rules |
fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-ex04.json | Entry 4 matches the reference Patient/Patient1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:a52efcb6-1f81-4333-a115-d45bd3183686 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:Patient1 by Bundle resolution rules |
fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-ex04.json | Entry 3 matches the reference Organization/OrganizationIO1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:cfabb40d-a53f-4c56-bc19-725ea669b358 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:OrganizationIO1 by Bundle resolution rules |
fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-ex04.json | Entry 1 matches the reference PractitionerRole/PractitionerRole1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:1dc5d974-5447-4afe-a4ab-57081ca518c3 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:PractitionerRole1 by Bundle resolution rules |
fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-ex05.json | Entry 1 matches the reference PractitionerRole/PractitionerRole1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:1dc5d974-5447-4afe-a4ab-57081ca518c3 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:PractitionerRole1 by Bundle resolution rules |
fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-ex05.json | Entry 3 matches the reference Organization/OrganizationIO1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:cfabb40d-a53f-4c56-bc19-725ea669b358 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:OrganizationIO1 by Bundle resolution rules |
fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-ex05.json | Entry 5 matches the reference ClaimResponse/ClaimResponse1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:0a0d60df-0340-45a6-a493-a5d67f74d693 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:ClaimResponse1 by Bundle resolution rules |
fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-ex05.json | Entry 2 matches the reference Practitioner/Practitioner1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:03972cc4-d781-4285-8d79-0f05810e1931 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:Practitioner1 by Bundle resolution rules |
fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-ex05.json | Entry 4 matches the reference Patient/Patient1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:a52efcb6-1f81-4333-a115-d45bd3183686 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:Patient1 by Bundle resolution rules |
fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-ex05.json | Entry 3 matches the reference Organization/OrganizationIO1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:cfabb40d-a53f-4c56-bc19-725ea669b358 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:OrganizationIO1 by Bundle resolution rules |
fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-ex05.json | Entry 1 matches the reference PractitionerRole/PractitionerRole1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:1dc5d974-5447-4afe-a4ab-57081ca518c3 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:PractitionerRole1 by Bundle resolution rules |
fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-ex06.json | Entry 1 matches the reference PractitionerRole/PractitionerRole1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:1dc5d974-5447-4afe-a4ab-57081ca518c3 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:PractitionerRole1 by Bundle resolution rules |
fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-ex06.json | Entry 3 matches the reference Organization/OrganizationIO1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:cfabb40d-a53f-4c56-bc19-725ea669b358 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:OrganizationIO1 by Bundle resolution rules |
fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-ex06.json | Entry 5 matches the reference ClaimResponse/ClaimResponse1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:0a0d60df-0340-45a6-a493-a5d67f74d693 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:ClaimResponse1 by Bundle resolution rules |
fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-ex06.json | Entry 2 matches the reference Practitioner/Practitioner1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:03972cc4-d781-4285-8d79-0f05810e1931 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:Practitioner1 by Bundle resolution rules |
fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-ex06.json | Entry 4 matches the reference Patient/Patient1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:a52efcb6-1f81-4333-a115-d45bd3183686 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:Patient1 by Bundle resolution rules |
fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-ex06.json | Entry 3 matches the reference Organization/OrganizationIO1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:cfabb40d-a53f-4c56-bc19-725ea669b358 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:OrganizationIO1 by Bundle resolution rules |
fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-ex06.json | Entry 1 matches the reference PractitionerRole/PractitionerRole1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:1dc5d974-5447-4afe-a4ab-57081ca518c3 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:PractitionerRole1 by Bundle resolution rules |
fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-ex07.json | Entry 1 matches the reference PractitionerRole/PractitionerRole1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:1dc5d974-5447-4afe-a4ab-57081ca518c3 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:PractitionerRole1 by Bundle resolution rules |
fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-ex07.json | Entry 3 matches the reference Organization/OrganizationIO1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:cfabb40d-a53f-4c56-bc19-725ea669b358 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:OrganizationIO1 by Bundle resolution rules |
fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-ex07.json | Entry 4 matches the reference OperationOutcome/OperationOutcome1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:99613879-db9d-4bee-ad78-633cbf164800 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:OperationOutcome1 by Bundle resolution rules |
fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-ex07.json | Entry 2 matches the reference Practitioner/Practitioner1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:03972cc4-d781-4285-8d79-0f05810e1931 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:Practitioner1 by Bundle resolution rules |
fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-ex08.json | Entry 1 matches the reference PractitionerRole/PractitionerRole1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:1dc5d974-5447-4afe-a4ab-57081ca518c3 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:PractitionerRole1 by Bundle resolution rules |
fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-ex08.json | Entry 4 matches the reference Claim/Claim1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:e85173bc-6f0d-480b-a2cd-2b70d9ffff7a does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:Claim1 by Bundle resolution rules |
fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-ex08.json | Entry 2 matches the reference Practitioner/Practitioner1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:03972cc4-d781-4285-8d79-0f05810e1931 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:Practitioner1 by Bundle resolution rules |
fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-ex08.json | Entry 3 matches the reference Patient/Patient1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:a52efcb6-1f81-4333-a115-d45bd3183686 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:Patient1 by Bundle resolution rules |
fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-ex08.json | Entry 1 matches the reference PractitionerRole/PractitionerRole1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:1dc5d974-5447-4afe-a4ab-57081ca518c3 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:PractitionerRole1 by Bundle resolution rules |
fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-ex08.json | Entry 1 matches the reference PractitionerRole/PractitionerRole1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:1dc5d974-5447-4afe-a4ab-57081ca518c3 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:PractitionerRole1 by Bundle resolution rules |
fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-ex09.json | Entry 1 matches the reference PractitionerRole/PractitionerRole1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:1dc5d974-5447-4afe-a4ab-57081ca518c3 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:PractitionerRole1 by Bundle resolution rules |
fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-ex09.json | Entry 3 matches the reference Organization/OrganizationIO1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:cfabb40d-a53f-4c56-bc19-725ea669b358 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:OrganizationIO1 by Bundle resolution rules |
fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-ex09.json | Entry 5 matches the reference ClaimResponse/ClaimResponse1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:0a0d60df-0340-45a6-a493-a5d67f74d693 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:ClaimResponse1 by Bundle resolution rules |
fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-ex09.json | Entry 2 matches the reference Practitioner/Practitioner1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:03972cc4-d781-4285-8d79-0f05810e1931 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:Practitioner1 by Bundle resolution rules |
fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-ex09.json | Entry 4 matches the reference Patient/Patient1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:a52efcb6-1f81-4333-a115-d45bd3183686 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:Patient1 by Bundle resolution rules |
fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-ex09.json | Entry 3 matches the reference Organization/OrganizationIO1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:cfabb40d-a53f-4c56-bc19-725ea669b358 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:OrganizationIO1 by Bundle resolution rules |
fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-ex09.json | Entry 1 matches the reference PractitionerRole/PractitionerRole1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:1dc5d974-5447-4afe-a4ab-57081ca518c3 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:PractitionerRole1 by Bundle resolution rules |
fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-ex10.json | Entry 1 matches the reference PractitionerRole/PractitionerRole1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:1dc5d974-5447-4afe-a4ab-57081ca518c3 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:PractitionerRole1 by Bundle resolution rules |
fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-ex10.json | Entry 7 matches the reference Claim/Claim1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:e85173bc-6f0d-480b-a2cd-2b70d9ffff7a does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:Claim1 by Bundle resolution rules |
fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-ex10.json | Entry 2 matches the reference Practitioner/Practitioner1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:03972cc4-d781-4285-8d79-0f05810e1931 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:Practitioner1 by Bundle resolution rules |
fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-ex10.json | Entry 5 matches the reference Practitioner/Practitioner2 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:8fc72085-d349-4bd7-ba84-91a935a4e3c6 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:Practitioner2 by Bundle resolution rules |
fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-ex10.json | Entry 3 matches the reference Patient/Patient1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:a52efcb6-1f81-4333-a115-d45bd3183686 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:Patient1 by Bundle resolution rules |
fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-ex10.json | Entry 4 matches the reference PractitionerRole/PractitionerRole2 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:035e3de4-011f-48a4-92c9-15b2bbcec321 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:PractitionerRole2 by Bundle resolution rules |
fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-ex10.json | Entry 3 matches the reference Patient/Patient1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:a52efcb6-1f81-4333-a115-d45bd3183686 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:Patient1 by Bundle resolution rules |
fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-ex10.json | Entry 1 matches the reference PractitionerRole/PractitionerRole1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:1dc5d974-5447-4afe-a4ab-57081ca518c3 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:PractitionerRole1 by Bundle resolution rules |
fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-ex10.json | Entry 1 matches the reference PractitionerRole/PractitionerRole1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:1dc5d974-5447-4afe-a4ab-57081ca518c3 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:PractitionerRole1 by Bundle resolution rules |
fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-ex10.json | Entry 6 matches the reference ServiceRequest/ServiceRequest1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:b3586cda-f1e5-4c58-a389-94249957d87a does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:ServiceRequest1 by Bundle resolution rules |
fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-ex11.json | Entry 1 matches the reference PractitionerRole/PractitionerRole1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:1dc5d974-5447-4afe-a4ab-57081ca518c3 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:PractitionerRole1 by Bundle resolution rules |
fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-ex11.json | Entry 4 matches the reference Claim/Claim1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:e85173bc-6f0d-480b-a2cd-2b70d9ffff7a does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:Claim1 by Bundle resolution rules |
fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-ex11.json | Entry 2 matches the reference Practitioner/Practitioner1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:03972cc4-d781-4285-8d79-0f05810e1931 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:Practitioner1 by Bundle resolution rules |
fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-ex11.json | Entry 3 matches the reference Patient/Patient1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:a52efcb6-1f81-4333-a115-d45bd3183686 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:Patient1 by Bundle resolution rules |
fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-ex11.json | Entry 1 matches the reference PractitionerRole/PractitionerRole1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:1dc5d974-5447-4afe-a4ab-57081ca518c3 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:PractitionerRole1 by Bundle resolution rules |
fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-ex11.json | Entry 1 matches the reference PractitionerRole/PractitionerRole1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:1dc5d974-5447-4afe-a4ab-57081ca518c3 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:PractitionerRole1 by Bundle resolution rules |
fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-ex12.json | Entry 1 matches the reference PractitionerRole/PractitionerRole1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:1dc5d974-5447-4afe-a4ab-57081ca518c3 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:PractitionerRole1 by Bundle resolution rules |
fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-ex12.json | Entry 3 matches the reference Parameters/Parameters1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:76076b8a-6ee1-4c84-9850-aca6fdf69757 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:Parameters1 by Bundle resolution rules |
fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-ex12.json | Entry 2 matches the reference Practitioner/Practitioner1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:03972cc4-d781-4285-8d79-0f05810e1931 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:Practitioner1 by Bundle resolution rules |
fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-ex12.json | Entry 4 matches the reference Patient/Patient1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:a52efcb6-1f81-4333-a115-d45bd3183686 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:Patient1 by Bundle resolution rules |
fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-ex13.json | Entry 2 matches the reference PractitionerRole/PractitionerRole1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:1dc5d974-5447-4afe-a4ab-57081ca518c3 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:PractitionerRole1 by Bundle resolution rules |
fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-ex13.json | Entry 1 matches the reference Organization/OrganizationIO1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:cfabb40d-a53f-4c56-bc19-725ea669b358 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:OrganizationIO1 by Bundle resolution rules |
fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-ex13.json | Entry 4 matches the reference Bundle/SearchBundleResponse1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:03972cc4-d781-4285-8d79-0f05810e1939 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:SearchBundleResponse1 by Bundle resolution rules |
fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-ex13.json | Entry 3 matches the reference Practitioner/Practitioner1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:03972cc4-d781-4285-8d79-0f05810e1931 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:Practitioner1 by Bundle resolution rules |
fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-ex13.json | Entry 2 matches the reference Practitioner/Practitioner1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:03972cc4-d781-4285-8d79-0f05810e1931 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:Practitioner1 by Bundle resolution rules |
fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-ex13.json | Entry 3 matches the reference Patient/Patient1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:a52efcb6-1f81-4333-a115-d45bd3183686 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:Patient1 by Bundle resolution rules |
fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-ex13.json | Entry 0 matches the reference Organization/OrganizationIO1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:cfabb40d-a53f-4c56-bc19-725ea669b358 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:OrganizationIO1 by Bundle resolution rules |
fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-ex13.json | Entry 1 matches the reference PractitionerRole/PractitionerRole1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:1dc5d974-5447-4afe-a4ab-57081ca518c3 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:PractitionerRole1 by Bundle resolution rules |
fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-ex13.json | Entry 3 matches the reference Patient/Patient1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:a52efcb6-1f81-4333-a115-d45bd3183686 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:Patient1 by Bundle resolution rules |
fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-ex13.json | Entry 0 matches the reference Organization/OrganizationIO1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:cfabb40d-a53f-4c56-bc19-725ea669b358 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:OrganizationIO1 by Bundle resolution rules |
fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-ex13.json | Entry 1 matches the reference PractitionerRole/PractitionerRole1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:1dc5d974-5447-4afe-a4ab-57081ca518c3 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:PractitionerRole1 by Bundle resolution rules |
fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-ex14.json | Entry 1 matches the reference PractitionerRole/PractitionerRole1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:1dc5d974-5447-4afe-a4ab-57081ca518c3 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:PractitionerRole1 by Bundle resolution rules |
fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-ex14.json | Entry 7 matches the reference Claim/Claim1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:e85173bc-6f0d-480b-a2cd-2b70d9ffff7a does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:Claim1 by Bundle resolution rules |
fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-ex14.json | Entry 2 matches the reference Practitioner/Practitioner1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:03972cc4-d781-4285-8d79-0f05810e1931 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:Practitioner1 by Bundle resolution rules |
fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-ex14.json | Entry 5 matches the reference Practitioner/Practitioner2 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:8fc72085-d349-4bd7-ba84-91a935a4e3c6 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:Practitioner2 by Bundle resolution rules |
fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-ex14.json | Entry 3 matches the reference Patient/Patient1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:a52efcb6-1f81-4333-a115-d45bd3183686 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:Patient1 by Bundle resolution rules |
fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-ex14.json | Entry 4 matches the reference PractitionerRole/PractitionerRole2 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:035e3de4-011f-48a4-92c9-15b2bbcec321 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:PractitionerRole2 by Bundle resolution rules |
fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-ex14.json | Entry 3 matches the reference Patient/Patient1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:a52efcb6-1f81-4333-a115-d45bd3183686 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:Patient1 by Bundle resolution rules |
fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-ex14.json | Entry 1 matches the reference PractitionerRole/PractitionerRole1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:1dc5d974-5447-4afe-a4ab-57081ca518c3 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:PractitionerRole1 by Bundle resolution rules |
fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-ex14.json | Entry 1 matches the reference PractitionerRole/PractitionerRole1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:1dc5d974-5447-4afe-a4ab-57081ca518c3 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:PractitionerRole1 by Bundle resolution rules |
fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-ex14.json | Entry 6 matches the reference ServiceRequest/ServiceRequest1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:b3586cda-f1e5-4c58-a389-94249957d87a does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:ServiceRequest1 by Bundle resolution rules |
fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-ex15.json | Entry 1 matches the reference PractitionerRole/PractitionerRole1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:1dc5d974-5447-4afe-a4ab-57081ca518c3 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:PractitionerRole1 by Bundle resolution rules |
fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-ex15.json | Entry 3 matches the reference Organization/OrganizationIO1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:cfabb40d-a53f-4c56-bc19-725ea669b358 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:OrganizationIO1 by Bundle resolution rules |
fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-ex15.json | Entry 5 matches the reference ClaimResponse/ClaimResponse1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:0a0d60df-0340-45a6-a493-a5d67f74d693 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:ClaimResponse1 by Bundle resolution rules |
fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-ex15.json | Entry 2 matches the reference Practitioner/Practitioner1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:03972cc4-d781-4285-8d79-0f05810e1931 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:Practitioner1 by Bundle resolution rules |
fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-ex15.json | Entry 4 matches the reference Patient/Patient1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:a52efcb6-1f81-4333-a115-d45bd3183686 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:Patient1 by Bundle resolution rules |
fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-ex15.json | Entry 3 matches the reference Organization/OrganizationIO1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:cfabb40d-a53f-4c56-bc19-725ea669b358 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:OrganizationIO1 by Bundle resolution rules |
fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-ex15.json | Entry 1 matches the reference PractitionerRole/PractitionerRole1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:1dc5d974-5447-4afe-a4ab-57081ca518c3 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:PractitionerRole1 by Bundle resolution rules |
fsh-generated\resources\CodeSystem-nihdi-physiotherapy-pathologysituationcode.json | value should not start or finish with whitespace 'a) Volgende posttraumatische of postoperatieve aandoeningen:situaties waarin één of meerdere verstrekkingen uit artikel 14 k) (orthopedie), I (heelkundige verstrekkingen) en III\r\n(diagnostische en therapeutische arthroscopieën) zijn aangerekend en waarin de verstrekking of de som van die\r\nverstrekkingen overeenkomst met een waarde van N 200 of meer; ' |
fsh-generated\resources\CodeSystem-nihdi-physiotherapy-pathologysituationcode.json | value should not start or finish with whitespace 'a) Volgende posttraumatische of postoperatieve aandoeningen:situaties waarin een verstrekking uit artikel 14 b) (neurochirurgie) zijn aangerekend en waarin deze verstrekking\r\novereenkomt met een waarde van K 225 of meer; ' |
fsh-generated\resources\CodeSystem-nihdi-physiotherapy-pathologysituationcode.json | value should not start or finish with whitespace 'a) Affections posttraumatiques ou postopératoires:situations dans lesquelles une prestation de l'article 14, b) (neurochirurgie) est attestée et pour laquelle la prestation correspond à une valeur de K225 ou plus ' |
fsh-generated\resources\CodeSystem-nihdi-physiotherapy-pathologysituationcode.json | value should not start or finish with whitespace 'a) Volgende posttraumatische of postoperatieve aandoeningen:in geval van handletsels, situaties waarin één of meerdere verstrekkingen uit artikel 14, k) (orthopedie) I\r\n(heelkundige verstrekkingen) met een totale waarde van Nx en een verstrekking van artikel 14, b) (neurochirurgie)\r\nmet een waarde van Ky tegelijk zijn verricht terwijl het resultaat van de volgende berekening [Nx/N200 +\r\nKy/K225] hoger is dan of gelijk is aan 1; ' |
fsh-generated\resources\CodeSystem-nihdi-physiotherapy-pathologysituationcode.json | value should not start or finish with whitespace 'a) Affections posttraumatiques ou postopératoires:situations dans lesquelles une des prestations 227695–227706, 227710–227721, 227813-227824, 227835– 227846, 226936-226940, 227592–227603, 227614–227625, 227651-227662, 227673-227684, 227776-227780 ou 227791-\r\n227802 de l'article 14, e) de la nomenclature est attestée. ' |
fsh-generated\resources\CodeSystem-nihdi-physiotherapy-pathologysituationcode.json | value should not start or finish with whitespace 'b) Situaties waarbij de verstrekkingen 211046, 212225 of 214045, (artikel 13, § 1 van de nomenclatuur (reanimatie)) werden\r\naangerekend. ' |
fsh-generated\resources\CodeSystem-nihdi-physiotherapy-pathologysituationcode.json | value should not start or finish with whitespace 'c) Situaties waarbij de rechthebbenden opgenomen zijn geweest in een erkende functie intensieve verzorging (code 490), in\r\neen erkende functie plaatselijke neonatale verzorging (functie N*\r\n) (code 190) of in een erkende dienst voor intensieve\r\nneonatalogie (NIC) (code 270). ' |
fsh-generated\resources\CodeSystem-nihdi-physiotherapy-pathologysituationcode.json | value should not start or finish with whitespace 'c) Insuffisance respiratoire pour les enfants de moins de 16 ans souffrant de trachéo-, laryngo- ou bronchomalacie ou d'infections récidivantes des voies respiratoires inférieures. ' |
fsh-generated\resources\CodeSystem-nihdi-physiotherapy-pathologysituationcode.json | value should not start or finish with whitespace 'f) Situations dans le domaine de l'orthopédie – traumatologie \r\n - fracture vertébrale qui a nécessité une immobilisation par plâtre, corset ou orthèse d'au moins trois semaines;\r\n - fracture du bassin qui nécessite une immobilisation ou une décharge totale ou partielle d'au moins trois semaines;\r\n - fracture de la rotule, du plateau tibial, de la tête humérale, du coude ou fracture intra-articulaire à la hauteur des\r\n membres, qui ont nécessité une immobilisation d'au moins trois semaines;\r\n - luxation du coude, de la hanche, de la prothèse de hanche ou de l'articulation de l'épaule ou de la prothèse de\r\nl'épaule;\r\n - entorse grave du genou avec rupture totale ou partielle d'un ou de plusieurs ligaments. ' |
fsh-generated\resources\CodeSystem-nihdi-physiotherapy-pathologysituationcode.json | value should not start or finish with whitespace 'h) Situations nécessitant une rééducation uro-, gynéco-, colo- ou proctologiqueRééducation postopératoire du dysfonctionnement sphinctérien après:\r\n(01) Prostatectomie radicale ou adénomectomie\r\n(02) Cystectomie totale avec entéro-cystoplastie chez des patients présentant une incontinence urinaire et/ou un déficit de sensibilité de réplétion vésicale.\r\n(03) Amputation d'une partie du système digestif avec maintien du sphincter anal\r\n(04) Prolapsus vésical, rectal ou utérin après intervention chirurgicale. ' |
fsh-generated\resources\CodeSystem-nihdi-physiotherapy-pathologysituationcode.json | value should not start or finish with whitespace 'h) Situaties die uro-, gynaeco-, colo- of proctologische revalidatie vereisenfunctionele aandoeningen bij kinderen tot de 16e\r\n varjaardag ten gevolge van één van de volgende disfuncties of\r\nmisvormingen\r\n(01) urinaire aandoeningen die op korte en middellange termijn een bedreiging vormen voor de\r\nhogere urinewegen:\r\n\r\n - dyssynergie tussen blaas en sfincter\r\n - recidiverende urinewegeninfecties\r\n - postoperatief syndroom van urethrakleppen\r\n - vesicale immaturiteit\r\n (02) encopresis bij het kind ' |
fsh-generated\resources\CodeSystem-nihdi-physiotherapy-pathologysituationcode.json | value should not start or finish with whitespace 'h) Situations nécessitant une rééducation uro-, gynéco-, colo- ou proctologiquePathologies fonctionnelles pour les enfants jusqu'au 16ème anniversaire dues à des dysfonctionnements 14.\r\n ou des malformations:\r\n(1) infections urinaires pouvant constituer une menace pour le haut appareil urinaire à court et moyen termes:\r\n - dyssynergie vésico-sphinctérienne\r\n - infections urinaires à répétition\r\n - syndrome des valves urétrales post-opératoire\r\n - immaturité vésicale\r\n (2) encoprésie chez l’enfant ' |
fsh-generated\resources\CodeSystem-nihdi-physiotherapy-pathologysituationcode.json | value should not start or finish with whitespace 'j) Polytraumatismen, met invaliderende functionele gevolgen ter hoogte van twee verschillende ledematen of ter hoogte van\r\neen lidmaat en de romp, waarvan ten minste 2 traumatismen voldoen aan de criteria van de pathologische situaties\r\nomschreven in § 14, 5°, A, a), 1) of 2) (posttraumatische of postoperatieve aandoeningen) en/of in § 14, 5°, A, f) (situaties\r\nin het domein van de orthopedie – traumatologie) ' |
fsh-generated\resources\CodeSystem-nihdi-physiotherapy-pathologysituationcode.json | value should not start or finish with whitespace 'k) De volgende situaties in het domein van de stomatologie: \r\n- na een intra-articulaire temporomandibulaire heelkundige ingreep;\r\n - tijdens en/of na radiotherapie betreffende de maxillo-faciale zone;\r\n - na een intra-articulaire of sub-condylaire mandibulaire breuk; ' |
fsh-generated\resources\CodeSystem-nihdi-physiotherapy-pathologysituationcode.json | value should not start or finish with whitespace 'b) Troubles du développement psychomoteur\r\nChez les enfants de moins de 16 ans, après avis et proposition de traitement d’un des médecins spécialistes mentionnés\r\nci-dessous, et avec un score significativement plus faible sur un test standardisé ;\r\nMédecin spécialiste en :\r\n- (neuro)pédiatrie\r\n- (neuro)pédiatrie et F et P (*)\r\n- neuropsychiatrie et F et P (*)\r\n- neurologie\r\n- neurologie et F et P (*)\r\n- psychiatrie\r\n- psychiatrie et F et P (*)\r\n\r\n(*) F et P = spécialiste en réadaptation fonctionnelle et professionnelle des handicapés\r\nChez les enfants de moins de 19 mois, l’avis, la proposition de traitement et le score significativement plus faible mentionnés\r\nci-dessus peuvent être remplacés par la constatation de troubles manifestes clinique du développement sur base d’une\r\névaluation effectuée par une équipe multidisciplinaire spécialisée, qui compte au moins un (neuro)pédiatre\r\n' |
fsh-generated\resources\CodeSystem-nihdi-physiotherapy-pathologysituationcode.json | value should not start or finish with whitespace 'c) Insuffisance respiratoire chez les bénéficiaires qui sont suivis dans le cadre de la convention-type de rééducation fonctionnelle relative à l'oxygénothérapie de longue durée à domicile ou en cas de respiration artificielle à domicile.\r\n' |
fsh-generated\resources\CodeSystem-nihdi-physiotherapy-pathologysituationcode.json | value should not start or finish with whitespace 'd) Polyneuropathie chronique motrice ou mixte. ' |
fsh-generated\resources\CodeSystem-nihdi-physiotherapy-pathologysituationcode.json | value should not start or finish with whitespace 'h) lymphoedème \r\nrépondant aux conditions prévues dans la nomenclature\r\n' |
fsh-generated\resources\CodeSystem-nihdi-physiotherapy-pathologysituationcode.json | value should not start or finish with whitespace 'e) Perte fonctionnelle :Perte fonctionnelle globale post-traumatique d'un membre, pendant la période évolutive ' |
fsh-generated\resources\CodeSystem-nihdi-physiotherapy-pathologysituationcode.json | value should not start or finish with whitespace 'g) Dysfonction articulaire grave résultant :d’une arthrogrypose ' |
fsh-generated\resources\CodeSystem-nihdi-physiotherapy-pathologysituationcode.json | value should not start or finish with whitespace 'h) Polyarthrites chroniques inflammatoires d’origine immunitaire :Syndrome de Sjögren primaire (selon les définitions acceptées par la Société Royale Belge de Rhumatologie) ' |
fsh-generated\resources\CodeSystem-nihdi-physiotherapy-pathologysituationcode.json | value should not start or finish with whitespace 'i)\u00a0Myopathies :Polymyosite auto-immune\u00a0' |
fsh-generated\resources\CodeSystem-nihdi-physiotherapy-pathologysituationcode.json | value should not start or finish with whitespace 'j) Affections pulmonaires :Dysplasie broncho-pulmonaire avec oxygénodépendance de plus de 28 jours. La demande motivée du pédiatre traitant comportera notamment le rapport d'hospitalisation en service N. ' |
fsh-generated\resources\CodeSystem-nihdi-physiotherapy-pathologysituationcode.json | value should not start or finish with whitespace 'Perte fonctionnelle importante d’un membre suite à une agénésie du membre ou à une dysmélie affectant l’anatomie de ses différents segments ' |
fsh-generated\resources\CodeSystem-nihdi-physiotherapy-pathologysituationcode.json | value should not start or finish with whitespace 'Dysfonction articulaire grave résultant\u00a0:hémophilie ' |
fsh-generated\resources\CodeSystem-nihdi-physiotherapy-pathologysituationcode.json | value should not start or finish with whitespace 'Dysfonction articulaire grave résultant\u00a0:maladies héréditaires du tissu conjonctif/ostéogenèse imparfaite de type III et IV ' |
fsh-generated\resources\CodeSystem-nihdi-physiotherapy-pathologysituationcode.json | value should not start or finish with whitespace 'Ernstige gewrichtsdysfunctie ten gevolge van:erfelijke bindweefselaandoeningen/Ehlers-Danlos-syndroom ' |
fsh-generated\resources\CodeSystem-nihdi-physiotherapy-pathologysituationcode.json | value should not start or finish with whitespace 'Ernstige gewrichtsdysfunctie ten gevolge van:erfelijke bindweefselaandoeningen/Marfan-syndroom ' |
fsh-generated\resources\CodeSystem-nihdi-physiotherapy-pathologysituationcode.json | value should not start or finish with whitespace 'Troubles graves de la ou des fonctions articulaire(s), qui sont le résultat d’une polyarthrite chronique inflammatoire d’origine immunitaire (selon les définitions acceptées par la Société Royale Belge de Rhumatologie)arthrite rhumatoïde ' |
fsh-generated\resources\CodeSystem-nihdi-physiotherapy-pathologysituationcode.json | value should not start or finish with whitespace 'Ernstige stoornissen van de gewrichtsfunctie(s), die het gevolg zijn van een chronische autoimmune inflammatoire polyarthritis (volgens de definities aanvaard door de Koninklijke Belgische Vereniging voor Reumatologie):primair syndroom van Sjögren ' |
fsh-generated\resources\CodeSystem-nihdi-physiotherapy-pathologysituationcode.json | value should not start or finish with whitespace 'Myopathies\u00a0: Polymyosite auto-immune ' |
fsh-generated\resources\CodeSystem-nihdi-physiotherapy-pathologysituationcode.json | value should not start or finish with whitespace 'Mucoviscidose ou dyskinésie ciliaire bronchiale primaire objectivées ' |
fsh-generated\resources\CodeSystem-nihdi-physiotherapy-pathologysituationcode.json | value should not start or finish with whitespace 'Bronchiectasies hyperproductives objectivées ' |
fsh-generated\resources\CodeSystem-nihdi-physiotherapy-pathologysituationcode.json | value should not start or finish with whitespace 'Affections pulmonaires chroniques irréversibles obstructives ou restrictives avec des valeurs de volume expiratoire maximum-seconde inférieures ou égales à 60 % mesurées à un intervalle d'au moins 1 mois\u00a0; chez un enfant de moins de 7 ans, l'insuffisance respiratoire irréversible pourra être établie sur base d'un rapport motivé du spécialiste traitant ' |
fsh-generated\resources\CodeSystem-nihdi-physiotherapy-pathologysituationcode.json | value should not start or finish with whitespace 'Infections pulmonaires récidivantes en cas d'immunodépression grave établie ' |
fsh-generated\resources\CodeSystem-nihdi-physiotherapy-pathologysituationcode.json | value should not start or finish with whitespace 'Dysplasie broncho-pulmonaire avec oxygénodépendance de plus de 28 jours ' |