Validation Results for Laboratory

Generated Thu Sep 08 14:34:45 CEST 2022, FHIR version 4.0.1 for (canonical = (history)). See Errors Only

Quality Checks
Publisher Version:IG Publisher Version: v1.1.121, which is out of date. The current version is v1.1.128 Download Latest
Publication Code:n/a . PackageId =, Canonical =
Realm Check for n/a:
  • n/a
Version Check:1.0.0 = ok. Step trial-use in sequence Trial Use, to be published at (subdir = 1.0.0). This IG does not appear to have been published yet, so should not have a version >=1.0.0
Supressed Messages:10 Suppressed Issues
Dependency Checks:
PackageVersionFHIR ReleaseCanonicalWeb BaseComment
... hl7.terminology.r43.1.0 M4.0.1http://terminology.hl7.org
... I4.0.1
... V4.0.1\Temp\empty\core-clinical\outputMatched to latest patch release
.... hl7.terminology.r43.1.0 M4.0.1http://terminology.hl7.org above
.... I4.0.1 above
Templates: -> -> fhir.base.template#current
Dependent IGs:no references
Publication Rules:Code = n/a. n/a - not an or implementation guide

The copyrightYear parameter ('2021+') in the IG resource is good
HTA Analysis:no Non-HL7 references found
R5 Dependencies:(none)
Previous Version Comparison: Unable to compare with previous version: Unable to find version history at (Problem #1 with package-list.json at Invalid HTTP response 404 from (Not Found) (content in c:\temp\fhir-http-6.log))
Summary: errors = 3, warn = 353, info = 8, broken links = 0
Build Errors1200

n/a Show Validation Information

ImplementationGuide.definition.parameter[30].valueerrorSupressed messages file is not using the new format (see
ImplementationGuide.urlwarningThe canonical URL for an Implementation Guide must point directly to the implementation guide resource, not to the Implementation Guide as a whole
warningUnable to find ImplementationGuide.definition.resource.description for the resource Bundle/antibiogramAsBundleCollection. Descriptions are strongly encouraged if they cannot be inferred from the resource to allow proper population of the artifact list.
warningUnable to find ImplementationGuide.definition.resource.description for the resource Organization/eHealthPlatform. Descriptions are strongly encouraged if they cannot be inferred from the resource to allow proper population of the artifact list.
warningUnable to find ImplementationGuide.definition.resource.description for the resource Bundle/hematologyStudiesAsBundleCollection. Descriptions are strongly encouraged if they cannot be inferred from the resource to allow proper population of the artifact list.
warningUnable to find ImplementationGuide.definition.resource.description for the resource Observation/obsDynamic0. Descriptions are strongly encouraged if they cannot be inferred from the resource to allow proper population of the artifact list.
warningUnable to find ImplementationGuide.definition.resource.description for the resource Observation/obsDynamic1. Descriptions are strongly encouraged if they cannot be inferred from the resource to allow proper population of the artifact list.
warningUnable to find ImplementationGuide.definition.resource.description for the resource Observation/obsDynamic2. Descriptions are strongly encouraged if they cannot be inferred from the resource to allow proper population of the artifact list.
warningUnable to find ImplementationGuide.definition.resource.description for the resource Observation/obsKetonen. Descriptions are strongly encouraged if they cannot be inferred from the resource to allow proper population of the artifact list.
warningUnable to find ImplementationGuide.definition.resource.description for the resource Observation/obsMagnesium. Descriptions are strongly encouraged if they cannot be inferred from the resource to allow proper population of the artifact list.
warningUnable to find ImplementationGuide.definition.resource.description for the resource Observation/obsUrineIonen. Descriptions are strongly encouraged if they cannot be inferred from the resource to allow proper population of the artifact list.
warningUnable to find ImplementationGuide.definition.resource.description for the resource Observation/obsUrineScreening. Descriptions are strongly encouraged if they cannot be inferred from the resource to allow proper population of the artifact list.
warningUnable to find ImplementationGuide.definition.resource.description for the resource Observation/obsUrobili. Descriptions are strongly encouraged if they cannot be inferred from the resource to allow proper population of the artifact list.
warningUnable to find ImplementationGuide.definition.resource.description for the resource Organization/organization1. Descriptions are strongly encouraged if they cannot be inferred from the resource to allow proper population of the artifact list.
warningUnable to find ImplementationGuide.definition.resource.description for the resource Organization/organization10. Descriptions are strongly encouraged if they cannot be inferred from the resource to allow proper population of the artifact list.
warningUnable to find ImplementationGuide.definition.resource.description for the resource Patient/patient1. Descriptions are strongly encouraged if they cannot be inferred from the resource to allow proper population of the artifact list.
warningUnable to find ImplementationGuide.definition.resource.description for the resource Practitioner/practitioner1. Descriptions are strongly encouraged if they cannot be inferred from the resource to allow proper population of the artifact list.
warningUnable to find ImplementationGuide.definition.resource.description for the resource Practitioner/practitioner10. Descriptions are strongly encouraged if they cannot be inferred from the resource to allow proper population of the artifact list.
warningUnable to find ImplementationGuide.definition.resource.description for the resource PractitionerRole/practitionerrole1. Descriptions are strongly encouraged if they cannot be inferred from the resource to allow proper population of the artifact list.
warningUnable to find ImplementationGuide.definition.resource.description for the resource ServiceRequest/servicerequest1. Descriptions are strongly encouraged if they cannot be inferred from the resource to allow proper population of the artifact list.
warningUnable to find ImplementationGuide.definition.resource.description for the resource Specimen/urine1. Descriptions are strongly encouraged if they cannot be inferred from the resource to allow proper population of the artifact list.

C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleCollection.json Show Validation Information (90)

Bundle.entry[0].resource.ofType(DiagnosticReport).basedOn[0]warningEntry 43 matches the reference ServiceRequest/servicerequest50 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d75 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:servicerequest50 by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[0].resource.ofType(DiagnosticReport).subjectwarningEntry 42 matches the reference Patient/patient1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d74 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:patient1 by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[0].resource.ofType(DiagnosticReport).performer[0]warningEntry 40 matches the reference Organization/organization10 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d72 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:organization10 by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[0].resource.ofType(DiagnosticReport).resultsInterpreter[0]warningEntry 41 matches the reference Practitioner/practitioner11 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d73 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:practitioner11 by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[0].resource.ofType(DiagnosticReport).specimen[0]warningEntry 1 matches the reference Specimen/specimen50 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d36 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:specimen50 by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[0].resource.ofType(DiagnosticReport).result[0]warningEntry 2 matches the reference Observation/org51 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d37 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:org51 by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[0].resource.ofType(DiagnosticReport).result[1]warningEntry 20 matches the reference Observation/org52 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d55 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:org52 by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[0].resource.ofType(DiagnosticReport).result[2]warningEntry 38 matches the reference Observation/dr50-mrsa by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae09-48abcadd9d80 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:dr50-mrsa by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[0].resource.ofType(DiagnosticReport).result[3]warningEntry 39 matches the reference Observation/dr50-mrgn by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae09-48abcadd9d81 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:dr50-mrgn by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[0].resource.ofType(DiagnosticReport) (l46/c10)warningResource has a language, but the XHTML does not have an lang or an xml:lang tag (needs both - see
Bundle.entry[0].resource.ofType(DiagnosticReport).category[0].coding[1] (l35/c16)Slicing InformationThis element does not match any known slice defined in the profile Show Reasoning
Bundle.entry[2].resource.ofType(Observation).subjectwarningEntry 42 matches the reference Patient/patient1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d74 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:patient1 by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[2].resource.ofType(Observation).performer[0]warningEntry 41 matches the reference Practitioner/practitioner11 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d73 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:practitioner11 by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[2].resource.ofType(Observation).specimenwarningEntry 1 matches the reference Specimen/specimen50 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d36 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:specimen50 by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[2].resource.ofType(Observation).hasMember[0]warningEntry 3 matches the reference Observation/org51-ampicilin by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae01-48abcadd8d38 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:org51-ampicilin by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[2].resource.ofType(Observation).hasMember[1]warningEntry 4 matches the reference Observation/org51-trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae02-48abcadd8d39 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:org51-trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[2].resource.ofType(Observation).hasMember[2]warningEntry 5 matches the reference Observation/org51-nitrofurantoin by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae03-48abcadd8d40 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:org51-nitrofurantoin by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[2].resource.ofType(Observation).hasMember[3]warningEntry 6 matches the reference Observation/org51-cefuroxime by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae04-48abcadd8d41 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:org51-cefuroxime by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[2].resource.ofType(Observation).hasMember[4]warningEntry 7 matches the reference Observation/org51-gentamicin by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae05-48abcadd8d42 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:org51-gentamicin by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[2].resource.ofType(Observation).hasMember[5]warningEntry 8 matches the reference Observation/org51-colistin by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae06-48abcadd8d43 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:org51-colistin by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[2].resource.ofType(Observation).hasMember[6]warningEntry 9 matches the reference Observation/org51-temocillin by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae07-48abcadd8d44 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:org51-temocillin by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[2].resource.ofType(Observation).hasMember[7]warningEntry 10 matches the reference Observation/org51-fosfomycin by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae08-48abcadd8d45 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:org51-fosfomycin by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[2].resource.ofType(Observation).hasMember[8]warningEntry 11 matches the reference Observation/org51-levofloxacin by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae09-48abcadd8d46 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:org51-levofloxacin by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[2].resource.ofType(Observation).hasMember[9]warningEntry 12 matches the reference Observation/org51-ofloxacin by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae09-48abcadd8d47 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:org51-ofloxacin by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[2].resource.ofType(Observation).hasMember[10]warningEntry 13 matches the reference Observation/org51-amoxicillin-clavulanate by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae09-48abcadd8d48 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:org51-amoxicillin-clavulanate by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[2].resource.ofType(Observation).hasMember[11]warningEntry 14 matches the reference Observation/org51-amikacin by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae09-48abcadd8d49 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:org51-amikacin by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[2].resource.ofType(Observation).hasMember[12]warningEntry 15 matches the reference Observation/org51-piperacillin-tazobactam by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae09-48abcadd8d50 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:org51-piperacillin-tazobactam by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[2].resource.ofType(Observation).hasMember[13]warningEntry 16 matches the reference Observation/org51-ceftriaxone by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae09-48abcadd8d51 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:org51-ceftriaxone by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[2].resource.ofType(Observation).hasMember[14]warningEntry 17 matches the reference Observation/org51-cefotaxime by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae09-48abcadd8d52 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:org51-cefotaxime by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[2].resource.ofType(Observation).hasMember[15]warningEntry 18 matches the reference Observation/org51-ceftazidime by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae09-48abcadd8d53 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:org51-ceftazidime by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[2].resource.ofType(Observation).hasMember[16]warningEntry 19 matches the reference Observation/org51-meropenem by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae09-48abcadd8d54 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:org51-meropenem by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[3].resource.ofType(Observation).subjectwarningEntry 42 matches the reference Patient/patient1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d74 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:patient1 by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[3].resource.ofType(Observation).performer[0]warningEntry 41 matches the reference Practitioner/practitioner11 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d73 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:practitioner11 by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[4].resource.ofType(Observation).subjectwarningEntry 42 matches the reference Patient/patient1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d74 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:patient1 by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[4].resource.ofType(Observation).performer[0]warningEntry 41 matches the reference Practitioner/practitioner11 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d73 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:practitioner11 by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[5].resource.ofType(Observation).subjectwarningEntry 42 matches the reference Patient/patient1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d74 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:patient1 by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[5].resource.ofType(Observation).performer[0]warningEntry 41 matches the reference Practitioner/practitioner11 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d73 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:practitioner11 by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[6].resource.ofType(Observation).subjectwarningEntry 42 matches the reference Patient/patient1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d74 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:patient1 by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[6].resource.ofType(Observation).performer[0]warningEntry 41 matches the reference Practitioner/practitioner11 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d73 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:practitioner11 by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[7].resource.ofType(Observation).subjectwarningEntry 42 matches the reference Patient/patient1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d74 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:patient1 by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[7].resource.ofType(Observation).performer[0]warningEntry 41 matches the reference Practitioner/practitioner11 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d73 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:practitioner11 by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[8].resource.ofType(Observation).subjectwarningEntry 42 matches the reference Patient/patient1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d74 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:patient1 by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[8].resource.ofType(Observation).performer[0]warningEntry 41 matches the reference Practitioner/practitioner11 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d73 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:practitioner11 by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[9].resource.ofType(Observation).subjectwarningEntry 42 matches the reference Patient/patient1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d74 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:patient1 by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[9].resource.ofType(Observation).performer[0]warningEntry 41 matches the reference Practitioner/practitioner11 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d73 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:practitioner11 by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[10].resource.ofType(Observation).subjectwarningEntry 42 matches the reference Patient/patient1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d74 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:patient1 by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[10].resource.ofType(Observation).performer[0]warningEntry 41 matches the reference Practitioner/practitioner11 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d73 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:practitioner11 by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[11].resource.ofType(Observation).subjectwarningEntry 42 matches the reference Patient/patient1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d74 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:patient1 by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[11].resource.ofType(Observation).performer[0]warningEntry 41 matches the reference Practitioner/practitioner11 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d73 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:practitioner11 by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[12].resource.ofType(Observation).subjectwarningEntry 42 matches the reference Patient/patient1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d74 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:patient1 by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[12].resource.ofType(Observation).performer[0]warningEntry 41 matches the reference Practitioner/practitioner11 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d73 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:practitioner11 by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[13].resource.ofType(Observation).subjectwarningEntry 42 matches the reference Patient/patient1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d74 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:patient1 by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[13].resource.ofType(Observation).performer[0]warningEntry 41 matches the reference Practitioner/practitioner11 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d73 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:practitioner11 by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[14].resource.ofType(Observation).subjectwarningEntry 42 matches the reference Patient/patient1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d74 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:patient1 by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[14].resource.ofType(Observation).performer[0]warningEntry 41 matches the reference Practitioner/practitioner11 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d73 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:practitioner11 by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[15].resource.ofType(Observation).subjectwarningEntry 42 matches the reference Patient/patient1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d74 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:patient1 by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[15].resource.ofType(Observation).performer[0]warningEntry 41 matches the reference Practitioner/practitioner11 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d73 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:practitioner11 by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[16].resource.ofType(Observation).subjectwarningEntry 42 matches the reference Patient/patient1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d74 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:patient1 by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[16].resource.ofType(Observation).performer[0]warningEntry 41 matches the reference Practitioner/practitioner11 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d73 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:practitioner11 by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[17].resource.ofType(Observation).subjectwarningEntry 42 matches the reference Patient/patient1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d74 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:patient1 by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[17].resource.ofType(Observation).performer[0]warningEntry 41 matches the reference Practitioner/practitioner11 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d73 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:practitioner11 by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[18].resource.ofType(Observation).subjectwarningEntry 42 matches the reference Patient/patient1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d74 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:patient1 by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[18].resource.ofType(Observation).performer[0]warningEntry 41 matches the reference Practitioner/practitioner11 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d73 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:practitioner11 by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[19].resource.ofType(Observation).subjectwarningEntry 42 matches the reference Patient/patient1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d74 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:patient1 by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[19].resource.ofType(Observation).performer[0]warningEntry 41 matches the reference Practitioner/practitioner11 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d73 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:practitioner11 by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[20].resource.ofType(Observation).subjectwarningEntry 42 matches the reference Patient/patient1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d74 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:patient1 by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[20].resource.ofType(Observation).performer[0]warningEntry 41 matches the reference Practitioner/practitioner11 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d73 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:practitioner11 by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[20].resource.ofType(Observation).specimenwarningEntry 1 matches the reference Specimen/specimen50 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d36 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:specimen50 by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[20].resource.ofType(Observation).hasMember[0]warningEntry 21 matches the reference Observation/org52-ampicilin by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae01-48abcadd8d56 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:org52-ampicilin by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[20].resource.ofType(Observation).hasMember[1]warningEntry 22 matches the reference Observation/org52-trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae02-48abcadd8d57 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:org52-trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[20].resource.ofType(Observation).hasMember[2]warningEntry 23 matches the reference Observation/org52-nitrofurantoin by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae03-48abcadd8d58 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:org52-nitrofurantoin by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[20].resource.ofType(Observation).hasMember[3]warningEntry 24 matches the reference Observation/org52-cefuroxime by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae04-48abcadd8d59 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:org52-cefuroxime by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[20].resource.ofType(Observation).hasMember[4]warningEntry 25 matches the reference Observation/org52-gentamicin by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae05-48abcadd8d60 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:org52-gentamicin by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[20].resource.ofType(Observation).hasMember[5]warningEntry 26 matches the reference Observation/org52-colistin by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae06-48abcadd8d61 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:org52-colistin by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[20].resource.ofType(Observation).hasMember[6]warningEntry 27 matches the reference Observation/org52-temocillin by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae07-48abcadd8d62 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:org52-temocillin by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[20].resource.ofType(Observation).hasMember[7]warningEntry 28 matches the reference Observation/org52-fosfomycin by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae08-48abcadd8d63 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:org52-fosfomycin by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[20].resource.ofType(Observation).hasMember[8]warningEntry 29 matches the reference Observation/org52-levofloxacin by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae09-48abcadd8d64 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:org52-levofloxacin by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[20].resource.ofType(Observation).hasMember[9]warningEntry 30 matches the reference Observation/org52-ofloxacin by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae09-48abcadd8d65 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:org52-ofloxacin by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[20].resource.ofType(Observation).hasMember[10]warningEntry 31 matches the reference Observation/org52-amoxicillin-clavulanate by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae09-48abcadd8d66 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:org52-amoxicillin-clavulanate by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[20].resource.ofType(Observation).hasMember[11]warningEntry 32 matches the reference Observation/org52-amikacin by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae09-48abcadd8d67 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:org52-amikacin by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[20].resource.ofType(Observation).hasMember[12]warningEntry 33 matches the reference Observation/org52-piperacillin-tazobactam by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae09-48abcadd8d68 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:org52-piperacillin-tazobactam by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[20].resource.ofType(Observation).hasMember[13]warningEntry 34 matches the reference Observation/org52-ceftriaxone by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae09-48abcadd8d69 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:org52-ceftriaxone by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[20].resource.ofType(Observation).hasMember[14]warningEntry 35 matches the reference Observation/org52-cefotaxime by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae09-48abcadd8d70 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:org52-cefotaxime by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[20].resource.ofType(Observation).hasMember[15]warningEntry 36 matches the reference Observation/org52-ceftazidime by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae09-48abcadd8d71 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:org52-ceftazidime by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[20].resource.ofType(Observation).hasMember[16]warningEntry 37 matches the reference Observation/org52-meropenem by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae09-48abcadd9d72 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:org52-meropenem by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[21].resource.ofType(Observation).subjectwarningEntry 42 matches the reference Patient/patient1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d74 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:patient1 by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[21].resource.ofType(Observation).performer[0]warningEntry 41 matches the reference Practitioner/practitioner11 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d73 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:practitioner11 by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[22].resource.ofType(Observation).subjectwarningEntry 42 matches the reference Patient/patient1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d74 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:patient1 by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[22].resource.ofType(Observation).performer[0]warningEntry 41 matches the reference Practitioner/practitioner11 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d73 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:practitioner11 by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[23].resource.ofType(Observation).subjectwarningEntry 42 matches the reference Patient/patient1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d74 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:patient1 by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[23].resource.ofType(Observation).performer[0]warningEntry 41 matches the reference Practitioner/practitioner11 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d73 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:practitioner11 by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[24].resource.ofType(Observation).subjectwarningEntry 42 matches the reference Patient/patient1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d74 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:patient1 by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[24].resource.ofType(Observation).performer[0]warningEntry 41 matches the reference Practitioner/practitioner11 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d73 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:practitioner11 by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[25].resource.ofType(Observation).subjectwarningEntry 42 matches the reference Patient/patient1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d74 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:patient1 by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[25].resource.ofType(Observation).performer[0]warningEntry 41 matches the reference Practitioner/practitioner11 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d73 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:practitioner11 by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[26].resource.ofType(Observation).subjectwarningEntry 42 matches the reference Patient/patient1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d74 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:patient1 by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[26].resource.ofType(Observation).performer[0]warningEntry 41 matches the reference Practitioner/practitioner11 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d73 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:practitioner11 by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[27].resource.ofType(Observation).subjectwarningEntry 42 matches the reference Patient/patient1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d74 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:patient1 by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[27].resource.ofType(Observation).performer[0]warningEntry 41 matches the reference Practitioner/practitioner11 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d73 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:practitioner11 by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[28].resource.ofType(Observation).subjectwarningEntry 42 matches the reference Patient/patient1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d74 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:patient1 by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[28].resource.ofType(Observation).performer[0]warningEntry 41 matches the reference Practitioner/practitioner11 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d73 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:practitioner11 by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[29].resource.ofType(Observation).subjectwarningEntry 42 matches the reference Patient/patient1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d74 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:patient1 by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[29].resource.ofType(Observation).performer[0]warningEntry 41 matches the reference Practitioner/practitioner11 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d73 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:practitioner11 by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[30].resource.ofType(Observation).subjectwarningEntry 42 matches the reference Patient/patient1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d74 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:patient1 by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[30].resource.ofType(Observation).performer[0]warningEntry 41 matches the reference Practitioner/practitioner11 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d73 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:practitioner11 by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[31].resource.ofType(Observation).subjectwarningEntry 42 matches the reference Patient/patient1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d74 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:patient1 by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[31].resource.ofType(Observation).performer[0]warningEntry 41 matches the reference Practitioner/practitioner11 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d73 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:practitioner11 by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[32].resource.ofType(Observation).subjectwarningEntry 42 matches the reference Patient/patient1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d74 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:patient1 by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[32].resource.ofType(Observation).performer[0]warningEntry 41 matches the reference Practitioner/practitioner11 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d73 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:practitioner11 by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[33].resource.ofType(Observation).subjectwarningEntry 42 matches the reference Patient/patient1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d74 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:patient1 by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[33].resource.ofType(Observation).performer[0]warningEntry 41 matches the reference Practitioner/practitioner11 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d73 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:practitioner11 by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[34].resource.ofType(Observation).subjectwarningEntry 42 matches the reference Patient/patient1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d74 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:patient1 by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[34].resource.ofType(Observation).performer[0]warningEntry 41 matches the reference Practitioner/practitioner11 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d73 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:practitioner11 by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[35].resource.ofType(Observation).subjectwarningEntry 42 matches the reference Patient/patient1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d74 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:patient1 by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[35].resource.ofType(Observation).performer[0]warningEntry 41 matches the reference Practitioner/practitioner11 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d73 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:practitioner11 by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[36].resource.ofType(Observation).subjectwarningEntry 42 matches the reference Patient/patient1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d74 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:patient1 by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[36].resource.ofType(Observation).performer[0]warningEntry 41 matches the reference Practitioner/practitioner11 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d73 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:practitioner11 by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[37].resource.ofType(Observation).subjectwarningEntry 42 matches the reference Patient/patient1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d74 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:patient1 by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[37].resource.ofType(Observation).performer[0]warningEntry 41 matches the reference Practitioner/practitioner11 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d73 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:practitioner11 by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[38].resource.ofType(Observation).code.coding[0] (l1991/c14)warningThe display "Methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) DNA [Presence] in Unspecified specimen by NAA with probe detection" is not a valid display for the code {}35492-8 - should be one of ['Methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) DNA [Presence] in Specimen by NAA with probe detection', 'MRSA DNA Spec Ql NAA+probe', '', '2,6-二甲氧基苯青霉素' (zh-CN), '二甲氧基苯青霉素' (zh-CN), '二甲氧苯青霉素' (zh-CN), '新青霉素' (zh-CN), '甲氧苯青霉素 不明的' (zh-CN), '其他' (zh-CN), '将在相应消息内其他部分之中加以详细说明' (zh-CN), '未作详细说明的' (zh-CN), '未作说明的' (zh-CN), '未做说明的标本' (zh-CN), '未加规定的' (zh-CN), '未加说明的标本' (zh-CN), '杂项 依次型' (zh-CN), '分类顺序型' (zh-CN), '定性的' (zh-CN), '序数型(或称等级型)' (zh-CN), '性质上的' (zh-CN), '有序型' (zh-CN), '有序性分类应答' (zh-CN), '有序性分类结果' (zh-CN), '秩次型' (zh-CN), '等级型' (zh-CN), '筛查' (zh-CN), '顺序型 借助扩增的探针方法' (zh-CN), '借助扩增的探针法' (zh-CN), '探针法.扩增 借助靶向扩增的探针方法' (zh-CN), '借助靶向扩增的探针法' (zh-CN), '探针法.扩增.靶向 去氧核糖核酸' (zh-CN), '脱氧核糖核酸 去氧核糖核酸' (zh-CN), '脱氧核糖核酸' (zh-CN), '脱氧核糖核酸(Deoxyribonucleic acid,DNA) 存在情况' (zh-CN), '存在' (zh-CN), '存在与否' (zh-CN), '是否存在' (zh-CN), '阈值' (zh-CN), '界值' (zh-CN), '界限' (zh-CN), '阀值' (zh-CN), '临界值' (zh-CN), '存在情况(存在、存在与否、是否存在)或阈值(界值、界限、阀值、临界值) 扩增型 扩增性 抗生素敏感性试验' (zh-CN), '药敏' (zh-CN), '药敏类' (zh-CN), '药敏试验' (zh-CN), '药敏试验类 时刻' (zh-CN), '随机' (zh-CN), '随意' (zh-CN), '瞬间 甲氧西林耐药性金葡菌 DNA 经过扩增的 脱氧核糖核酸探针 葡萄状球菌 葡萄球菌属 金葡' (zh-CN), '金葡菌 金黄色葡萄球菌(金葡菌、金葡).甲氧西林(2,6-二甲氧基苯青霉素、二甲氧基苯青霉素、二甲氧苯青霉素、新青霉素、甲氧苯青霉素)耐药性(抗性、耐性、耐药、抗药、抗药性、耐受、耐药型)' (zh-CN), 'MRSA' (zh-CN), '抗甲氧西林金黄色葡萄球菌' (zh-CN), 'Methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus' (zh-CN), '耐甲氧西林金黄色葡萄球菌' (zh-CN), 'S aureus' (pt-BR), 'Dimethoxypenicillin' (pt-BR), 'Metacillin' (pt-BR), 'Celbenin' (pt-BR), 'Metin' (pt-BR), 'Staficyn' (pt-BR), 'Staphicillin' (pt-BR), 'Deoxyribonucleic acid' (pt-BR), 'Arbitrary concentration' (pt-BR), 'Point in time' (pt-BR), 'Random' (pt-BR), 'Misc' (pt-BR), 'Miscellaneous' (pt-BR), 'Unspecified' (pt-BR), 'Other' (pt-BR), 'Ql' (pt-BR), 'Ordinal' (pt-BR), 'Qualitative' (pt-BR), 'Qual' (pt-BR), 'Screen' (pt-BR), 'PCR' (pt-BR), 'Polymerase chain reaction' (pt-BR), 'Transcription mediated amplification' (pt-BR), 'NASBA' (pt-BR), 'Nucleic acid sequence based analysis' (pt-BR), 'SDA' (pt-BR), 'Strand Displacement Amplification' (pt-BR), 'LAT' (pt-BR), 'Ligation-activated transcription' (pt-BR), '3SR SR' (pt-BR), '3 Self-Sustaining Sequence Replication' (pt-BR), 'LCR' (pt-BR), 'Ligase chain reaction' (pt-BR), 'QBR' (pt-BR), 'Q-Beta Replicase or probe amplification category method' (pt-BR), 'Probe with target amplification' (pt-BR), 'NAAT' (pt-BR), 'TMA' (pt-BR), 'Amp Prb' (pt-BR), 'Probe with ampification' (pt-BR), 'DNA probe' (pt-BR), 'Amplified' (pt-BR), 'Staph' (pt-BR), 'ANTIBIOTIC SUSCEPTIBILITIES' (pt-BR), 'Presenza o Soglia Punto nel tempo (episodio) Sonda con amplificazione Sonda con amplificazione del target Sonda di DNA Staphylococcus aureus resistente alla meticillina Suscettibilità agli antibiotici' (it-IT), 'Mevcut' (tr-TR), 'ДНК проба' (ru-RU), 'ДНК зонд Порядковый Проба с мишени усилением Точка во времени' (ru-RU), 'Момент' (ru-RU), 'MRSA probe.amp.tar' (nl-NL), 'MRSA-DNA ST /SM PCR' (de-AT)] (from for '' (see Tx log)
Bundle.entry[38].resource.ofType(Observation).subjectwarningEntry 42 matches the reference Patient/patient1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d74 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:patient1 by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[38].resource.ofType(Observation).performer[0]warningEntry 41 matches the reference Practitioner/practitioner11 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d73 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:practitioner11 by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[39].resource.ofType(Observation).code.coding[0] (l2029/c14)warningThe display "Multiple drug resistant gram negative organism [Identifier] in Unspecified specimen by Culture" is not a valid display for the code {}78702-8 - should be one of ['Multiple drug resistant gram negative organism [Identifier] in Specimen by Culture', 'MDR gram neg org Spec Cult', '', 'Neg 不存在的 不明的' (zh-CN), '其他' (zh-CN), '将在相应消息内其他部分之中加以详细说明' (zh-CN), '未作详细说明的' (zh-CN), '未作说明的' (zh-CN), '未做说明的标本' (zh-CN), '未加规定的' (zh-CN), '未加说明的标本' (zh-CN), '杂项 众多 众多的 分类型应答' (zh-CN), '分类型结果' (zh-CN), '名义性' (zh-CN), '名称型' (zh-CN), '名词型' (zh-CN), '名词性' (zh-CN), '标称性' (zh-CN), '没有自然次序的名义型或分类型应答 反面的 否定的 否认的 培养方法 复合 复合的 多 多倍 多倍的 多元 多样 多样的 多路 多路的 多重 多重的 多重耐药性(多重抗药性、MDR)革兰氏阴性(革兰阴性、革兰氏染色阴性)细菌(菌) 存在' (zh-CN), '存在与否' (zh-CN), '特征标识' (zh-CN), '身份' (zh-CN), '身份标识 并联 并联的 微生物学' (zh-CN), '微生物学试验' (zh-CN), '微生物学试验(培养、DNA、抗原及抗体) 时刻' (zh-CN), '随机' (zh-CN), '随意' (zh-CN), '瞬间 毒品 毒品' (zh-CN), '麻醉药' (zh-CN), '麻醉品' (zh-CN), '麻药' (zh-CN), '兴奋剂' (zh-CN), '药品 毒品类 消极的 药品类 药物 药物类 负性的 负的 负面的 阴 阴性(Negative,Neg)' (zh-CN), 'Microbiologia Presenza o Identità Punto nel tempo (episodio)' (it-IT), 'Keim Gram-negativ multiresistent Kultur /SM' (de-AT)] (from for '' (see Tx log)
Bundle.entry[39].resource.ofType(Observation).subjectwarningEntry 42 matches the reference Patient/patient1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d74 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:patient1 by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[39].resource.ofType(Observation).performer[0]warningEntry 41 matches the reference Practitioner/practitioner11 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d73 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:practitioner11 by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[43].resource.ofType(ServiceRequest).subjectwarningEntry 42 matches the reference Patient/patient1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d74 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:patient1 by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[43].resource.ofType(ServiceRequest).requesterwarningEntry 44 matches the reference Practitioner/practitioner1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d76 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:practitioner1 by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[43].resource.ofType(ServiceRequest).specimen[0]warningEntry 1 matches the reference Specimen/specimen50 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d36 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:specimen50 by Bundle resolution rules

C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleNN.json Show Validation Information (90)

Bundle.entry[0].resource.ofType(DiagnosticReport).basedOn[0]warningEntry 43 matches the reference ServiceRequest/servicerequest50 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d75 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:servicerequest50 by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[0].resource.ofType(DiagnosticReport).subjectwarningEntry 42 matches the reference Patient/patient1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d74 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:patient1 by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[0].resource.ofType(DiagnosticReport).performer[0]warningEntry 40 matches the reference Organization/organization10 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d72 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:organization10 by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[0].resource.ofType(DiagnosticReport).resultsInterpreter[0]warningEntry 41 matches the reference Practitioner/practitioner11 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d73 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:practitioner11 by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[0].resource.ofType(DiagnosticReport).specimen[0]warningEntry 1 matches the reference Specimen/specimen50 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d36 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:specimen50 by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[0].resource.ofType(DiagnosticReport).result[0]warningEntry 2 matches the reference Observation/org51 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d37 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:org51 by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[0].resource.ofType(DiagnosticReport).result[1]warningEntry 20 matches the reference Observation/org52 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d55 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:org52 by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[0].resource.ofType(DiagnosticReport).result[2]warningEntry 38 matches the reference Observation/dr50-mrsa by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae09-48abcadd9d80 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:dr50-mrsa by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[0].resource.ofType(DiagnosticReport).result[3]warningEntry 39 matches the reference Observation/dr50-mrgn by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae09-48abcadd9d81 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:dr50-mrgn by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[0].resource.ofType(DiagnosticReport) (l46/c10)warningResource has a language, but the XHTML does not have an lang or an xml:lang tag (needs both - see
Bundle.entry[0].resource.ofType(DiagnosticReport).category[0].coding[1] (l35/c16)Slicing InformationThis element does not match any known slice defined in the profile Show Reasoning
Bundle.entry[2].resource.ofType(Observation).subjectwarningEntry 42 matches the reference Patient/patient1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d74 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:patient1 by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[2].resource.ofType(Observation).performer[0]warningEntry 41 matches the reference Practitioner/practitioner11 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d73 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:practitioner11 by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[2].resource.ofType(Observation).specimenwarningEntry 1 matches the reference Specimen/specimen50 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d36 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:specimen50 by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[2].resource.ofType(Observation).hasMember[0]warningEntry 3 matches the reference Observation/org51-ampicilin by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae01-48abcadd8d38 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:org51-ampicilin by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[2].resource.ofType(Observation).hasMember[1]warningEntry 4 matches the reference Observation/org51-trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae02-48abcadd8d39 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:org51-trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[2].resource.ofType(Observation).hasMember[2]warningEntry 5 matches the reference Observation/org51-nitrofurantoin by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae03-48abcadd8d40 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:org51-nitrofurantoin by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[2].resource.ofType(Observation).hasMember[3]warningEntry 6 matches the reference Observation/org51-cefuroxime by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae04-48abcadd8d41 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:org51-cefuroxime by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[2].resource.ofType(Observation).hasMember[4]warningEntry 7 matches the reference Observation/org51-gentamicin by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae05-48abcadd8d42 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:org51-gentamicin by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[2].resource.ofType(Observation).hasMember[5]warningEntry 8 matches the reference Observation/org51-colistin by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae06-48abcadd8d43 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:org51-colistin by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[2].resource.ofType(Observation).hasMember[6]warningEntry 9 matches the reference Observation/org51-temocillin by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae07-48abcadd8d44 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:org51-temocillin by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[2].resource.ofType(Observation).hasMember[7]warningEntry 10 matches the reference Observation/org51-fosfomycin by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae08-48abcadd8d45 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:org51-fosfomycin by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[2].resource.ofType(Observation).hasMember[8]warningEntry 11 matches the reference Observation/org51-levofloxacin by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae09-48abcadd8d46 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:org51-levofloxacin by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[2].resource.ofType(Observation).hasMember[9]warningEntry 12 matches the reference Observation/org51-ofloxacin by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae09-48abcadd8d47 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:org51-ofloxacin by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[2].resource.ofType(Observation).hasMember[10]warningEntry 13 matches the reference Observation/org51-amoxicillin-clavulanate by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae09-48abcadd8d48 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:org51-amoxicillin-clavulanate by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[2].resource.ofType(Observation).hasMember[11]warningEntry 14 matches the reference Observation/org51-amikacin by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae09-48abcadd8d49 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:org51-amikacin by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[2].resource.ofType(Observation).hasMember[12]warningEntry 15 matches the reference Observation/org51-piperacillin-tazobactam by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae09-48abcadd8d50 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:org51-piperacillin-tazobactam by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[2].resource.ofType(Observation).hasMember[13]warningEntry 16 matches the reference Observation/org51-ceftriaxone by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae09-48abcadd8d51 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:org51-ceftriaxone by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[2].resource.ofType(Observation).hasMember[14]warningEntry 17 matches the reference Observation/org51-cefotaxime by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae09-48abcadd8d52 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:org51-cefotaxime by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[2].resource.ofType(Observation).hasMember[15]warningEntry 18 matches the reference Observation/org51-ceftazidime by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae09-48abcadd8d53 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:org51-ceftazidime by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[2].resource.ofType(Observation).hasMember[16]warningEntry 19 matches the reference Observation/org51-meropenem by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae09-48abcadd8d54 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:org51-meropenem by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[3].resource.ofType(Observation).subjectwarningEntry 42 matches the reference Patient/patient1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d74 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:patient1 by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[3].resource.ofType(Observation).performer[0]warningEntry 41 matches the reference Practitioner/practitioner11 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d73 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:practitioner11 by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[4].resource.ofType(Observation).subjectwarningEntry 42 matches the reference Patient/patient1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d74 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:patient1 by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[4].resource.ofType(Observation).performer[0]warningEntry 41 matches the reference Practitioner/practitioner11 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d73 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:practitioner11 by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[5].resource.ofType(Observation).subjectwarningEntry 42 matches the reference Patient/patient1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d74 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:patient1 by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[5].resource.ofType(Observation).performer[0]warningEntry 41 matches the reference Practitioner/practitioner11 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d73 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:practitioner11 by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[6].resource.ofType(Observation).subjectwarningEntry 42 matches the reference Patient/patient1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d74 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:patient1 by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[6].resource.ofType(Observation).performer[0]warningEntry 41 matches the reference Practitioner/practitioner11 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d73 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:practitioner11 by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[7].resource.ofType(Observation).subjectwarningEntry 42 matches the reference Patient/patient1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d74 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:patient1 by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[7].resource.ofType(Observation).performer[0]warningEntry 41 matches the reference Practitioner/practitioner11 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d73 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:practitioner11 by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[8].resource.ofType(Observation).subjectwarningEntry 42 matches the reference Patient/patient1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d74 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:patient1 by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[8].resource.ofType(Observation).performer[0]warningEntry 41 matches the reference Practitioner/practitioner11 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d73 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:practitioner11 by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[9].resource.ofType(Observation).subjectwarningEntry 42 matches the reference Patient/patient1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d74 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:patient1 by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[9].resource.ofType(Observation).performer[0]warningEntry 41 matches the reference Practitioner/practitioner11 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d73 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:practitioner11 by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[10].resource.ofType(Observation).subjectwarningEntry 42 matches the reference Patient/patient1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d74 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:patient1 by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[10].resource.ofType(Observation).performer[0]warningEntry 41 matches the reference Practitioner/practitioner11 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d73 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:practitioner11 by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[11].resource.ofType(Observation).subjectwarningEntry 42 matches the reference Patient/patient1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d74 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:patient1 by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[11].resource.ofType(Observation).performer[0]warningEntry 41 matches the reference Practitioner/practitioner11 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d73 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:practitioner11 by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[12].resource.ofType(Observation).subjectwarningEntry 42 matches the reference Patient/patient1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d74 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:patient1 by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[12].resource.ofType(Observation).performer[0]warningEntry 41 matches the reference Practitioner/practitioner11 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d73 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:practitioner11 by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[13].resource.ofType(Observation).subjectwarningEntry 42 matches the reference Patient/patient1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d74 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:patient1 by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[13].resource.ofType(Observation).performer[0]warningEntry 41 matches the reference Practitioner/practitioner11 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d73 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:practitioner11 by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[14].resource.ofType(Observation).subjectwarningEntry 42 matches the reference Patient/patient1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d74 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:patient1 by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[14].resource.ofType(Observation).performer[0]warningEntry 41 matches the reference Practitioner/practitioner11 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d73 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:practitioner11 by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[15].resource.ofType(Observation).subjectwarningEntry 42 matches the reference Patient/patient1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d74 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:patient1 by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[15].resource.ofType(Observation).performer[0]warningEntry 41 matches the reference Practitioner/practitioner11 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d73 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:practitioner11 by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[16].resource.ofType(Observation).subjectwarningEntry 42 matches the reference Patient/patient1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d74 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:patient1 by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[16].resource.ofType(Observation).performer[0]warningEntry 41 matches the reference Practitioner/practitioner11 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d73 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:practitioner11 by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[17].resource.ofType(Observation).subjectwarningEntry 42 matches the reference Patient/patient1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d74 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:patient1 by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[17].resource.ofType(Observation).performer[0]warningEntry 41 matches the reference Practitioner/practitioner11 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d73 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:practitioner11 by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[18].resource.ofType(Observation).subjectwarningEntry 42 matches the reference Patient/patient1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d74 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:patient1 by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[18].resource.ofType(Observation).performer[0]warningEntry 41 matches the reference Practitioner/practitioner11 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d73 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:practitioner11 by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[19].resource.ofType(Observation).subjectwarningEntry 42 matches the reference Patient/patient1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d74 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:patient1 by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[19].resource.ofType(Observation).performer[0]warningEntry 41 matches the reference Practitioner/practitioner11 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d73 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:practitioner11 by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[20].resource.ofType(Observation).subjectwarningEntry 42 matches the reference Patient/patient1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d74 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:patient1 by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[20].resource.ofType(Observation).performer[0]warningEntry 41 matches the reference Practitioner/practitioner11 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d73 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:practitioner11 by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[20].resource.ofType(Observation).specimenwarningEntry 1 matches the reference Specimen/specimen50 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d36 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:specimen50 by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[20].resource.ofType(Observation).hasMember[0]warningEntry 21 matches the reference Observation/org52-ampicilin by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae01-48abcadd8d56 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:org52-ampicilin by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[20].resource.ofType(Observation).hasMember[1]warningEntry 22 matches the reference Observation/org52-trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae02-48abcadd8d57 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:org52-trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[20].resource.ofType(Observation).hasMember[2]warningEntry 23 matches the reference Observation/org52-nitrofurantoin by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae03-48abcadd8d58 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:org52-nitrofurantoin by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[20].resource.ofType(Observation).hasMember[3]warningEntry 24 matches the reference Observation/org52-cefuroxime by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae04-48abcadd8d59 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:org52-cefuroxime by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[20].resource.ofType(Observation).hasMember[4]warningEntry 25 matches the reference Observation/org52-gentamicin by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae05-48abcadd8d60 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:org52-gentamicin by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[20].resource.ofType(Observation).hasMember[5]warningEntry 26 matches the reference Observation/org52-colistin by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae06-48abcadd8d61 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:org52-colistin by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[20].resource.ofType(Observation).hasMember[6]warningEntry 27 matches the reference Observation/org52-temocillin by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae07-48abcadd8d62 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:org52-temocillin by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[20].resource.ofType(Observation).hasMember[7]warningEntry 28 matches the reference Observation/org52-fosfomycin by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae08-48abcadd8d63 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:org52-fosfomycin by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[20].resource.ofType(Observation).hasMember[8]warningEntry 29 matches the reference Observation/org52-levofloxacin by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae09-48abcadd8d64 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:org52-levofloxacin by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[20].resource.ofType(Observation).hasMember[9]warningEntry 30 matches the reference Observation/org52-ofloxacin by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae09-48abcadd8d65 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:org52-ofloxacin by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[20].resource.ofType(Observation).hasMember[10]warningEntry 31 matches the reference Observation/org52-amoxicillin-clavulanate by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae09-48abcadd8d66 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:org52-amoxicillin-clavulanate by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[20].resource.ofType(Observation).hasMember[11]warningEntry 32 matches the reference Observation/org52-amikacin by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae09-48abcadd8d67 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:org52-amikacin by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[20].resource.ofType(Observation).hasMember[12]warningEntry 33 matches the reference Observation/org52-piperacillin-tazobactam by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae09-48abcadd8d68 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:org52-piperacillin-tazobactam by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[20].resource.ofType(Observation).hasMember[13]warningEntry 34 matches the reference Observation/org52-ceftriaxone by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae09-48abcadd8d69 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:org52-ceftriaxone by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[20].resource.ofType(Observation).hasMember[14]warningEntry 35 matches the reference Observation/org52-cefotaxime by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae09-48abcadd8d70 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:org52-cefotaxime by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[20].resource.ofType(Observation).hasMember[15]warningEntry 36 matches the reference Observation/org52-ceftazidime by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae09-48abcadd8d71 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:org52-ceftazidime by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[20].resource.ofType(Observation).hasMember[16]warningEntry 37 matches the reference Observation/org52-meropenem by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae09-48abcadd9d72 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:org52-meropenem by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[21].resource.ofType(Observation).subjectwarningEntry 42 matches the reference Patient/patient1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d74 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:patient1 by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[21].resource.ofType(Observation).performer[0]warningEntry 41 matches the reference Practitioner/practitioner11 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d73 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:practitioner11 by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[22].resource.ofType(Observation).subjectwarningEntry 42 matches the reference Patient/patient1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d74 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:patient1 by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[22].resource.ofType(Observation).performer[0]warningEntry 41 matches the reference Practitioner/practitioner11 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d73 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:practitioner11 by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[23].resource.ofType(Observation).subjectwarningEntry 42 matches the reference Patient/patient1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d74 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:patient1 by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[23].resource.ofType(Observation).performer[0]warningEntry 41 matches the reference Practitioner/practitioner11 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d73 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:practitioner11 by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[24].resource.ofType(Observation).subjectwarningEntry 42 matches the reference Patient/patient1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d74 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:patient1 by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[24].resource.ofType(Observation).performer[0]warningEntry 41 matches the reference Practitioner/practitioner11 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d73 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:practitioner11 by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[25].resource.ofType(Observation).subjectwarningEntry 42 matches the reference Patient/patient1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d74 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:patient1 by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[25].resource.ofType(Observation).performer[0]warningEntry 41 matches the reference Practitioner/practitioner11 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d73 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:practitioner11 by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[26].resource.ofType(Observation).subjectwarningEntry 42 matches the reference Patient/patient1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d74 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:patient1 by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[26].resource.ofType(Observation).performer[0]warningEntry 41 matches the reference Practitioner/practitioner11 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d73 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:practitioner11 by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[27].resource.ofType(Observation).subjectwarningEntry 42 matches the reference Patient/patient1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d74 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:patient1 by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[27].resource.ofType(Observation).performer[0]warningEntry 41 matches the reference Practitioner/practitioner11 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d73 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:practitioner11 by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[28].resource.ofType(Observation).subjectwarningEntry 42 matches the reference Patient/patient1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d74 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:patient1 by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[28].resource.ofType(Observation).performer[0]warningEntry 41 matches the reference Practitioner/practitioner11 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d73 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:practitioner11 by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[29].resource.ofType(Observation).subjectwarningEntry 42 matches the reference Patient/patient1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d74 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:patient1 by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[29].resource.ofType(Observation).performer[0]warningEntry 41 matches the reference Practitioner/practitioner11 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d73 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:practitioner11 by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[30].resource.ofType(Observation).subjectwarningEntry 42 matches the reference Patient/patient1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d74 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:patient1 by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[30].resource.ofType(Observation).performer[0]warningEntry 41 matches the reference Practitioner/practitioner11 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d73 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:practitioner11 by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[31].resource.ofType(Observation).subjectwarningEntry 42 matches the reference Patient/patient1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d74 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:patient1 by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[31].resource.ofType(Observation).performer[0]warningEntry 41 matches the reference Practitioner/practitioner11 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d73 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:practitioner11 by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[32].resource.ofType(Observation).subjectwarningEntry 42 matches the reference Patient/patient1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d74 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:patient1 by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[32].resource.ofType(Observation).performer[0]warningEntry 41 matches the reference Practitioner/practitioner11 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d73 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:practitioner11 by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[33].resource.ofType(Observation).subjectwarningEntry 42 matches the reference Patient/patient1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d74 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:patient1 by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[33].resource.ofType(Observation).performer[0]warningEntry 41 matches the reference Practitioner/practitioner11 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d73 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:practitioner11 by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[34].resource.ofType(Observation).subjectwarningEntry 42 matches the reference Patient/patient1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d74 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:patient1 by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[34].resource.ofType(Observation).performer[0]warningEntry 41 matches the reference Practitioner/practitioner11 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d73 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:practitioner11 by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[35].resource.ofType(Observation).subjectwarningEntry 42 matches the reference Patient/patient1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d74 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:patient1 by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[35].resource.ofType(Observation).performer[0]warningEntry 41 matches the reference Practitioner/practitioner11 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d73 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:practitioner11 by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[36].resource.ofType(Observation).subjectwarningEntry 42 matches the reference Patient/patient1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d74 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:patient1 by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[36].resource.ofType(Observation).performer[0]warningEntry 41 matches the reference Practitioner/practitioner11 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d73 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:practitioner11 by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[37].resource.ofType(Observation).subjectwarningEntry 42 matches the reference Patient/patient1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d74 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:patient1 by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[37].resource.ofType(Observation).performer[0]warningEntry 41 matches the reference Practitioner/practitioner11 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d73 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:practitioner11 by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[38].resource.ofType(Observation).code.coding[0] (l1991/c14)warningThe display "Methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) DNA [Presence] in Unspecified specimen by NAA with probe detection" is not a valid display for the code {}35492-8 - should be one of ['Methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) DNA [Presence] in Specimen by NAA with probe detection', 'MRSA DNA Spec Ql NAA+probe', '', '2,6-二甲氧基苯青霉素' (zh-CN), '二甲氧基苯青霉素' (zh-CN), '二甲氧苯青霉素' (zh-CN), '新青霉素' (zh-CN), '甲氧苯青霉素 不明的' (zh-CN), '其他' (zh-CN), '将在相应消息内其他部分之中加以详细说明' (zh-CN), '未作详细说明的' (zh-CN), '未作说明的' (zh-CN), '未做说明的标本' (zh-CN), '未加规定的' (zh-CN), '未加说明的标本' (zh-CN), '杂项 依次型' (zh-CN), '分类顺序型' (zh-CN), '定性的' (zh-CN), '序数型(或称等级型)' (zh-CN), '性质上的' (zh-CN), '有序型' (zh-CN), '有序性分类应答' (zh-CN), '有序性分类结果' (zh-CN), '秩次型' (zh-CN), '等级型' (zh-CN), '筛查' (zh-CN), '顺序型 借助扩增的探针方法' (zh-CN), '借助扩增的探针法' (zh-CN), '探针法.扩增 借助靶向扩增的探针方法' (zh-CN), '借助靶向扩增的探针法' (zh-CN), '探针法.扩增.靶向 去氧核糖核酸' (zh-CN), '脱氧核糖核酸 去氧核糖核酸' (zh-CN), '脱氧核糖核酸' (zh-CN), '脱氧核糖核酸(Deoxyribonucleic acid,DNA) 存在情况' (zh-CN), '存在' (zh-CN), '存在与否' (zh-CN), '是否存在' (zh-CN), '阈值' (zh-CN), '界值' (zh-CN), '界限' (zh-CN), '阀值' (zh-CN), '临界值' (zh-CN), '存在情况(存在、存在与否、是否存在)或阈值(界值、界限、阀值、临界值) 扩增型 扩增性 抗生素敏感性试验' (zh-CN), '药敏' (zh-CN), '药敏类' (zh-CN), '药敏试验' (zh-CN), '药敏试验类 时刻' (zh-CN), '随机' (zh-CN), '随意' (zh-CN), '瞬间 甲氧西林耐药性金葡菌 DNA 经过扩增的 脱氧核糖核酸探针 葡萄状球菌 葡萄球菌属 金葡' (zh-CN), '金葡菌 金黄色葡萄球菌(金葡菌、金葡).甲氧西林(2,6-二甲氧基苯青霉素、二甲氧基苯青霉素、二甲氧苯青霉素、新青霉素、甲氧苯青霉素)耐药性(抗性、耐性、耐药、抗药、抗药性、耐受、耐药型)' (zh-CN), 'MRSA' (zh-CN), '抗甲氧西林金黄色葡萄球菌' (zh-CN), 'Methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus' (zh-CN), '耐甲氧西林金黄色葡萄球菌' (zh-CN), 'S aureus' (pt-BR), 'Dimethoxypenicillin' (pt-BR), 'Metacillin' (pt-BR), 'Celbenin' (pt-BR), 'Metin' (pt-BR), 'Staficyn' (pt-BR), 'Staphicillin' (pt-BR), 'Deoxyribonucleic acid' (pt-BR), 'Arbitrary concentration' (pt-BR), 'Point in time' (pt-BR), 'Random' (pt-BR), 'Misc' (pt-BR), 'Miscellaneous' (pt-BR), 'Unspecified' (pt-BR), 'Other' (pt-BR), 'Ql' (pt-BR), 'Ordinal' (pt-BR), 'Qualitative' (pt-BR), 'Qual' (pt-BR), 'Screen' (pt-BR), 'PCR' (pt-BR), 'Polymerase chain reaction' (pt-BR), 'Transcription mediated amplification' (pt-BR), 'NASBA' (pt-BR), 'Nucleic acid sequence based analysis' (pt-BR), 'SDA' (pt-BR), 'Strand Displacement Amplification' (pt-BR), 'LAT' (pt-BR), 'Ligation-activated transcription' (pt-BR), '3SR SR' (pt-BR), '3 Self-Sustaining Sequence Replication' (pt-BR), 'LCR' (pt-BR), 'Ligase chain reaction' (pt-BR), 'QBR' (pt-BR), 'Q-Beta Replicase or probe amplification category method' (pt-BR), 'Probe with target amplification' (pt-BR), 'NAAT' (pt-BR), 'TMA' (pt-BR), 'Amp Prb' (pt-BR), 'Probe with ampification' (pt-BR), 'DNA probe' (pt-BR), 'Amplified' (pt-BR), 'Staph' (pt-BR), 'ANTIBIOTIC SUSCEPTIBILITIES' (pt-BR), 'Presenza o Soglia Punto nel tempo (episodio) Sonda con amplificazione Sonda con amplificazione del target Sonda di DNA Staphylococcus aureus resistente alla meticillina Suscettibilità agli antibiotici' (it-IT), 'Mevcut' (tr-TR), 'ДНК проба' (ru-RU), 'ДНК зонд Порядковый Проба с мишени усилением Точка во времени' (ru-RU), 'Момент' (ru-RU), 'MRSA probe.amp.tar' (nl-NL), 'MRSA-DNA ST /SM PCR' (de-AT)] (from for '' (see Tx log)
Bundle.entry[38].resource.ofType(Observation).subjectwarningEntry 42 matches the reference Patient/patient1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d74 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:patient1 by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[38].resource.ofType(Observation).performer[0]warningEntry 41 matches the reference Practitioner/practitioner11 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d73 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:practitioner11 by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[39].resource.ofType(Observation).code.coding[0] (l2029/c14)warningThe display "Multiple drug resistant gram negative organism [Identifier] in Unspecified specimen by Culture" is not a valid display for the code {}78702-8 - should be one of ['Multiple drug resistant gram negative organism [Identifier] in Specimen by Culture', 'MDR gram neg org Spec Cult', '', 'Neg 不存在的 不明的' (zh-CN), '其他' (zh-CN), '将在相应消息内其他部分之中加以详细说明' (zh-CN), '未作详细说明的' (zh-CN), '未作说明的' (zh-CN), '未做说明的标本' (zh-CN), '未加规定的' (zh-CN), '未加说明的标本' (zh-CN), '杂项 众多 众多的 分类型应答' (zh-CN), '分类型结果' (zh-CN), '名义性' (zh-CN), '名称型' (zh-CN), '名词型' (zh-CN), '名词性' (zh-CN), '标称性' (zh-CN), '没有自然次序的名义型或分类型应答 反面的 否定的 否认的 培养方法 复合 复合的 多 多倍 多倍的 多元 多样 多样的 多路 多路的 多重 多重的 多重耐药性(多重抗药性、MDR)革兰氏阴性(革兰阴性、革兰氏染色阴性)细菌(菌) 存在' (zh-CN), '存在与否' (zh-CN), '特征标识' (zh-CN), '身份' (zh-CN), '身份标识 并联 并联的 微生物学' (zh-CN), '微生物学试验' (zh-CN), '微生物学试验(培养、DNA、抗原及抗体) 时刻' (zh-CN), '随机' (zh-CN), '随意' (zh-CN), '瞬间 毒品 毒品' (zh-CN), '麻醉药' (zh-CN), '麻醉品' (zh-CN), '麻药' (zh-CN), '兴奋剂' (zh-CN), '药品 毒品类 消极的 药品类 药物 药物类 负性的 负的 负面的 阴 阴性(Negative,Neg)' (zh-CN), 'Microbiologia Presenza o Identità Punto nel tempo (episodio)' (it-IT), 'Keim Gram-negativ multiresistent Kultur /SM' (de-AT)] (from for '' (see Tx log)
Bundle.entry[39].resource.ofType(Observation).subjectwarningEntry 42 matches the reference Patient/patient1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d74 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:patient1 by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[39].resource.ofType(Observation).performer[0]warningEntry 41 matches the reference Practitioner/practitioner11 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d73 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:practitioner11 by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[43].resource.ofType(ServiceRequest).subjectwarningEntry 42 matches the reference Patient/patient1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d74 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:patient1 by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[43].resource.ofType(ServiceRequest).requesterwarningEntry 44 matches the reference Practitioner/practitioner1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d76 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:practitioner1 by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[43].resource.ofType(ServiceRequest).specimen[0]warningEntry 1 matches the reference Specimen/specimen50 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d36 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:specimen50 by Bundle resolution rules

C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramIsNegativeAsBundleCollection.json Show Validation Information (18)

Bundle.entry[0].resource.ofType(DiagnosticReport).basedOn[0]warningEntry 7 matches the reference ServiceRequest/servicerequest60 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d97 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:servicerequest60 by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[0].resource.ofType(DiagnosticReport).subjectwarningEntry 6 matches the reference Patient/patient1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d96 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:patient1 by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[0].resource.ofType(DiagnosticReport).performer[0]warningEntry 4 matches the reference Organization/organization10 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d94 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:organization10 by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[0].resource.ofType(DiagnosticReport).resultsInterpreter[0]warningEntry 5 matches the reference Practitioner/practitioner11 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d95 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:practitioner11 by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[0].resource.ofType(DiagnosticReport).specimen[0]warningEntry 1 matches the reference Specimen/specimen60 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d91 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:specimen60 by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[0].resource.ofType(DiagnosticReport).result[0]warningEntry 2 matches the reference Observation/mac60 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae09-48abcadd9d92 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:mac60 by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[0].resource.ofType(DiagnosticReport).result[1]warningEntry 3 matches the reference Observation/cult60 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae09-48abcadd9d93 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:cult60 by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[0].resource.ofType(DiagnosticReport) (l46/c10)warningResource has a language, but the XHTML does not have an lang or an xml:lang tag (needs both - see
Bundle.entry[0].resource.ofType(DiagnosticReport).category[0].coding[1] (l35/c16)Slicing InformationThis element does not match any known slice defined in the profile Show Reasoning
Bundle.entry[2].resource.ofType(Observation).code.coding[0] (l152/c14)warningThe display "Macroscopic observation [Interpretation] in Unspecified specimen Narrative" is not a valid display for the code {}74574-5 - should be one of ['Macroscopic observation [Interpretation] in Specimen Narrative', 'Macroscopic obs Spec-Imp', '', '不明的' (zh-CN), '其他' (zh-CN), '将在相应消息内其他部分之中加以详细说明' (zh-CN), '未作详细说明的' (zh-CN), '未作说明的' (zh-CN), '未做说明的标本' (zh-CN), '未加规定的' (zh-CN), '未加说明的标本' (zh-CN), '杂项 印象是一种诊断陈述,始终是对其他某种观察指标的解释或抽象(一系列检验项目结果、一幅图像或者整个某位病人),而且几乎总是由某位专业人员产生。' (zh-CN), '检查印象' (zh-CN), '检查印象/解释' (zh-CN), '检查的印象/解释' (zh-CN), '检查解释' (zh-CN), '解释' (zh-CN), '阐释 叙述' (zh-CN), '叙述性文字' (zh-CN), '报告' (zh-CN), '报告型' (zh-CN), '文字叙述' (zh-CN), '文本叙述型' (zh-CN), '文本描述' (zh-CN), '文本描述型 大体观测' (zh-CN), '肉眼观察' (zh-CN), '宏观观察' (zh-CN), '目视观察 微生物学' (zh-CN), '微生物学试验' (zh-CN), '微生物学试验(培养、DNA、抗原及抗体) 时刻' (zh-CN), '随机' (zh-CN), '随意' (zh-CN), '瞬间 肉眼' (zh-CN), '肉眼可见' (zh-CN), '宏观' (zh-CN), '目视' (zh-CN), 'Impressione/interpretazione di studio Microbiologia Punto nel tempo (episodio)' (it-IT), 'Впечатление/интерпретация исследования Описательный Точка во времени' (ru-RU), 'Момент' (ru-RU), 'Makrosk. Beurt. /SM' (de-AT)] (from for '' (see Tx log)
Bundle.entry[2].resource.ofType(Observation).subjectwarningEntry 6 matches the reference Patient/patient1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d96 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:patient1 by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[2].resource.ofType(Observation).performer[0]warningEntry 5 matches the reference Practitioner/practitioner11 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d95 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:practitioner11 by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[3].resource.ofType(Observation).subjectwarningEntry 6 matches the reference Patient/patient1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d96 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:patient1 by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[3].resource.ofType(Observation).performer[0]warningEntry 5 matches the reference Practitioner/practitioner11 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d95 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:practitioner11 by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[7].resource.ofType(ServiceRequest).subjectwarningEntry 6 matches the reference Patient/patient1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d96 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:patient1 by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[7].resource.ofType(ServiceRequest).requesterwarningEntry 8 matches the reference Practitioner/practitioner1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d98 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:practitioner1 by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[7].resource.ofType(ServiceRequest).specimen[0]warningEntry 1 matches the reference Specimen/specimen60 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d91 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:specimen60 by Bundle resolution rules

C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-hematologyStudiesAsBundleCollection.json Show Validation Information (23)

Bundle.entry[0].resource.ofType(DiagnosticReport).basedOn[0]warningEntry 10 matches the reference ServiceRequest/servicerequest1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d43 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:servicerequest1 by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[0].resource.ofType(DiagnosticReport).code.coding[0].display.extension[0].extension[0].value.ofType(code) (l63/c24)informationThe value provided ('be-nl') is not in the value set 'Common Languages' (, and a code is recommended to come from this value set) (error message = Error from server: Access violation at address 0000000001158DD8 in module 'FHIRServer.exe'. Read of address 0000000000000028) (see Tx log)
Bundle.entry[0].resource.ofType(DiagnosticReport).subjectwarningEntry 9 matches the reference Patient/patient1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d42 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:patient1 by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[0].resource.ofType(DiagnosticReport).performer[0]warningEntry 7 matches the reference Organization/organization10 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d40 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:organization10 by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[0].resource.ofType(DiagnosticReport).resultsInterpreter[0]warningEntry 8 matches the reference Practitioner/practitioner11 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d41 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:practitioner11 by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[0].resource.ofType(DiagnosticReport).specimen[0]warningEntry 1 matches the reference Specimen/specimen1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d35 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:specimen1 by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[0].resource.ofType(DiagnosticReport).result[0]warningEntry 2 matches the reference Observation/observation10 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d36 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:observation10 by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[0].resource.ofType(DiagnosticReport).result[1]warningEntry 3 matches the reference Observation/observation11 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d37 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:observation11 by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[0].resource.ofType(DiagnosticReport).media[0].linkwarningEntry 6 matches the reference Media/media1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c469-4088-ae18-48abcadd8d40 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:media1 by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[0].resource.ofType(DiagnosticReport) (l41/c10)warningResource has a language, but the XHTML does not have an lang or an xml:lang tag (needs both - see
Bundle.entry[2].resource.ofType(Observation).subjectwarningEntry 9 matches the reference Patient/patient1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d42 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:patient1 by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[2].resource.ofType(Observation).performer[0]warningEntry 8 matches the reference Practitioner/practitioner11 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d41 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:practitioner11 by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[2].resource.ofType(Observation).specimenwarningEntry 1 matches the reference Specimen/specimen1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d35 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:specimen1 by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[3].resource.ofType(Observation).subjectwarningEntry 9 matches the reference Patient/patient1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d42 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:patient1 by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[3].resource.ofType(Observation).performer[0]warningEntry 8 matches the reference Practitioner/practitioner11 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d41 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:practitioner11 by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[3].resource.ofType(Observation).hasMember[0]warningEntry 4 matches the reference Observation/observation111 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d38 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:observation111 by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[3].resource.ofType(Observation).hasMember[1]warningEntry 5 matches the reference Observation/observation112 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d39 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:observation112 by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[4].resource.ofType(Observation).subjectwarningEntry 9 matches the reference Patient/patient1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d42 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:patient1 by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[4].resource.ofType(Observation).performer[0]warningEntry 8 matches the reference Practitioner/practitioner11 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d41 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:practitioner11 by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[4].resource.ofType(Observation).specimenwarningEntry 1 matches the reference Specimen/specimen1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d35 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:specimen1 by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[5].resource.ofType(Observation).subjectwarningEntry 9 matches the reference Patient/patient1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d42 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:patient1 by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[5].resource.ofType(Observation).performer[0]warningEntry 8 matches the reference Practitioner/practitioner11 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d41 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:practitioner11 by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[5].resource.ofType(Observation).specimenwarningEntry 1 matches the reference Specimen/specimen1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d35 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:specimen1 by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[6].resource.ofType(Media) (l480/c10)warningBase64 encoded values SHOULD not contain any whitespace (per RFC 4648). Note that non-validating readers are encouraged to accept whitespace anyway
Bundle.entry[10].resource.ofType(ServiceRequest).subjectwarningEntry 9 matches the reference Patient/patient1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d42 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:patient1 by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[10].resource.ofType(ServiceRequest).requesterwarningEntry 11 matches the reference Practitioner/practitioner1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d44 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:practitioner1 by Bundle resolution rules

C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-hematologyStudiesAsFHIRDocument.json Show Validation Information (25)

Bundle.entry[0].resource.ofType(Composition).subjectwarningEntry 10 matches the reference Patient/patient1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d42 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:patient1 by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[0].resource.ofType(Composition).author[0]warningEntry 9 matches the reference Practitioner/practitioner11 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d41 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:practitioner11 by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[0].resource.ofType(Composition).section[0].entry[0]warningEntry 1 matches the reference DiagnosticReport/diagnosticreport1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d34 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:diagnosticreport1 by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[1].resource.ofType(DiagnosticReport).basedOn[0]warningEntry 11 matches the reference ServiceRequest/servicerequest1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d43 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:servicerequest1 by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[1].resource.ofType(DiagnosticReport).code.coding[0].display.extension[0].extension[0].value.ofType(code) (l122/c24)informationThe value provided ('be-nl') is not in the value set 'Common Languages' (, and a code is recommended to come from this value set) (error message = Error from server: Access violation at address 0000000001158DD8 in module 'FHIRServer.exe'. Read of address 0000000000000028) (see Tx log)
Bundle.entry[1].resource.ofType(DiagnosticReport).subjectwarningEntry 10 matches the reference Patient/patient1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d42 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:patient1 by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[1].resource.ofType(DiagnosticReport).performer[0]warningEntry 8 matches the reference Organization/organization10 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d40 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:organization10 by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[1].resource.ofType(DiagnosticReport).resultsInterpreter[0]warningEntry 9 matches the reference Practitioner/practitioner11 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d41 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:practitioner11 by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[1].resource.ofType(DiagnosticReport).specimen[0]warningEntry 2 matches the reference Specimen/specimen1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d35 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:specimen1 by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[1].resource.ofType(DiagnosticReport).result[0]warningEntry 3 matches the reference Observation/observation10 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d36 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:observation10 by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[1].resource.ofType(DiagnosticReport).result[1]warningEntry 4 matches the reference Observation/observation11 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d37 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:observation11 by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[1].resource.ofType(DiagnosticReport).media[0].linkwarningEntry 7 matches the reference Media/media1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c469-4088-ae18-48abcadd8d40 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:media1 by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[1].resource.ofType(DiagnosticReport) (l100/c10)warningResource has a language, but the XHTML does not have an lang or an xml:lang tag (needs both - see
Bundle.entry[3].resource.ofType(Observation).subjectwarningEntry 10 matches the reference Patient/patient1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d42 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:patient1 by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[3].resource.ofType(Observation).performer[0]warningEntry 9 matches the reference Practitioner/practitioner11 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d41 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:practitioner11 by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[3].resource.ofType(Observation).specimenwarningEntry 2 matches the reference Specimen/specimen1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d35 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:specimen1 by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[4].resource.ofType(Observation).subjectwarningEntry 10 matches the reference Patient/patient1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d42 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:patient1 by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[4].resource.ofType(Observation).performer[0]warningEntry 9 matches the reference Practitioner/practitioner11 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d41 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:practitioner11 by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[4].resource.ofType(Observation).hasMember[0]warningEntry 5 matches the reference Observation/observation111 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d38 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:observation111 by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[4].resource.ofType(Observation).hasMember[1]warningEntry 6 matches the reference Observation/observation112 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d39 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:observation112 by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[5].resource.ofType(Observation).subjectwarningEntry 10 matches the reference Patient/patient1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d42 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:patient1 by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[5].resource.ofType(Observation).performer[0]warningEntry 9 matches the reference Practitioner/practitioner11 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d41 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:practitioner11 by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[5].resource.ofType(Observation).specimenwarningEntry 2 matches the reference Specimen/specimen1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d35 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:specimen1 by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[6].resource.ofType(Observation).subjectwarningEntry 10 matches the reference Patient/patient1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d42 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:patient1 by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[6].resource.ofType(Observation).performer[0]warningEntry 9 matches the reference Practitioner/practitioner11 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d41 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:practitioner11 by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[6].resource.ofType(Observation).specimenwarningEntry 2 matches the reference Specimen/specimen1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d35 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:specimen1 by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[7].resource.ofType(Media) (l539/c10)warningBase64 encoded values SHOULD not contain any whitespace (per RFC 4648). Note that non-validating readers are encouraged to accept whitespace anyway
Bundle.entry[11].resource.ofType(ServiceRequest).subjectwarningEntry 10 matches the reference Patient/patient1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d42 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:patient1 by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[11].resource.ofType(ServiceRequest).requesterwarningEntry 12 matches the reference Practitioner/practitioner1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d44 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:practitioner1 by Bundle resolution rules
Bundle.entry[11].resource.ofType(ServiceRequest).specimen[0]warningEntry 2 matches the reference Specimen/specimen1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d35 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:specimen1 by Bundle resolution rules

C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\CodeSystem-albert.json Show Validation Information (1)

CodeSysteminformationCodeSystems SHOULD have a stated value for the caseSensitive element so that users know the status and meaning of the code system clearly

C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\CodeSystem-be-cs-coded-annotation-types.json Show Validation Information (1)

C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\NamingSystem-be-ns-belac.json Show Validation Information (1)

C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\NamingSystem-be-ns-lab-report-bundle-id.json Show Validation Information (1)

C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\NamingSystem-be-ns-lab-report-diagnostic-report-id.json Show Validation Information (1)

C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\NamingSystem-be-ns-retam.json Show Validation Information (1)

C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Observation-obsCreat.json Show Validation Information (1)

C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Observation-obsDynamic0.json Show Validation Information (1)

Observation.code.coding[0] (l16/c8)warningThe display "Glucose^post XXX challenge" is not a valid display for the code {}53093-1 - should be one of ['Glucose [Moles/volume] in Serum or Plasma --post XXX challenge', 'Glucose p chal SerPl-sCnc', '', 'Glu' (zh-CN), 'Gluc' (zh-CN), '右旋糖' (zh-CN), '葡糖 GTT XXX刺激 - 在...之后 XXX刺激因素 之后于 XXX 刺激' (zh-CN), '之后于 XXX 刺激因素' (zh-CN), '之后于此处不作说明的刺激' (zh-CN), '之后于此处不作说明的刺激因素' (zh-CN), '在 XXX 刺激因素之后' (zh-CN), '在此处不作说明的刺激之后' (zh-CN), '在此处不作说明的刺激因素之后 之后于... 克分子浓度' (zh-CN), '克分子浓度(单位体积)' (zh-CN), '摩尔浓度' (zh-CN), '摩尔浓度(单位体积)' (zh-CN), '物质的量浓度(单位体积) 刺激因素' (zh-CN), '挑战 可用数量表示的' (zh-CN), '定量性' (zh-CN), '数值型' (zh-CN), '数量型' (zh-CN), '连续数值型标尺 在...以后 在后 时刻' (zh-CN), '随机' (zh-CN), '随意' (zh-CN), '瞬间 此处不作说明的刺激 此处不作说明的刺激因素 葡萄糖刺激因素 葡萄糖吸收 葡萄糖吸收试验 葡萄糖耐受 葡萄糖耐受试验 葡萄糖耐量 葡萄糖耐量试验 葡萄糖负荷 葡萄糖负荷试验 血清或血浆' (zh-CN), 'Aine kontsentratsioon Juhuslik Kvantitatiivne Plasma Seerum Seerum või plasma' (et-EE), 'Glucoseur' (pt-BR), 'p chal' (pt-BR), 'Substance concentration' (pt-BR), 'Level' (pt-BR), 'Point in time' (pt-BR), 'Random' (pt-BR), 'SerPl' (pt-BR), 'SerPlas' (pt-BR), 'SerP' (pt-BR), 'Serum' (pt-BR), 'SR' (pt-BR), 'Plasma' (pt-BR), 'Pl' (pt-BR), 'Plsm' (pt-BR), 'Quantitative' (pt-BR), 'QNT' (pt-BR), 'Quant' (pt-BR), 'Quan' (pt-BR), 'PST' (pt-BR), 'After' (pt-BR), 'CHEMISTRY.CHALLENGE TESTING' (pt-BR), 'GTT' (pt-BR), 'Glu tol' (pt-BR), 'Glucose tolerance' (pt-BR), 'Concentrazione di Sostanza dopo XXX provocazione Plasma Punto nel tempo (episodio) Siero Siero o Plasma Stimolo Test di provocazione' (it-IT), 'Количественный Молярность' (ru-RU), 'Молярная объёмная концентрация Плазма Провокационная проба Сыворотка Сыворотка или Плазма Точка во времени' (ru-RU), 'Момент' (ru-RU)] (from for '' (see Tx log)

C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Observation-obsDynamic1.json Show Validation Information (1)

Observation.code.coding[0] (l16/c8)warningThe display "Glucose^post XXX challenge" is not a valid display for the code {}53093-1 - should be one of ['Glucose [Moles/volume] in Serum or Plasma --post XXX challenge', 'Glucose p chal SerPl-sCnc', '', 'Glu' (zh-CN), 'Gluc' (zh-CN), '右旋糖' (zh-CN), '葡糖 GTT XXX刺激 - 在...之后 XXX刺激因素 之后于 XXX 刺激' (zh-CN), '之后于 XXX 刺激因素' (zh-CN), '之后于此处不作说明的刺激' (zh-CN), '之后于此处不作说明的刺激因素' (zh-CN), '在 XXX 刺激因素之后' (zh-CN), '在此处不作说明的刺激之后' (zh-CN), '在此处不作说明的刺激因素之后 之后于... 克分子浓度' (zh-CN), '克分子浓度(单位体积)' (zh-CN), '摩尔浓度' (zh-CN), '摩尔浓度(单位体积)' (zh-CN), '物质的量浓度(单位体积) 刺激因素' (zh-CN), '挑战 可用数量表示的' (zh-CN), '定量性' (zh-CN), '数值型' (zh-CN), '数量型' (zh-CN), '连续数值型标尺 在...以后 在后 时刻' (zh-CN), '随机' (zh-CN), '随意' (zh-CN), '瞬间 此处不作说明的刺激 此处不作说明的刺激因素 葡萄糖刺激因素 葡萄糖吸收 葡萄糖吸收试验 葡萄糖耐受 葡萄糖耐受试验 葡萄糖耐量 葡萄糖耐量试验 葡萄糖负荷 葡萄糖负荷试验 血清或血浆' (zh-CN), 'Aine kontsentratsioon Juhuslik Kvantitatiivne Plasma Seerum Seerum või plasma' (et-EE), 'Glucoseur' (pt-BR), 'p chal' (pt-BR), 'Substance concentration' (pt-BR), 'Level' (pt-BR), 'Point in time' (pt-BR), 'Random' (pt-BR), 'SerPl' (pt-BR), 'SerPlas' (pt-BR), 'SerP' (pt-BR), 'Serum' (pt-BR), 'SR' (pt-BR), 'Plasma' (pt-BR), 'Pl' (pt-BR), 'Plsm' (pt-BR), 'Quantitative' (pt-BR), 'QNT' (pt-BR), 'Quant' (pt-BR), 'Quan' (pt-BR), 'PST' (pt-BR), 'After' (pt-BR), 'CHEMISTRY.CHALLENGE TESTING' (pt-BR), 'GTT' (pt-BR), 'Glu tol' (pt-BR), 'Glucose tolerance' (pt-BR), 'Concentrazione di Sostanza dopo XXX provocazione Plasma Punto nel tempo (episodio) Siero Siero o Plasma Stimolo Test di provocazione' (it-IT), 'Количественный Молярность' (ru-RU), 'Молярная объёмная концентрация Плазма Провокационная проба Сыворотка Сыворотка или Плазма Точка во времени' (ru-RU), 'Момент' (ru-RU)] (from for '' (see Tx log)

C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Observation-obsDynamic2.json Show Validation Information (1)

Observation.code.coding[0] (l16/c8)warningThe display "Glucose^post XXX challenge" is not a valid display for the code {}53093-1 - should be one of ['Glucose [Moles/volume] in Serum or Plasma --post XXX challenge', 'Glucose p chal SerPl-sCnc', '', 'Glu' (zh-CN), 'Gluc' (zh-CN), '右旋糖' (zh-CN), '葡糖 GTT XXX刺激 - 在...之后 XXX刺激因素 之后于 XXX 刺激' (zh-CN), '之后于 XXX 刺激因素' (zh-CN), '之后于此处不作说明的刺激' (zh-CN), '之后于此处不作说明的刺激因素' (zh-CN), '在 XXX 刺激因素之后' (zh-CN), '在此处不作说明的刺激之后' (zh-CN), '在此处不作说明的刺激因素之后 之后于... 克分子浓度' (zh-CN), '克分子浓度(单位体积)' (zh-CN), '摩尔浓度' (zh-CN), '摩尔浓度(单位体积)' (zh-CN), '物质的量浓度(单位体积) 刺激因素' (zh-CN), '挑战 可用数量表示的' (zh-CN), '定量性' (zh-CN), '数值型' (zh-CN), '数量型' (zh-CN), '连续数值型标尺 在...以后 在后 时刻' (zh-CN), '随机' (zh-CN), '随意' (zh-CN), '瞬间 此处不作说明的刺激 此处不作说明的刺激因素 葡萄糖刺激因素 葡萄糖吸收 葡萄糖吸收试验 葡萄糖耐受 葡萄糖耐受试验 葡萄糖耐量 葡萄糖耐量试验 葡萄糖负荷 葡萄糖负荷试验 血清或血浆' (zh-CN), 'Aine kontsentratsioon Juhuslik Kvantitatiivne Plasma Seerum Seerum või plasma' (et-EE), 'Glucoseur' (pt-BR), 'p chal' (pt-BR), 'Substance concentration' (pt-BR), 'Level' (pt-BR), 'Point in time' (pt-BR), 'Random' (pt-BR), 'SerPl' (pt-BR), 'SerPlas' (pt-BR), 'SerP' (pt-BR), 'Serum' (pt-BR), 'SR' (pt-BR), 'Plasma' (pt-BR), 'Pl' (pt-BR), 'Plsm' (pt-BR), 'Quantitative' (pt-BR), 'QNT' (pt-BR), 'Quant' (pt-BR), 'Quan' (pt-BR), 'PST' (pt-BR), 'After' (pt-BR), 'CHEMISTRY.CHALLENGE TESTING' (pt-BR), 'GTT' (pt-BR), 'Glu tol' (pt-BR), 'Glucose tolerance' (pt-BR), 'Concentrazione di Sostanza dopo XXX provocazione Plasma Punto nel tempo (episodio) Siero Siero o Plasma Stimolo Test di provocazione' (it-IT), 'Количественный Молярность' (ru-RU), 'Молярная объёмная концентрация Плазма Провокационная проба Сыворотка Сыворотка или Плазма Точка во времени' (ru-RU), 'Момент' (ru-RU)] (from for '' (see Tx log)

C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Observation-obsDynamicHead.json Show Validation Information (1)

Observation.code.coding[0] (l16/c8)warningThe display "Glucose tolerance 4 hours panel - Serum or Plasma" is not a valid display for the code {}72171-2 - should be one of ['Glucose tolerance 2 hours panel - Serum or Plasma', 'GTT 2h Pnl SerPl', '', '2小时葡萄糖耐量组套(组合、医嘱组、套餐、套餐医嘱、医嘱套餐、组合申请、组合项目)' (zh-CN), '2H GTT 医嘱组' (zh-CN), '2H 葡萄糖耐量医嘱组' (zh-CN), '2Hr GTT 医嘱组' (zh-CN), '2Hr 葡萄糖耐量医嘱组' (zh-CN), '2小时 GTT 医嘱组' (zh-CN), 'GTT 2H 医嘱组' (zh-CN), 'GTT 2Hr 医嘱组' (zh-CN), 'GTT 2小时 医嘱组' (zh-CN), '葡萄糖耐量 2H 医嘱组' (zh-CN), '葡萄糖耐量 2Hr 医嘱组' (zh-CN), '葡萄糖耐量 2小时 医嘱组 Glu tol' (zh-CN), 'GTT' (zh-CN), '糖耐量' (zh-CN), '葡萄糖耐受' (zh-CN), '葡萄糖耐受力' (zh-CN), '葡萄糖耐受能力 Glu' (zh-CN), 'Gluc' (zh-CN), '右旋糖' (zh-CN), '葡糖 GTT 医嘱套餐 医嘱套餐类 医嘱套餐组 医嘱组 医嘱组合 医嘱组合类 医嘱组套 医嘱组套类 医嘱组类 可用数量表示的' (zh-CN), '定量性' (zh-CN), '数值型' (zh-CN), '数量型' (zh-CN), '连续数值型标尺 套餐 套餐医嘱 套餐医嘱组 套餐医嘱组类 实验室医嘱套餐 实验室医嘱套餐类 实验室医嘱组 实验室医嘱组合类 实验室医嘱组套 实验室医嘱组套类 实验室套餐医嘱组 实验室套餐医嘱组类 实验室检验项目医嘱组合类 实验室检验项目组合类 检验医嘱组合类 检验项目医嘱组合类 检验项目组合类 组 组合 组合医嘱 组合类 组套 组套(组合、医嘱组、套餐、套餐医嘱、医嘱套餐、组合申请、组合项目).刺激耐受类检测 葡萄糖刺激因素 葡萄糖吸收 葡萄糖吸收试验 葡萄糖耐受 葡萄糖耐受试验 葡萄糖耐量 葡萄糖耐量试验 葡萄糖负荷 葡萄糖负荷试验 血清或血浆' (zh-CN), 'Plasma Set di prescrizione per provocazione Siero Siero o Plasma Test di provocazione Tolleranza al glucosio' (it-IT), 'Количественный Плазма Сыворотка Сыворотка или Плазма Толерантность к глюкозе' (ru-RU)] (from for '' (see Tx log)

C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Observation-obsKetonen.json Show Validation Information (1)

Observation.code.coding[0] (l16/c8)warningThe display "Ketones (urine) - presence - test strip" is not a valid display for the code {}57734-6 - should be one of ['Ketones [Presence] in Urine by Automated test strip', 'Ketones Ur Ql', '', 'Beta-羟丁酸+乙酰乙酸+丙酮' (zh-CN), 'Beta-羟基丁酸+乙酰乙酸+丙酮' (zh-CN), 'β-羟丁酸+乙酰乙酸+丙酮' (zh-CN), 'β-羟基丁酸+乙酰乙酸+丙酮' (zh-CN), '酮体 = Beta-羟丁酸+乙酰乙酸+丙酮' (zh-CN), '酮体 = Beta-羟基丁酸+乙酰乙酸+丙酮' (zh-CN), '酮体 = β-羟丁酸+乙酰乙酸+丙酮' (zh-CN), '酮体 = β-羟基丁酸+乙酰乙酸+丙酮' (zh-CN), '酮类 UA 依次型' (zh-CN), '分类顺序型' (zh-CN), '定性的' (zh-CN), '序数型(或称等级型)' (zh-CN), '性质上的' (zh-CN), '有序型' (zh-CN), '有序性分类应答' (zh-CN), '有序性分类结果' (zh-CN), '秩次型' (zh-CN), '等级型' (zh-CN), '筛查' (zh-CN), '顺序型 存在情况' (zh-CN), '存在' (zh-CN), '存在与否' (zh-CN), '是否存在' (zh-CN), '阈值' (zh-CN), '界值' (zh-CN), '界限' (zh-CN), '阀值' (zh-CN), '临界值' (zh-CN), '存在情况(存在、存在与否、是否存在)或阈值(界值、界限、阀值、临界值) 尿' (zh-CN), '小便' (zh-CN), '下泉 尿测试条 尿液分析 尿液分析' (zh-CN), '尿液分析检测' (zh-CN), '尿液分析检测类' (zh-CN), '尿液分析检验' (zh-CN), '尿液分析检验类' (zh-CN), '尿液分析检验项目类' (zh-CN), '尿液分析测试' (zh-CN), '尿液分析测试类 尿液测试条 尿液试条 尿试条 尿试纸条 时刻' (zh-CN), '随机' (zh-CN), '随意' (zh-CN), '瞬间 电子化 自动 自动型 自动法' (zh-CN), '自动化 试条、试件' (zh-CN), '试片' (zh-CN), '试纸' (zh-CN), '试验片' (zh-CN), '试验片条' (zh-CN), '试验纸条 试条.自动' (zh-CN), '试条.自动化' (zh-CN), '试条.自动化法' (zh-CN), '试条.自动法' (zh-CN), '试纸.自动' (zh-CN), '试纸.自动化' (zh-CN), '试纸.自动化法' (zh-CN), '试纸.自动法' (zh-CN), '试纸条.自动' (zh-CN), '试纸条.自动化' (zh-CN), '试纸条(试条、试件、试片、试纸、试验片、试验片条、试验纸条).自动法' (zh-CN), 'Ketone' (pt-BR), 'Acetone bodies' (pt-BR), 'Ketone bodies' (pt-BR), 'Arbitrary concentration' (pt-BR), 'Point in time' (pt-BR), 'Random' (pt-BR), 'Ur' (pt-BR), 'Urn' (pt-BR), 'UA' (pt-BR), 'Ql' (pt-BR), 'Ordinal' (pt-BR), 'Qualitative' (pt-BR), 'Qual' (pt-BR), 'Screen' (pt-BR), '' (pt-BR), 'Dipstick' (pt-BR), 'Dip stick' (pt-BR), 'Auto' (pt-BR), 'Chemistry' (pt-BR), 'Ketonkörper' (de-DE), 'Analisi delle urine Presenza o Soglia Punto nel tempo (episodio) Striscia reattiva Striscia reattiva automatica' (it-IT), 'Mevcut' (tr-TR), 'automatische teststrip' (nl-NL), 'Tigette diagnostique.automatisé' (fr-BE)] (from for '' (see Tx log)

C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Observation-obsMagnesium.json Show Validation Information (1)

C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Observation-obsUrineIonen.json Show Validation Information (1)

C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Observation-obsUrineScreening.json Show Validation Information (1)

C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Observation-obsUrobili.json Show Validation Information (1)

C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Organization-eHealthPlatform.json Show Validation Information (1)

C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Organization-organization1.json Show Validation Information (1)

C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Organization-organization10.json Show Validation Information (1)

C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Patient-patient1.json Show Validation Information (1)

C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Practitioner-practitioner1.json Show Validation Information (1)

C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Practitioner-practitioner10.json Show Validation Information (1)

C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\PractitionerRole-practitionerrole1.json Show Validation Information (1)

C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\ServiceRequest-servicerequest1.json Show Validation Information (1)

ServiceRequest.specimen[0] (l34/c6)errorUnable to resolve resource with reference 'Specimen/specimen1'
ServiceRequest.meta.profile[0] (l1/c2)warningProfile reference '' has not been checked because it is unknown, and the validator is set to not fetch unknown profiles

C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Specimen-urine1.json Show Validation Information (1)

C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\StructureDefinition-annotation-code.json Show Validation Information (1)

StructureDefinition.where(url = '')warningThe Implementation Guide contains no examples for this extension

C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\StructureDefinition-be-ext-note.json Show Validation Information (1)

StructureDefinition.where(url = '')warningThe Implementation Guide contains no examples for this extension

C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\StructureDefinition-be-ext-referencerange-comment.json Show Validation Information (1)

StructureDefinition.where(url = '')warningThe Implementation Guide contains no examples for this extension

C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\StructureDefinition-be-laboratory-report.json Show Validation Information (1)

StructureDefinition.where(url = '')informationThe Implementation Guide contains no explicitly linked examples for this profile

C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\StructureDefinition-be-laboratory-report-composition.json Show Validation Information (1)

StructureDefinition.where(url = '')informationThe Implementation Guide contains no explicitly linked examples for this profile

C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\StructureDefinition-be-observation-laboratory.json Show Validation Information (1)

StructureDefinition.text.diverrorThe URL is not valid because '(URL contains Invalid Characters ([\]))' : file://C:\Temp\empty\core-clinical\output/StructureDefinition-be-observationcodeableconcept.html

C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\StructureDefinition-be-specimen-laboratory.json Show Validation Information (1)

C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\StructureDefinition-coded-annotation.json Show Validation Information (1)

C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\ValueSet-be-vs-coded-annotation-types.json Show Validation Information (1)

C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\ Show Validation Information (0)

Suppressed Messages (Warnings, hints, broken links)


Errors sorted by type


C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleCollection.jsonEntry 43 matches the reference ServiceRequest/servicerequest50 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d75 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:servicerequest50 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleCollection.jsonEntry 42 matches the reference Patient/patient1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d74 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:patient1 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleCollection.jsonEntry 40 matches the reference Organization/organization10 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d72 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:organization10 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleCollection.jsonEntry 41 matches the reference Practitioner/practitioner11 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d73 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:practitioner11 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleCollection.jsonEntry 1 matches the reference Specimen/specimen50 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d36 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:specimen50 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleCollection.jsonEntry 2 matches the reference Observation/org51 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d37 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:org51 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleCollection.jsonEntry 20 matches the reference Observation/org52 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d55 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:org52 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleCollection.jsonEntry 38 matches the reference Observation/dr50-mrsa by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae09-48abcadd9d80 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:dr50-mrsa by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleCollection.jsonEntry 39 matches the reference Observation/dr50-mrgn by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae09-48abcadd9d81 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:dr50-mrgn by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleCollection.jsonEntry 42 matches the reference Patient/patient1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d74 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:patient1 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleCollection.jsonEntry 41 matches the reference Practitioner/practitioner11 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d73 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:practitioner11 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleCollection.jsonEntry 1 matches the reference Specimen/specimen50 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d36 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:specimen50 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleCollection.jsonEntry 3 matches the reference Observation/org51-ampicilin by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae01-48abcadd8d38 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:org51-ampicilin by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleCollection.jsonEntry 4 matches the reference Observation/org51-trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae02-48abcadd8d39 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:org51-trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleCollection.jsonEntry 5 matches the reference Observation/org51-nitrofurantoin by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae03-48abcadd8d40 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:org51-nitrofurantoin by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleCollection.jsonEntry 6 matches the reference Observation/org51-cefuroxime by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae04-48abcadd8d41 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:org51-cefuroxime by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleCollection.jsonEntry 7 matches the reference Observation/org51-gentamicin by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae05-48abcadd8d42 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:org51-gentamicin by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleCollection.jsonEntry 8 matches the reference Observation/org51-colistin by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae06-48abcadd8d43 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:org51-colistin by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleCollection.jsonEntry 9 matches the reference Observation/org51-temocillin by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae07-48abcadd8d44 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:org51-temocillin by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleCollection.jsonEntry 10 matches the reference Observation/org51-fosfomycin by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae08-48abcadd8d45 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:org51-fosfomycin by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleCollection.jsonEntry 11 matches the reference Observation/org51-levofloxacin by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae09-48abcadd8d46 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:org51-levofloxacin by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleCollection.jsonEntry 12 matches the reference Observation/org51-ofloxacin by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae09-48abcadd8d47 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:org51-ofloxacin by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleCollection.jsonEntry 13 matches the reference Observation/org51-amoxicillin-clavulanate by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae09-48abcadd8d48 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:org51-amoxicillin-clavulanate by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleCollection.jsonEntry 14 matches the reference Observation/org51-amikacin by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae09-48abcadd8d49 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:org51-amikacin by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleCollection.jsonEntry 15 matches the reference Observation/org51-piperacillin-tazobactam by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae09-48abcadd8d50 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:org51-piperacillin-tazobactam by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleCollection.jsonEntry 16 matches the reference Observation/org51-ceftriaxone by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae09-48abcadd8d51 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:org51-ceftriaxone by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleCollection.jsonEntry 17 matches the reference Observation/org51-cefotaxime by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae09-48abcadd8d52 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:org51-cefotaxime by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleCollection.jsonEntry 18 matches the reference Observation/org51-ceftazidime by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae09-48abcadd8d53 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:org51-ceftazidime by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleCollection.jsonEntry 19 matches the reference Observation/org51-meropenem by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae09-48abcadd8d54 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:org51-meropenem by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleCollection.jsonEntry 42 matches the reference Patient/patient1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d74 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:patient1 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleCollection.jsonEntry 41 matches the reference Practitioner/practitioner11 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d73 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:practitioner11 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleCollection.jsonEntry 42 matches the reference Patient/patient1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d74 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:patient1 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleCollection.jsonEntry 41 matches the reference Practitioner/practitioner11 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d73 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:practitioner11 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleCollection.jsonEntry 42 matches the reference Patient/patient1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d74 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:patient1 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleCollection.jsonEntry 41 matches the reference Practitioner/practitioner11 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d73 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:practitioner11 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleCollection.jsonEntry 42 matches the reference Patient/patient1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d74 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:patient1 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleCollection.jsonEntry 41 matches the reference Practitioner/practitioner11 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d73 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:practitioner11 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleCollection.jsonEntry 42 matches the reference Patient/patient1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d74 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:patient1 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleCollection.jsonEntry 41 matches the reference Practitioner/practitioner11 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d73 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:practitioner11 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleCollection.jsonEntry 42 matches the reference Patient/patient1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d74 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:patient1 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleCollection.jsonEntry 41 matches the reference Practitioner/practitioner11 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d73 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:practitioner11 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleCollection.jsonEntry 42 matches the reference Patient/patient1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d74 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:patient1 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleCollection.jsonEntry 41 matches the reference Practitioner/practitioner11 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d73 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:practitioner11 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleCollection.jsonEntry 42 matches the reference Patient/patient1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d74 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:patient1 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleCollection.jsonEntry 41 matches the reference Practitioner/practitioner11 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d73 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:practitioner11 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleCollection.jsonEntry 42 matches the reference Patient/patient1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d74 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:patient1 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleCollection.jsonEntry 41 matches the reference Practitioner/practitioner11 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d73 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:practitioner11 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleCollection.jsonEntry 42 matches the reference Patient/patient1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d74 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:patient1 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleCollection.jsonEntry 41 matches the reference Practitioner/practitioner11 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d73 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:practitioner11 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleCollection.jsonEntry 42 matches the reference Patient/patient1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d74 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:patient1 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleCollection.jsonEntry 41 matches the reference Practitioner/practitioner11 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d73 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:practitioner11 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleCollection.jsonEntry 42 matches the reference Patient/patient1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d74 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:patient1 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleCollection.jsonEntry 41 matches the reference Practitioner/practitioner11 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d73 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:practitioner11 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleCollection.jsonEntry 42 matches the reference Patient/patient1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d74 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:patient1 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleCollection.jsonEntry 41 matches the reference Practitioner/practitioner11 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d73 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:practitioner11 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleCollection.jsonEntry 42 matches the reference Patient/patient1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d74 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:patient1 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleCollection.jsonEntry 41 matches the reference Practitioner/practitioner11 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d73 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:practitioner11 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleCollection.jsonEntry 42 matches the reference Patient/patient1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d74 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:patient1 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleCollection.jsonEntry 41 matches the reference Practitioner/practitioner11 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d73 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:practitioner11 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleCollection.jsonEntry 42 matches the reference Patient/patient1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d74 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:patient1 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleCollection.jsonEntry 41 matches the reference Practitioner/practitioner11 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d73 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:practitioner11 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleCollection.jsonEntry 42 matches the reference Patient/patient1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d74 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:patient1 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleCollection.jsonEntry 41 matches the reference Practitioner/practitioner11 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d73 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:practitioner11 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleCollection.jsonEntry 42 matches the reference Patient/patient1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d74 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:patient1 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleCollection.jsonEntry 41 matches the reference Practitioner/practitioner11 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d73 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:practitioner11 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleCollection.jsonEntry 1 matches the reference Specimen/specimen50 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d36 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:specimen50 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleCollection.jsonEntry 21 matches the reference Observation/org52-ampicilin by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae01-48abcadd8d56 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:org52-ampicilin by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleCollection.jsonEntry 22 matches the reference Observation/org52-trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae02-48abcadd8d57 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:org52-trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleCollection.jsonEntry 23 matches the reference Observation/org52-nitrofurantoin by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae03-48abcadd8d58 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:org52-nitrofurantoin by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleCollection.jsonEntry 24 matches the reference Observation/org52-cefuroxime by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae04-48abcadd8d59 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:org52-cefuroxime by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleCollection.jsonEntry 25 matches the reference Observation/org52-gentamicin by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae05-48abcadd8d60 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:org52-gentamicin by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleCollection.jsonEntry 26 matches the reference Observation/org52-colistin by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae06-48abcadd8d61 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:org52-colistin by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleCollection.jsonEntry 27 matches the reference Observation/org52-temocillin by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae07-48abcadd8d62 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:org52-temocillin by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleCollection.jsonEntry 28 matches the reference Observation/org52-fosfomycin by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae08-48abcadd8d63 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:org52-fosfomycin by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleCollection.jsonEntry 29 matches the reference Observation/org52-levofloxacin by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae09-48abcadd8d64 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:org52-levofloxacin by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleCollection.jsonEntry 30 matches the reference Observation/org52-ofloxacin by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae09-48abcadd8d65 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:org52-ofloxacin by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleCollection.jsonEntry 31 matches the reference Observation/org52-amoxicillin-clavulanate by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae09-48abcadd8d66 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:org52-amoxicillin-clavulanate by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleCollection.jsonEntry 32 matches the reference Observation/org52-amikacin by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae09-48abcadd8d67 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:org52-amikacin by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleCollection.jsonEntry 33 matches the reference Observation/org52-piperacillin-tazobactam by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae09-48abcadd8d68 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:org52-piperacillin-tazobactam by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleCollection.jsonEntry 34 matches the reference Observation/org52-ceftriaxone by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae09-48abcadd8d69 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:org52-ceftriaxone by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleCollection.jsonEntry 35 matches the reference Observation/org52-cefotaxime by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae09-48abcadd8d70 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:org52-cefotaxime by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleCollection.jsonEntry 36 matches the reference Observation/org52-ceftazidime by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae09-48abcadd8d71 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:org52-ceftazidime by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleCollection.jsonEntry 37 matches the reference Observation/org52-meropenem by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae09-48abcadd9d72 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:org52-meropenem by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleCollection.jsonEntry 42 matches the reference Patient/patient1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d74 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:patient1 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleCollection.jsonEntry 41 matches the reference Practitioner/practitioner11 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d73 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:practitioner11 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleCollection.jsonEntry 42 matches the reference Patient/patient1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d74 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:patient1 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleCollection.jsonEntry 41 matches the reference Practitioner/practitioner11 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d73 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:practitioner11 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleCollection.jsonEntry 42 matches the reference Patient/patient1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d74 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:patient1 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleCollection.jsonEntry 41 matches the reference Practitioner/practitioner11 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d73 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:practitioner11 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleCollection.jsonEntry 42 matches the reference Patient/patient1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d74 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:patient1 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleCollection.jsonEntry 41 matches the reference Practitioner/practitioner11 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d73 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:practitioner11 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleCollection.jsonEntry 42 matches the reference Patient/patient1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d74 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:patient1 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleCollection.jsonEntry 41 matches the reference Practitioner/practitioner11 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d73 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:practitioner11 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleCollection.jsonEntry 42 matches the reference Patient/patient1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d74 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:patient1 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleCollection.jsonEntry 41 matches the reference Practitioner/practitioner11 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d73 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:practitioner11 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleCollection.jsonEntry 42 matches the reference Patient/patient1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d74 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:patient1 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleCollection.jsonEntry 41 matches the reference Practitioner/practitioner11 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d73 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:practitioner11 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleCollection.jsonEntry 42 matches the reference Patient/patient1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d74 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:patient1 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleCollection.jsonEntry 41 matches the reference Practitioner/practitioner11 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d73 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:practitioner11 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleCollection.jsonEntry 42 matches the reference Patient/patient1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d74 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:patient1 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleCollection.jsonEntry 41 matches the reference Practitioner/practitioner11 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d73 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:practitioner11 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleCollection.jsonEntry 42 matches the reference Patient/patient1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d74 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:patient1 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleCollection.jsonEntry 41 matches the reference Practitioner/practitioner11 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d73 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:practitioner11 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleCollection.jsonEntry 42 matches the reference Patient/patient1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d74 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:patient1 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleCollection.jsonEntry 41 matches the reference Practitioner/practitioner11 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d73 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:practitioner11 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleCollection.jsonEntry 42 matches the reference Patient/patient1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d74 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:patient1 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleCollection.jsonEntry 41 matches the reference Practitioner/practitioner11 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d73 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:practitioner11 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleCollection.jsonEntry 42 matches the reference Patient/patient1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d74 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:patient1 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleCollection.jsonEntry 41 matches the reference Practitioner/practitioner11 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d73 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:practitioner11 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleCollection.jsonEntry 42 matches the reference Patient/patient1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d74 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:patient1 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleCollection.jsonEntry 41 matches the reference Practitioner/practitioner11 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d73 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:practitioner11 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleCollection.jsonEntry 42 matches the reference Patient/patient1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d74 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:patient1 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleCollection.jsonEntry 41 matches the reference Practitioner/practitioner11 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d73 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:practitioner11 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleCollection.jsonEntry 42 matches the reference Patient/patient1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d74 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:patient1 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleCollection.jsonEntry 41 matches the reference Practitioner/practitioner11 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d73 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:practitioner11 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleCollection.jsonEntry 42 matches the reference Patient/patient1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d74 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:patient1 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleCollection.jsonEntry 41 matches the reference Practitioner/practitioner11 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d73 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:practitioner11 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleCollection.jsonEntry 42 matches the reference Patient/patient1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d74 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:patient1 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleCollection.jsonEntry 41 matches the reference Practitioner/practitioner11 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d73 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:practitioner11 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleCollection.jsonEntry 42 matches the reference Patient/patient1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d74 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:patient1 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleCollection.jsonEntry 41 matches the reference Practitioner/practitioner11 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d73 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:practitioner11 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleCollection.jsonEntry 42 matches the reference Patient/patient1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d74 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:patient1 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleCollection.jsonEntry 44 matches the reference Practitioner/practitioner1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d76 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:practitioner1 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleCollection.jsonEntry 1 matches the reference Specimen/specimen50 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d36 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:specimen50 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleNN.jsonEntry 43 matches the reference ServiceRequest/servicerequest50 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d75 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:servicerequest50 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleNN.jsonEntry 42 matches the reference Patient/patient1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d74 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:patient1 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleNN.jsonEntry 40 matches the reference Organization/organization10 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d72 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:organization10 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleNN.jsonEntry 41 matches the reference Practitioner/practitioner11 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d73 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:practitioner11 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleNN.jsonEntry 1 matches the reference Specimen/specimen50 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d36 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:specimen50 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleNN.jsonEntry 2 matches the reference Observation/org51 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d37 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:org51 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleNN.jsonEntry 20 matches the reference Observation/org52 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d55 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:org52 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleNN.jsonEntry 38 matches the reference Observation/dr50-mrsa by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae09-48abcadd9d80 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:dr50-mrsa by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleNN.jsonEntry 39 matches the reference Observation/dr50-mrgn by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae09-48abcadd9d81 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:dr50-mrgn by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleNN.jsonEntry 42 matches the reference Patient/patient1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d74 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:patient1 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleNN.jsonEntry 41 matches the reference Practitioner/practitioner11 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d73 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:practitioner11 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleNN.jsonEntry 1 matches the reference Specimen/specimen50 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d36 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:specimen50 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleNN.jsonEntry 3 matches the reference Observation/org51-ampicilin by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae01-48abcadd8d38 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:org51-ampicilin by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleNN.jsonEntry 4 matches the reference Observation/org51-trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae02-48abcadd8d39 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:org51-trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleNN.jsonEntry 5 matches the reference Observation/org51-nitrofurantoin by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae03-48abcadd8d40 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:org51-nitrofurantoin by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleNN.jsonEntry 6 matches the reference Observation/org51-cefuroxime by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae04-48abcadd8d41 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:org51-cefuroxime by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleNN.jsonEntry 7 matches the reference Observation/org51-gentamicin by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae05-48abcadd8d42 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:org51-gentamicin by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleNN.jsonEntry 8 matches the reference Observation/org51-colistin by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae06-48abcadd8d43 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:org51-colistin by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleNN.jsonEntry 9 matches the reference Observation/org51-temocillin by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae07-48abcadd8d44 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:org51-temocillin by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleNN.jsonEntry 10 matches the reference Observation/org51-fosfomycin by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae08-48abcadd8d45 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:org51-fosfomycin by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleNN.jsonEntry 11 matches the reference Observation/org51-levofloxacin by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae09-48abcadd8d46 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:org51-levofloxacin by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleNN.jsonEntry 12 matches the reference Observation/org51-ofloxacin by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae09-48abcadd8d47 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:org51-ofloxacin by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleNN.jsonEntry 13 matches the reference Observation/org51-amoxicillin-clavulanate by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae09-48abcadd8d48 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:org51-amoxicillin-clavulanate by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleNN.jsonEntry 14 matches the reference Observation/org51-amikacin by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae09-48abcadd8d49 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:org51-amikacin by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleNN.jsonEntry 15 matches the reference Observation/org51-piperacillin-tazobactam by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae09-48abcadd8d50 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:org51-piperacillin-tazobactam by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleNN.jsonEntry 16 matches the reference Observation/org51-ceftriaxone by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae09-48abcadd8d51 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:org51-ceftriaxone by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleNN.jsonEntry 17 matches the reference Observation/org51-cefotaxime by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae09-48abcadd8d52 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:org51-cefotaxime by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleNN.jsonEntry 18 matches the reference Observation/org51-ceftazidime by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae09-48abcadd8d53 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:org51-ceftazidime by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleNN.jsonEntry 19 matches the reference Observation/org51-meropenem by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae09-48abcadd8d54 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:org51-meropenem by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleNN.jsonEntry 42 matches the reference Patient/patient1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d74 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:patient1 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleNN.jsonEntry 41 matches the reference Practitioner/practitioner11 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d73 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:practitioner11 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleNN.jsonEntry 42 matches the reference Patient/patient1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d74 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:patient1 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleNN.jsonEntry 41 matches the reference Practitioner/practitioner11 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d73 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:practitioner11 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleNN.jsonEntry 42 matches the reference Patient/patient1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d74 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:patient1 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleNN.jsonEntry 41 matches the reference Practitioner/practitioner11 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d73 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:practitioner11 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleNN.jsonEntry 42 matches the reference Patient/patient1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d74 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:patient1 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleNN.jsonEntry 41 matches the reference Practitioner/practitioner11 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d73 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:practitioner11 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleNN.jsonEntry 42 matches the reference Patient/patient1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d74 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:patient1 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleNN.jsonEntry 41 matches the reference Practitioner/practitioner11 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d73 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:practitioner11 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleNN.jsonEntry 42 matches the reference Patient/patient1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d74 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:patient1 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleNN.jsonEntry 41 matches the reference Practitioner/practitioner11 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d73 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:practitioner11 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleNN.jsonEntry 42 matches the reference Patient/patient1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d74 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:patient1 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleNN.jsonEntry 41 matches the reference Practitioner/practitioner11 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d73 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:practitioner11 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleNN.jsonEntry 42 matches the reference Patient/patient1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d74 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:patient1 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleNN.jsonEntry 41 matches the reference Practitioner/practitioner11 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d73 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:practitioner11 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleNN.jsonEntry 42 matches the reference Patient/patient1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d74 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:patient1 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleNN.jsonEntry 41 matches the reference Practitioner/practitioner11 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d73 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:practitioner11 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleNN.jsonEntry 42 matches the reference Patient/patient1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d74 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:patient1 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleNN.jsonEntry 41 matches the reference Practitioner/practitioner11 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d73 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:practitioner11 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleNN.jsonEntry 42 matches the reference Patient/patient1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d74 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:patient1 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleNN.jsonEntry 41 matches the reference Practitioner/practitioner11 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d73 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:practitioner11 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleNN.jsonEntry 42 matches the reference Patient/patient1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d74 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:patient1 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleNN.jsonEntry 41 matches the reference Practitioner/practitioner11 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d73 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:practitioner11 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleNN.jsonEntry 42 matches the reference Patient/patient1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d74 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:patient1 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleNN.jsonEntry 41 matches the reference Practitioner/practitioner11 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d73 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:practitioner11 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleNN.jsonEntry 42 matches the reference Patient/patient1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d74 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:patient1 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleNN.jsonEntry 41 matches the reference Practitioner/practitioner11 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d73 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:practitioner11 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleNN.jsonEntry 42 matches the reference Patient/patient1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d74 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:patient1 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleNN.jsonEntry 41 matches the reference Practitioner/practitioner11 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d73 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:practitioner11 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleNN.jsonEntry 42 matches the reference Patient/patient1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d74 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:patient1 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleNN.jsonEntry 41 matches the reference Practitioner/practitioner11 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d73 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:practitioner11 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleNN.jsonEntry 42 matches the reference Patient/patient1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d74 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:patient1 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleNN.jsonEntry 41 matches the reference Practitioner/practitioner11 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d73 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:practitioner11 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleNN.jsonEntry 42 matches the reference Patient/patient1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d74 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:patient1 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleNN.jsonEntry 41 matches the reference Practitioner/practitioner11 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d73 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:practitioner11 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleNN.jsonEntry 1 matches the reference Specimen/specimen50 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d36 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:specimen50 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleNN.jsonEntry 21 matches the reference Observation/org52-ampicilin by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae01-48abcadd8d56 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:org52-ampicilin by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleNN.jsonEntry 22 matches the reference Observation/org52-trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae02-48abcadd8d57 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:org52-trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleNN.jsonEntry 23 matches the reference Observation/org52-nitrofurantoin by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae03-48abcadd8d58 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:org52-nitrofurantoin by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleNN.jsonEntry 24 matches the reference Observation/org52-cefuroxime by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae04-48abcadd8d59 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:org52-cefuroxime by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleNN.jsonEntry 25 matches the reference Observation/org52-gentamicin by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae05-48abcadd8d60 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:org52-gentamicin by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleNN.jsonEntry 26 matches the reference Observation/org52-colistin by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae06-48abcadd8d61 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:org52-colistin by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleNN.jsonEntry 27 matches the reference Observation/org52-temocillin by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae07-48abcadd8d62 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:org52-temocillin by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleNN.jsonEntry 28 matches the reference Observation/org52-fosfomycin by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae08-48abcadd8d63 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:org52-fosfomycin by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleNN.jsonEntry 29 matches the reference Observation/org52-levofloxacin by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae09-48abcadd8d64 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:org52-levofloxacin by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleNN.jsonEntry 30 matches the reference Observation/org52-ofloxacin by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae09-48abcadd8d65 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:org52-ofloxacin by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleNN.jsonEntry 31 matches the reference Observation/org52-amoxicillin-clavulanate by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae09-48abcadd8d66 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:org52-amoxicillin-clavulanate by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleNN.jsonEntry 32 matches the reference Observation/org52-amikacin by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae09-48abcadd8d67 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:org52-amikacin by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleNN.jsonEntry 33 matches the reference Observation/org52-piperacillin-tazobactam by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae09-48abcadd8d68 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:org52-piperacillin-tazobactam by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleNN.jsonEntry 34 matches the reference Observation/org52-ceftriaxone by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae09-48abcadd8d69 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:org52-ceftriaxone by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleNN.jsonEntry 35 matches the reference Observation/org52-cefotaxime by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae09-48abcadd8d70 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:org52-cefotaxime by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleNN.jsonEntry 36 matches the reference Observation/org52-ceftazidime by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae09-48abcadd8d71 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:org52-ceftazidime by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleNN.jsonEntry 37 matches the reference Observation/org52-meropenem by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae09-48abcadd9d72 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:org52-meropenem by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleNN.jsonEntry 42 matches the reference Patient/patient1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d74 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:patient1 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleNN.jsonEntry 41 matches the reference Practitioner/practitioner11 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d73 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:practitioner11 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleNN.jsonEntry 42 matches the reference Patient/patient1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d74 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:patient1 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleNN.jsonEntry 41 matches the reference Practitioner/practitioner11 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d73 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:practitioner11 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleNN.jsonEntry 42 matches the reference Patient/patient1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d74 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:patient1 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleNN.jsonEntry 41 matches the reference Practitioner/practitioner11 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d73 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:practitioner11 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleNN.jsonEntry 42 matches the reference Patient/patient1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d74 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:patient1 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleNN.jsonEntry 41 matches the reference Practitioner/practitioner11 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d73 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:practitioner11 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleNN.jsonEntry 42 matches the reference Patient/patient1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d74 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:patient1 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleNN.jsonEntry 41 matches the reference Practitioner/practitioner11 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d73 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:practitioner11 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleNN.jsonEntry 42 matches the reference Patient/patient1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d74 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:patient1 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleNN.jsonEntry 41 matches the reference Practitioner/practitioner11 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d73 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:practitioner11 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleNN.jsonEntry 42 matches the reference Patient/patient1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d74 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:patient1 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleNN.jsonEntry 41 matches the reference Practitioner/practitioner11 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d73 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:practitioner11 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleNN.jsonEntry 42 matches the reference Patient/patient1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d74 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:patient1 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleNN.jsonEntry 41 matches the reference Practitioner/practitioner11 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d73 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:practitioner11 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleNN.jsonEntry 42 matches the reference Patient/patient1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d74 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:patient1 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleNN.jsonEntry 41 matches the reference Practitioner/practitioner11 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d73 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:practitioner11 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleNN.jsonEntry 42 matches the reference Patient/patient1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d74 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:patient1 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleNN.jsonEntry 41 matches the reference Practitioner/practitioner11 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d73 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:practitioner11 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleNN.jsonEntry 42 matches the reference Patient/patient1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d74 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:patient1 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleNN.jsonEntry 41 matches the reference Practitioner/practitioner11 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d73 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:practitioner11 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleNN.jsonEntry 42 matches the reference Patient/patient1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d74 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:patient1 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleNN.jsonEntry 41 matches the reference Practitioner/practitioner11 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d73 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:practitioner11 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleNN.jsonEntry 42 matches the reference Patient/patient1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d74 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:patient1 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleNN.jsonEntry 41 matches the reference Practitioner/practitioner11 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d73 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:practitioner11 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleNN.jsonEntry 42 matches the reference Patient/patient1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d74 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:patient1 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleNN.jsonEntry 41 matches the reference Practitioner/practitioner11 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d73 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:practitioner11 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleNN.jsonEntry 42 matches the reference Patient/patient1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d74 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:patient1 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleNN.jsonEntry 41 matches the reference Practitioner/practitioner11 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d73 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:practitioner11 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleNN.jsonEntry 42 matches the reference Patient/patient1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d74 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:patient1 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleNN.jsonEntry 41 matches the reference Practitioner/practitioner11 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d73 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:practitioner11 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleNN.jsonEntry 42 matches the reference Patient/patient1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d74 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:patient1 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleNN.jsonEntry 41 matches the reference Practitioner/practitioner11 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d73 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:practitioner11 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleNN.jsonEntry 42 matches the reference Patient/patient1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d74 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:patient1 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleNN.jsonEntry 41 matches the reference Practitioner/practitioner11 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d73 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:practitioner11 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleNN.jsonEntry 42 matches the reference Patient/patient1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d74 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:patient1 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleNN.jsonEntry 41 matches the reference Practitioner/practitioner11 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d73 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:practitioner11 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleNN.jsonEntry 42 matches the reference Patient/patient1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d74 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:patient1 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleNN.jsonEntry 44 matches the reference Practitioner/practitioner1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d76 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:practitioner1 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleNN.jsonEntry 1 matches the reference Specimen/specimen50 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d36 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:specimen50 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramIsNegativeAsBundleCollection.jsonEntry 7 matches the reference ServiceRequest/servicerequest60 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d97 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:servicerequest60 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramIsNegativeAsBundleCollection.jsonEntry 6 matches the reference Patient/patient1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d96 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:patient1 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramIsNegativeAsBundleCollection.jsonEntry 4 matches the reference Organization/organization10 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d94 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:organization10 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramIsNegativeAsBundleCollection.jsonEntry 5 matches the reference Practitioner/practitioner11 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d95 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:practitioner11 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramIsNegativeAsBundleCollection.jsonEntry 1 matches the reference Specimen/specimen60 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d91 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:specimen60 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramIsNegativeAsBundleCollection.jsonEntry 2 matches the reference Observation/mac60 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae09-48abcadd9d92 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:mac60 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramIsNegativeAsBundleCollection.jsonEntry 3 matches the reference Observation/cult60 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae09-48abcadd9d93 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:cult60 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramIsNegativeAsBundleCollection.jsonEntry 6 matches the reference Patient/patient1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d96 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:patient1 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramIsNegativeAsBundleCollection.jsonEntry 5 matches the reference Practitioner/practitioner11 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d95 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:practitioner11 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramIsNegativeAsBundleCollection.jsonEntry 6 matches the reference Patient/patient1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d96 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:patient1 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramIsNegativeAsBundleCollection.jsonEntry 5 matches the reference Practitioner/practitioner11 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d95 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:practitioner11 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramIsNegativeAsBundleCollection.jsonEntry 6 matches the reference Patient/patient1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d96 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:patient1 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramIsNegativeAsBundleCollection.jsonEntry 8 matches the reference Practitioner/practitioner1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d98 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:practitioner1 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramIsNegativeAsBundleCollection.jsonEntry 1 matches the reference Specimen/specimen60 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d91 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:specimen60 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-hematologyStudiesAsBundleCollection.jsonEntry 10 matches the reference ServiceRequest/servicerequest1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d43 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:servicerequest1 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-hematologyStudiesAsBundleCollection.jsonEntry 9 matches the reference Patient/patient1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d42 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:patient1 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-hematologyStudiesAsBundleCollection.jsonEntry 7 matches the reference Organization/organization10 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d40 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:organization10 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-hematologyStudiesAsBundleCollection.jsonEntry 8 matches the reference Practitioner/practitioner11 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d41 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:practitioner11 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-hematologyStudiesAsBundleCollection.jsonEntry 1 matches the reference Specimen/specimen1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d35 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:specimen1 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-hematologyStudiesAsBundleCollection.jsonEntry 2 matches the reference Observation/observation10 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d36 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:observation10 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-hematologyStudiesAsBundleCollection.jsonEntry 3 matches the reference Observation/observation11 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d37 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:observation11 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-hematologyStudiesAsBundleCollection.jsonEntry 6 matches the reference Media/media1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c469-4088-ae18-48abcadd8d40 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:media1 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-hematologyStudiesAsBundleCollection.jsonEntry 9 matches the reference Patient/patient1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d42 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:patient1 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-hematologyStudiesAsBundleCollection.jsonEntry 8 matches the reference Practitioner/practitioner11 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d41 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:practitioner11 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-hematologyStudiesAsBundleCollection.jsonEntry 1 matches the reference Specimen/specimen1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d35 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:specimen1 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-hematologyStudiesAsBundleCollection.jsonEntry 9 matches the reference Patient/patient1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d42 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:patient1 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-hematologyStudiesAsBundleCollection.jsonEntry 8 matches the reference Practitioner/practitioner11 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d41 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:practitioner11 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-hematologyStudiesAsBundleCollection.jsonEntry 4 matches the reference Observation/observation111 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d38 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:observation111 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-hematologyStudiesAsBundleCollection.jsonEntry 5 matches the reference Observation/observation112 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d39 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:observation112 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-hematologyStudiesAsBundleCollection.jsonEntry 9 matches the reference Patient/patient1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d42 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:patient1 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-hematologyStudiesAsBundleCollection.jsonEntry 8 matches the reference Practitioner/practitioner11 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d41 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:practitioner11 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-hematologyStudiesAsBundleCollection.jsonEntry 1 matches the reference Specimen/specimen1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d35 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:specimen1 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-hematologyStudiesAsBundleCollection.jsonEntry 9 matches the reference Patient/patient1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d42 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:patient1 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-hematologyStudiesAsBundleCollection.jsonEntry 8 matches the reference Practitioner/practitioner11 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d41 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:practitioner11 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-hematologyStudiesAsBundleCollection.jsonEntry 1 matches the reference Specimen/specimen1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d35 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:specimen1 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-hematologyStudiesAsBundleCollection.jsonEntry 9 matches the reference Patient/patient1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d42 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:patient1 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-hematologyStudiesAsBundleCollection.jsonEntry 11 matches the reference Practitioner/practitioner1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d44 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:practitioner1 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-hematologyStudiesAsFHIRDocument.jsonEntry 10 matches the reference Patient/patient1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d42 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:patient1 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-hematologyStudiesAsFHIRDocument.jsonEntry 9 matches the reference Practitioner/practitioner11 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d41 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:practitioner11 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-hematologyStudiesAsFHIRDocument.jsonEntry 1 matches the reference DiagnosticReport/diagnosticreport1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d34 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:diagnosticreport1 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-hematologyStudiesAsFHIRDocument.jsonEntry 11 matches the reference ServiceRequest/servicerequest1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d43 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:servicerequest1 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-hematologyStudiesAsFHIRDocument.jsonEntry 10 matches the reference Patient/patient1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d42 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:patient1 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-hematologyStudiesAsFHIRDocument.jsonEntry 8 matches the reference Organization/organization10 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d40 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:organization10 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-hematologyStudiesAsFHIRDocument.jsonEntry 9 matches the reference Practitioner/practitioner11 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d41 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:practitioner11 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-hematologyStudiesAsFHIRDocument.jsonEntry 2 matches the reference Specimen/specimen1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d35 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:specimen1 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-hematologyStudiesAsFHIRDocument.jsonEntry 3 matches the reference Observation/observation10 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d36 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:observation10 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-hematologyStudiesAsFHIRDocument.jsonEntry 4 matches the reference Observation/observation11 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d37 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:observation11 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-hematologyStudiesAsFHIRDocument.jsonEntry 7 matches the reference Media/media1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c469-4088-ae18-48abcadd8d40 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:media1 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-hematologyStudiesAsFHIRDocument.jsonEntry 10 matches the reference Patient/patient1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d42 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:patient1 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-hematologyStudiesAsFHIRDocument.jsonEntry 9 matches the reference Practitioner/practitioner11 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d41 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:practitioner11 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-hematologyStudiesAsFHIRDocument.jsonEntry 2 matches the reference Specimen/specimen1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d35 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:specimen1 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-hematologyStudiesAsFHIRDocument.jsonEntry 10 matches the reference Patient/patient1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d42 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:patient1 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-hematologyStudiesAsFHIRDocument.jsonEntry 9 matches the reference Practitioner/practitioner11 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d41 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:practitioner11 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-hematologyStudiesAsFHIRDocument.jsonEntry 5 matches the reference Observation/observation111 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d38 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:observation111 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-hematologyStudiesAsFHIRDocument.jsonEntry 6 matches the reference Observation/observation112 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d39 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:observation112 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-hematologyStudiesAsFHIRDocument.jsonEntry 10 matches the reference Patient/patient1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d42 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:patient1 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-hematologyStudiesAsFHIRDocument.jsonEntry 9 matches the reference Practitioner/practitioner11 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d41 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:practitioner11 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-hematologyStudiesAsFHIRDocument.jsonEntry 2 matches the reference Specimen/specimen1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d35 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:specimen1 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-hematologyStudiesAsFHIRDocument.jsonEntry 10 matches the reference Patient/patient1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d42 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:patient1 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-hematologyStudiesAsFHIRDocument.jsonEntry 9 matches the reference Practitioner/practitioner11 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d41 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:practitioner11 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-hematologyStudiesAsFHIRDocument.jsonEntry 2 matches the reference Specimen/specimen1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d35 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:specimen1 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-hematologyStudiesAsFHIRDocument.jsonEntry 10 matches the reference Patient/patient1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d42 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:patient1 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-hematologyStudiesAsFHIRDocument.jsonEntry 12 matches the reference Practitioner/practitioner1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d44 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:practitioner1 by Bundle resolution rules
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-hematologyStudiesAsFHIRDocument.jsonEntry 2 matches the reference Specimen/specimen1 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:7c16c9c0-c471-4098-ae18-48abcadd8d35 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:specimen1 by Bundle resolution rules


C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleCollection.jsonResource has a language, but the XHTML does not have an lang or an xml:lang tag (needs both - see
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleNN.jsonResource has a language, but the XHTML does not have an lang or an xml:lang tag (needs both - see
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramIsNegativeAsBundleCollection.jsonResource has a language, but the XHTML does not have an lang or an xml:lang tag (needs both - see
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-hematologyStudiesAsBundleCollection.jsonResource has a language, but the XHTML does not have an lang or an xml:lang tag (needs both - see
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-hematologyStudiesAsFHIRDocument.jsonResource has a language, but the XHTML does not have an lang or an xml:lang tag (needs both - see


C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\ServiceRequest-servicerequest1.jsonUnable to resolve resource with reference 'Specimen/specimen1'


C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-hematologyStudiesAsBundleCollection.jsonBase64 encoded values SHOULD not contain any whitespace (per RFC 4648). Note that non-validating readers are encouraged to accept whitespace anyway
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-hematologyStudiesAsFHIRDocument.jsonBase64 encoded values SHOULD not contain any whitespace (per RFC 4648). Note that non-validating readers are encouraged to accept whitespace anyway


C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleCollection.jsonThe display "Methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) DNA [Presence] in Unspecified specimen by NAA with probe detection" is not a valid display for the code {}35492-8 - should be one of ['Methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) DNA [Presence] in Specimen by NAA with probe detection', 'MRSA DNA Spec Ql NAA+probe', '', '2,6-二甲氧基苯青霉素' (zh-CN), '二甲氧基苯青霉素' (zh-CN), '二甲氧苯青霉素' (zh-CN), '新青霉素' (zh-CN), '甲氧苯青霉素 不明的' (zh-CN), '其他' (zh-CN), '将在相应消息内其他部分之中加以详细说明' (zh-CN), '未作详细说明的' (zh-CN), '未作说明的' (zh-CN), '未做说明的标本' (zh-CN), '未加规定的' (zh-CN), '未加说明的标本' (zh-CN), '杂项 依次型' (zh-CN), '分类顺序型' (zh-CN), '定性的' (zh-CN), '序数型(或称等级型)' (zh-CN), '性质上的' (zh-CN), '有序型' (zh-CN), '有序性分类应答' (zh-CN), '有序性分类结果' (zh-CN), '秩次型' (zh-CN), '等级型' (zh-CN), '筛查' (zh-CN), '顺序型 借助扩增的探针方法' (zh-CN), '借助扩增的探针法' (zh-CN), '探针法.扩增 借助靶向扩增的探针方法' (zh-CN), '借助靶向扩增的探针法' (zh-CN), '探针法.扩增.靶向 去氧核糖核酸' (zh-CN), '脱氧核糖核酸 去氧核糖核酸' (zh-CN), '脱氧核糖核酸' (zh-CN), '脱氧核糖核酸(Deoxyribonucleic acid,DNA) 存在情况' (zh-CN), '存在' (zh-CN), '存在与否' (zh-CN), '是否存在' (zh-CN), '阈值' (zh-CN), '界值' (zh-CN), '界限' (zh-CN), '阀值' (zh-CN), '临界值' (zh-CN), '存在情况(存在、存在与否、是否存在)或阈值(界值、界限、阀值、临界值) 扩增型 扩增性 抗生素敏感性试验' (zh-CN), '药敏' (zh-CN), '药敏类' (zh-CN), '药敏试验' (zh-CN), '药敏试验类 时刻' (zh-CN), '随机' (zh-CN), '随意' (zh-CN), '瞬间 甲氧西林耐药性金葡菌 DNA 经过扩增的 脱氧核糖核酸探针 葡萄状球菌 葡萄球菌属 金葡' (zh-CN), '金葡菌 金黄色葡萄球菌(金葡菌、金葡).甲氧西林(2,6-二甲氧基苯青霉素、二甲氧基苯青霉素、二甲氧苯青霉素、新青霉素、甲氧苯青霉素)耐药性(抗性、耐性、耐药、抗药、抗药性、耐受、耐药型)' (zh-CN), 'MRSA' (zh-CN), '抗甲氧西林金黄色葡萄球菌' (zh-CN), 'Methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus' (zh-CN), '耐甲氧西林金黄色葡萄球菌' (zh-CN), 'S aureus' (pt-BR), 'Dimethoxypenicillin' (pt-BR), 'Metacillin' (pt-BR), 'Celbenin' (pt-BR), 'Metin' (pt-BR), 'Staficyn' (pt-BR), 'Staphicillin' (pt-BR), 'Deoxyribonucleic acid' (pt-BR), 'Arbitrary concentration' (pt-BR), 'Point in time' (pt-BR), 'Random' (pt-BR), 'Misc' (pt-BR), 'Miscellaneous' (pt-BR), 'Unspecified' (pt-BR), 'Other' (pt-BR), 'Ql' (pt-BR), 'Ordinal' (pt-BR), 'Qualitative' (pt-BR), 'Qual' (pt-BR), 'Screen' (pt-BR), 'PCR' (pt-BR), 'Polymerase chain reaction' (pt-BR), 'Transcription mediated amplification' (pt-BR), 'NASBA' (pt-BR), 'Nucleic acid sequence based analysis' (pt-BR), 'SDA' (pt-BR), 'Strand Displacement Amplification' (pt-BR), 'LAT' (pt-BR), 'Ligation-activated transcription' (pt-BR), '3SR SR' (pt-BR), '3 Self-Sustaining Sequence Replication' (pt-BR), 'LCR' (pt-BR), 'Ligase chain reaction' (pt-BR), 'QBR' (pt-BR), 'Q-Beta Replicase or probe amplification category method' (pt-BR), 'Probe with target amplification' (pt-BR), 'NAAT' (pt-BR), 'TMA' (pt-BR), 'Amp Prb' (pt-BR), 'Probe with ampification' (pt-BR), 'DNA probe' (pt-BR), 'Amplified' (pt-BR), 'Staph' (pt-BR), 'ANTIBIOTIC SUSCEPTIBILITIES' (pt-BR), 'Presenza o Soglia Punto nel tempo (episodio) Sonda con amplificazione Sonda con amplificazione del target Sonda di DNA Staphylococcus aureus resistente alla meticillina Suscettibilità agli antibiotici' (it-IT), 'Mevcut' (tr-TR), 'ДНК проба' (ru-RU), 'ДНК зонд Порядковый Проба с мишени усилением Точка во времени' (ru-RU), 'Момент' (ru-RU), 'MRSA probe.amp.tar' (nl-NL), 'MRSA-DNA ST /SM PCR' (de-AT)] (from for ''
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleCollection.jsonThe display "Multiple drug resistant gram negative organism [Identifier] in Unspecified specimen by Culture" is not a valid display for the code {}78702-8 - should be one of ['Multiple drug resistant gram negative organism [Identifier] in Specimen by Culture', 'MDR gram neg org Spec Cult', '', 'Neg 不存在的 不明的' (zh-CN), '其他' (zh-CN), '将在相应消息内其他部分之中加以详细说明' (zh-CN), '未作详细说明的' (zh-CN), '未作说明的' (zh-CN), '未做说明的标本' (zh-CN), '未加规定的' (zh-CN), '未加说明的标本' (zh-CN), '杂项 众多 众多的 分类型应答' (zh-CN), '分类型结果' (zh-CN), '名义性' (zh-CN), '名称型' (zh-CN), '名词型' (zh-CN), '名词性' (zh-CN), '标称性' (zh-CN), '没有自然次序的名义型或分类型应答 反面的 否定的 否认的 培养方法 复合 复合的 多 多倍 多倍的 多元 多样 多样的 多路 多路的 多重 多重的 多重耐药性(多重抗药性、MDR)革兰氏阴性(革兰阴性、革兰氏染色阴性)细菌(菌) 存在' (zh-CN), '存在与否' (zh-CN), '特征标识' (zh-CN), '身份' (zh-CN), '身份标识 并联 并联的 微生物学' (zh-CN), '微生物学试验' (zh-CN), '微生物学试验(培养、DNA、抗原及抗体) 时刻' (zh-CN), '随机' (zh-CN), '随意' (zh-CN), '瞬间 毒品 毒品' (zh-CN), '麻醉药' (zh-CN), '麻醉品' (zh-CN), '麻药' (zh-CN), '兴奋剂' (zh-CN), '药品 毒品类 消极的 药品类 药物 药物类 负性的 负的 负面的 阴 阴性(Negative,Neg)' (zh-CN), 'Microbiologia Presenza o Identità Punto nel tempo (episodio)' (it-IT), 'Keim Gram-negativ multiresistent Kultur /SM' (de-AT)] (from for ''
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleNN.jsonThe display "Methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) DNA [Presence] in Unspecified specimen by NAA with probe detection" is not a valid display for the code {}35492-8 - should be one of ['Methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) DNA [Presence] in Specimen by NAA with probe detection', 'MRSA DNA Spec Ql NAA+probe', '', '2,6-二甲氧基苯青霉素' (zh-CN), '二甲氧基苯青霉素' (zh-CN), '二甲氧苯青霉素' (zh-CN), '新青霉素' (zh-CN), '甲氧苯青霉素 不明的' (zh-CN), '其他' (zh-CN), '将在相应消息内其他部分之中加以详细说明' (zh-CN), '未作详细说明的' (zh-CN), '未作说明的' (zh-CN), '未做说明的标本' (zh-CN), '未加规定的' (zh-CN), '未加说明的标本' (zh-CN), '杂项 依次型' (zh-CN), '分类顺序型' (zh-CN), '定性的' (zh-CN), '序数型(或称等级型)' (zh-CN), '性质上的' (zh-CN), '有序型' (zh-CN), '有序性分类应答' (zh-CN), '有序性分类结果' (zh-CN), '秩次型' (zh-CN), '等级型' (zh-CN), '筛查' (zh-CN), '顺序型 借助扩增的探针方法' (zh-CN), '借助扩增的探针法' (zh-CN), '探针法.扩增 借助靶向扩增的探针方法' (zh-CN), '借助靶向扩增的探针法' (zh-CN), '探针法.扩增.靶向 去氧核糖核酸' (zh-CN), '脱氧核糖核酸 去氧核糖核酸' (zh-CN), '脱氧核糖核酸' (zh-CN), '脱氧核糖核酸(Deoxyribonucleic acid,DNA) 存在情况' (zh-CN), '存在' (zh-CN), '存在与否' (zh-CN), '是否存在' (zh-CN), '阈值' (zh-CN), '界值' (zh-CN), '界限' (zh-CN), '阀值' (zh-CN), '临界值' (zh-CN), '存在情况(存在、存在与否、是否存在)或阈值(界值、界限、阀值、临界值) 扩增型 扩增性 抗生素敏感性试验' (zh-CN), '药敏' (zh-CN), '药敏类' (zh-CN), '药敏试验' (zh-CN), '药敏试验类 时刻' (zh-CN), '随机' (zh-CN), '随意' (zh-CN), '瞬间 甲氧西林耐药性金葡菌 DNA 经过扩增的 脱氧核糖核酸探针 葡萄状球菌 葡萄球菌属 金葡' (zh-CN), '金葡菌 金黄色葡萄球菌(金葡菌、金葡).甲氧西林(2,6-二甲氧基苯青霉素、二甲氧基苯青霉素、二甲氧苯青霉素、新青霉素、甲氧苯青霉素)耐药性(抗性、耐性、耐药、抗药、抗药性、耐受、耐药型)' (zh-CN), 'MRSA' (zh-CN), '抗甲氧西林金黄色葡萄球菌' (zh-CN), 'Methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus' (zh-CN), '耐甲氧西林金黄色葡萄球菌' (zh-CN), 'S aureus' (pt-BR), 'Dimethoxypenicillin' (pt-BR), 'Metacillin' (pt-BR), 'Celbenin' (pt-BR), 'Metin' (pt-BR), 'Staficyn' (pt-BR), 'Staphicillin' (pt-BR), 'Deoxyribonucleic acid' (pt-BR), 'Arbitrary concentration' (pt-BR), 'Point in time' (pt-BR), 'Random' (pt-BR), 'Misc' (pt-BR), 'Miscellaneous' (pt-BR), 'Unspecified' (pt-BR), 'Other' (pt-BR), 'Ql' (pt-BR), 'Ordinal' (pt-BR), 'Qualitative' (pt-BR), 'Qual' (pt-BR), 'Screen' (pt-BR), 'PCR' (pt-BR), 'Polymerase chain reaction' (pt-BR), 'Transcription mediated amplification' (pt-BR), 'NASBA' (pt-BR), 'Nucleic acid sequence based analysis' (pt-BR), 'SDA' (pt-BR), 'Strand Displacement Amplification' (pt-BR), 'LAT' (pt-BR), 'Ligation-activated transcription' (pt-BR), '3SR SR' (pt-BR), '3 Self-Sustaining Sequence Replication' (pt-BR), 'LCR' (pt-BR), 'Ligase chain reaction' (pt-BR), 'QBR' (pt-BR), 'Q-Beta Replicase or probe amplification category method' (pt-BR), 'Probe with target amplification' (pt-BR), 'NAAT' (pt-BR), 'TMA' (pt-BR), 'Amp Prb' (pt-BR), 'Probe with ampification' (pt-BR), 'DNA probe' (pt-BR), 'Amplified' (pt-BR), 'Staph' (pt-BR), 'ANTIBIOTIC SUSCEPTIBILITIES' (pt-BR), 'Presenza o Soglia Punto nel tempo (episodio) Sonda con amplificazione Sonda con amplificazione del target Sonda di DNA Staphylococcus aureus resistente alla meticillina Suscettibilità agli antibiotici' (it-IT), 'Mevcut' (tr-TR), 'ДНК проба' (ru-RU), 'ДНК зонд Порядковый Проба с мишени усилением Точка во времени' (ru-RU), 'Момент' (ru-RU), 'MRSA probe.amp.tar' (nl-NL), 'MRSA-DNA ST /SM PCR' (de-AT)] (from for ''
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramAsBundleNN.jsonThe display "Multiple drug resistant gram negative organism [Identifier] in Unspecified specimen by Culture" is not a valid display for the code {}78702-8 - should be one of ['Multiple drug resistant gram negative organism [Identifier] in Specimen by Culture', 'MDR gram neg org Spec Cult', '', 'Neg 不存在的 不明的' (zh-CN), '其他' (zh-CN), '将在相应消息内其他部分之中加以详细说明' (zh-CN), '未作详细说明的' (zh-CN), '未作说明的' (zh-CN), '未做说明的标本' (zh-CN), '未加规定的' (zh-CN), '未加说明的标本' (zh-CN), '杂项 众多 众多的 分类型应答' (zh-CN), '分类型结果' (zh-CN), '名义性' (zh-CN), '名称型' (zh-CN), '名词型' (zh-CN), '名词性' (zh-CN), '标称性' (zh-CN), '没有自然次序的名义型或分类型应答 反面的 否定的 否认的 培养方法 复合 复合的 多 多倍 多倍的 多元 多样 多样的 多路 多路的 多重 多重的 多重耐药性(多重抗药性、MDR)革兰氏阴性(革兰阴性、革兰氏染色阴性)细菌(菌) 存在' (zh-CN), '存在与否' (zh-CN), '特征标识' (zh-CN), '身份' (zh-CN), '身份标识 并联 并联的 微生物学' (zh-CN), '微生物学试验' (zh-CN), '微生物学试验(培养、DNA、抗原及抗体) 时刻' (zh-CN), '随机' (zh-CN), '随意' (zh-CN), '瞬间 毒品 毒品' (zh-CN), '麻醉药' (zh-CN), '麻醉品' (zh-CN), '麻药' (zh-CN), '兴奋剂' (zh-CN), '药品 毒品类 消极的 药品类 药物 药物类 负性的 负的 负面的 阴 阴性(Negative,Neg)' (zh-CN), 'Microbiologia Presenza o Identità Punto nel tempo (episodio)' (it-IT), 'Keim Gram-negativ multiresistent Kultur /SM' (de-AT)] (from for ''
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-antibiogramIsNegativeAsBundleCollection.jsonThe display "Macroscopic observation [Interpretation] in Unspecified specimen Narrative" is not a valid display for the code {}74574-5 - should be one of ['Macroscopic observation [Interpretation] in Specimen Narrative', 'Macroscopic obs Spec-Imp', '', '不明的' (zh-CN), '其他' (zh-CN), '将在相应消息内其他部分之中加以详细说明' (zh-CN), '未作详细说明的' (zh-CN), '未作说明的' (zh-CN), '未做说明的标本' (zh-CN), '未加规定的' (zh-CN), '未加说明的标本' (zh-CN), '杂项 印象是一种诊断陈述,始终是对其他某种观察指标的解释或抽象(一系列检验项目结果、一幅图像或者整个某位病人),而且几乎总是由某位专业人员产生。' (zh-CN), '检查印象' (zh-CN), '检查印象/解释' (zh-CN), '检查的印象/解释' (zh-CN), '检查解释' (zh-CN), '解释' (zh-CN), '阐释 叙述' (zh-CN), '叙述性文字' (zh-CN), '报告' (zh-CN), '报告型' (zh-CN), '文字叙述' (zh-CN), '文本叙述型' (zh-CN), '文本描述' (zh-CN), '文本描述型 大体观测' (zh-CN), '肉眼观察' (zh-CN), '宏观观察' (zh-CN), '目视观察 微生物学' (zh-CN), '微生物学试验' (zh-CN), '微生物学试验(培养、DNA、抗原及抗体) 时刻' (zh-CN), '随机' (zh-CN), '随意' (zh-CN), '瞬间 肉眼' (zh-CN), '肉眼可见' (zh-CN), '宏观' (zh-CN), '目视' (zh-CN), 'Impressione/interpretazione di studio Microbiologia Punto nel tempo (episodio)' (it-IT), 'Впечатление/интерпретация исследования Описательный Точка во времени' (ru-RU), 'Момент' (ru-RU), 'Makrosk. Beurt. /SM' (de-AT)] (from for ''
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Observation-obsDynamic0.jsonThe display "Glucose^post XXX challenge" is not a valid display for the code {}53093-1 - should be one of ['Glucose [Moles/volume] in Serum or Plasma --post XXX challenge', 'Glucose p chal SerPl-sCnc', '', 'Glu' (zh-CN), 'Gluc' (zh-CN), '右旋糖' (zh-CN), '葡糖 GTT XXX刺激 - 在...之后 XXX刺激因素 之后于 XXX 刺激' (zh-CN), '之后于 XXX 刺激因素' (zh-CN), '之后于此处不作说明的刺激' (zh-CN), '之后于此处不作说明的刺激因素' (zh-CN), '在 XXX 刺激因素之后' (zh-CN), '在此处不作说明的刺激之后' (zh-CN), '在此处不作说明的刺激因素之后 之后于... 克分子浓度' (zh-CN), '克分子浓度(单位体积)' (zh-CN), '摩尔浓度' (zh-CN), '摩尔浓度(单位体积)' (zh-CN), '物质的量浓度(单位体积) 刺激因素' (zh-CN), '挑战 可用数量表示的' (zh-CN), '定量性' (zh-CN), '数值型' (zh-CN), '数量型' (zh-CN), '连续数值型标尺 在...以后 在后 时刻' (zh-CN), '随机' (zh-CN), '随意' (zh-CN), '瞬间 此处不作说明的刺激 此处不作说明的刺激因素 葡萄糖刺激因素 葡萄糖吸收 葡萄糖吸收试验 葡萄糖耐受 葡萄糖耐受试验 葡萄糖耐量 葡萄糖耐量试验 葡萄糖负荷 葡萄糖负荷试验 血清或血浆' (zh-CN), 'Aine kontsentratsioon Juhuslik Kvantitatiivne Plasma Seerum Seerum või plasma' (et-EE), 'Glucoseur' (pt-BR), 'p chal' (pt-BR), 'Substance concentration' (pt-BR), 'Level' (pt-BR), 'Point in time' (pt-BR), 'Random' (pt-BR), 'SerPl' (pt-BR), 'SerPlas' (pt-BR), 'SerP' (pt-BR), 'Serum' (pt-BR), 'SR' (pt-BR), 'Plasma' (pt-BR), 'Pl' (pt-BR), 'Plsm' (pt-BR), 'Quantitative' (pt-BR), 'QNT' (pt-BR), 'Quant' (pt-BR), 'Quan' (pt-BR), 'PST' (pt-BR), 'After' (pt-BR), 'CHEMISTRY.CHALLENGE TESTING' (pt-BR), 'GTT' (pt-BR), 'Glu tol' (pt-BR), 'Glucose tolerance' (pt-BR), 'Concentrazione di Sostanza dopo XXX provocazione Plasma Punto nel tempo (episodio) Siero Siero o Plasma Stimolo Test di provocazione' (it-IT), 'Количественный Молярность' (ru-RU), 'Молярная объёмная концентрация Плазма Провокационная проба Сыворотка Сыворотка или Плазма Точка во времени' (ru-RU), 'Момент' (ru-RU)] (from for ''
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Observation-obsDynamic1.jsonThe display "Glucose^post XXX challenge" is not a valid display for the code {}53093-1 - should be one of ['Glucose [Moles/volume] in Serum or Plasma --post XXX challenge', 'Glucose p chal SerPl-sCnc', '', 'Glu' (zh-CN), 'Gluc' (zh-CN), '右旋糖' (zh-CN), '葡糖 GTT XXX刺激 - 在...之后 XXX刺激因素 之后于 XXX 刺激' (zh-CN), '之后于 XXX 刺激因素' (zh-CN), '之后于此处不作说明的刺激' (zh-CN), '之后于此处不作说明的刺激因素' (zh-CN), '在 XXX 刺激因素之后' (zh-CN), '在此处不作说明的刺激之后' (zh-CN), '在此处不作说明的刺激因素之后 之后于... 克分子浓度' (zh-CN), '克分子浓度(单位体积)' (zh-CN), '摩尔浓度' (zh-CN), '摩尔浓度(单位体积)' (zh-CN), '物质的量浓度(单位体积) 刺激因素' (zh-CN), '挑战 可用数量表示的' (zh-CN), '定量性' (zh-CN), '数值型' (zh-CN), '数量型' (zh-CN), '连续数值型标尺 在...以后 在后 时刻' (zh-CN), '随机' (zh-CN), '随意' (zh-CN), '瞬间 此处不作说明的刺激 此处不作说明的刺激因素 葡萄糖刺激因素 葡萄糖吸收 葡萄糖吸收试验 葡萄糖耐受 葡萄糖耐受试验 葡萄糖耐量 葡萄糖耐量试验 葡萄糖负荷 葡萄糖负荷试验 血清或血浆' (zh-CN), 'Aine kontsentratsioon Juhuslik Kvantitatiivne Plasma Seerum Seerum või plasma' (et-EE), 'Glucoseur' (pt-BR), 'p chal' (pt-BR), 'Substance concentration' (pt-BR), 'Level' (pt-BR), 'Point in time' (pt-BR), 'Random' (pt-BR), 'SerPl' (pt-BR), 'SerPlas' (pt-BR), 'SerP' (pt-BR), 'Serum' (pt-BR), 'SR' (pt-BR), 'Plasma' (pt-BR), 'Pl' (pt-BR), 'Plsm' (pt-BR), 'Quantitative' (pt-BR), 'QNT' (pt-BR), 'Quant' (pt-BR), 'Quan' (pt-BR), 'PST' (pt-BR), 'After' (pt-BR), 'CHEMISTRY.CHALLENGE TESTING' (pt-BR), 'GTT' (pt-BR), 'Glu tol' (pt-BR), 'Glucose tolerance' (pt-BR), 'Concentrazione di Sostanza dopo XXX provocazione Plasma Punto nel tempo (episodio) Siero Siero o Plasma Stimolo Test di provocazione' (it-IT), 'Количественный Молярность' (ru-RU), 'Молярная объёмная концентрация Плазма Провокационная проба Сыворотка Сыворотка или Плазма Точка во времени' (ru-RU), 'Момент' (ru-RU)] (from for ''
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Observation-obsDynamic2.jsonThe display "Glucose^post XXX challenge" is not a valid display for the code {}53093-1 - should be one of ['Glucose [Moles/volume] in Serum or Plasma --post XXX challenge', 'Glucose p chal SerPl-sCnc', '', 'Glu' (zh-CN), 'Gluc' (zh-CN), '右旋糖' (zh-CN), '葡糖 GTT XXX刺激 - 在...之后 XXX刺激因素 之后于 XXX 刺激' (zh-CN), '之后于 XXX 刺激因素' (zh-CN), '之后于此处不作说明的刺激' (zh-CN), '之后于此处不作说明的刺激因素' (zh-CN), '在 XXX 刺激因素之后' (zh-CN), '在此处不作说明的刺激之后' (zh-CN), '在此处不作说明的刺激因素之后 之后于... 克分子浓度' (zh-CN), '克分子浓度(单位体积)' (zh-CN), '摩尔浓度' (zh-CN), '摩尔浓度(单位体积)' (zh-CN), '物质的量浓度(单位体积) 刺激因素' (zh-CN), '挑战 可用数量表示的' (zh-CN), '定量性' (zh-CN), '数值型' (zh-CN), '数量型' (zh-CN), '连续数值型标尺 在...以后 在后 时刻' (zh-CN), '随机' (zh-CN), '随意' (zh-CN), '瞬间 此处不作说明的刺激 此处不作说明的刺激因素 葡萄糖刺激因素 葡萄糖吸收 葡萄糖吸收试验 葡萄糖耐受 葡萄糖耐受试验 葡萄糖耐量 葡萄糖耐量试验 葡萄糖负荷 葡萄糖负荷试验 血清或血浆' (zh-CN), 'Aine kontsentratsioon Juhuslik Kvantitatiivne Plasma Seerum Seerum või plasma' (et-EE), 'Glucoseur' (pt-BR), 'p chal' (pt-BR), 'Substance concentration' (pt-BR), 'Level' (pt-BR), 'Point in time' (pt-BR), 'Random' (pt-BR), 'SerPl' (pt-BR), 'SerPlas' (pt-BR), 'SerP' (pt-BR), 'Serum' (pt-BR), 'SR' (pt-BR), 'Plasma' (pt-BR), 'Pl' (pt-BR), 'Plsm' (pt-BR), 'Quantitative' (pt-BR), 'QNT' (pt-BR), 'Quant' (pt-BR), 'Quan' (pt-BR), 'PST' (pt-BR), 'After' (pt-BR), 'CHEMISTRY.CHALLENGE TESTING' (pt-BR), 'GTT' (pt-BR), 'Glu tol' (pt-BR), 'Glucose tolerance' (pt-BR), 'Concentrazione di Sostanza dopo XXX provocazione Plasma Punto nel tempo (episodio) Siero Siero o Plasma Stimolo Test di provocazione' (it-IT), 'Количественный Молярность' (ru-RU), 'Молярная объёмная концентрация Плазма Провокационная проба Сыворотка Сыворотка или Плазма Точка во времени' (ru-RU), 'Момент' (ru-RU)] (from for ''
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Observation-obsDynamicHead.jsonThe display "Glucose tolerance 4 hours panel - Serum or Plasma" is not a valid display for the code {}72171-2 - should be one of ['Glucose tolerance 2 hours panel - Serum or Plasma', 'GTT 2h Pnl SerPl', '', '2小时葡萄糖耐量组套(组合、医嘱组、套餐、套餐医嘱、医嘱套餐、组合申请、组合项目)' (zh-CN), '2H GTT 医嘱组' (zh-CN), '2H 葡萄糖耐量医嘱组' (zh-CN), '2Hr GTT 医嘱组' (zh-CN), '2Hr 葡萄糖耐量医嘱组' (zh-CN), '2小时 GTT 医嘱组' (zh-CN), 'GTT 2H 医嘱组' (zh-CN), 'GTT 2Hr 医嘱组' (zh-CN), 'GTT 2小时 医嘱组' (zh-CN), '葡萄糖耐量 2H 医嘱组' (zh-CN), '葡萄糖耐量 2Hr 医嘱组' (zh-CN), '葡萄糖耐量 2小时 医嘱组 Glu tol' (zh-CN), 'GTT' (zh-CN), '糖耐量' (zh-CN), '葡萄糖耐受' (zh-CN), '葡萄糖耐受力' (zh-CN), '葡萄糖耐受能力 Glu' (zh-CN), 'Gluc' (zh-CN), '右旋糖' (zh-CN), '葡糖 GTT 医嘱套餐 医嘱套餐类 医嘱套餐组 医嘱组 医嘱组合 医嘱组合类 医嘱组套 医嘱组套类 医嘱组类 可用数量表示的' (zh-CN), '定量性' (zh-CN), '数值型' (zh-CN), '数量型' (zh-CN), '连续数值型标尺 套餐 套餐医嘱 套餐医嘱组 套餐医嘱组类 实验室医嘱套餐 实验室医嘱套餐类 实验室医嘱组 实验室医嘱组合类 实验室医嘱组套 实验室医嘱组套类 实验室套餐医嘱组 实验室套餐医嘱组类 实验室检验项目医嘱组合类 实验室检验项目组合类 检验医嘱组合类 检验项目医嘱组合类 检验项目组合类 组 组合 组合医嘱 组合类 组套 组套(组合、医嘱组、套餐、套餐医嘱、医嘱套餐、组合申请、组合项目).刺激耐受类检测 葡萄糖刺激因素 葡萄糖吸收 葡萄糖吸收试验 葡萄糖耐受 葡萄糖耐受试验 葡萄糖耐量 葡萄糖耐量试验 葡萄糖负荷 葡萄糖负荷试验 血清或血浆' (zh-CN), 'Plasma Set di prescrizione per provocazione Siero Siero o Plasma Test di provocazione Tolleranza al glucosio' (it-IT), 'Количественный Плазма Сыворотка Сыворотка или Плазма Толерантность к глюкозе' (ru-RU)] (from for ''
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Observation-obsKetonen.jsonThe display "Ketones (urine) - presence - test strip" is not a valid display for the code {}57734-6 - should be one of ['Ketones [Presence] in Urine by Automated test strip', 'Ketones Ur Ql', '', 'Beta-羟丁酸+乙酰乙酸+丙酮' (zh-CN), 'Beta-羟基丁酸+乙酰乙酸+丙酮' (zh-CN), 'β-羟丁酸+乙酰乙酸+丙酮' (zh-CN), 'β-羟基丁酸+乙酰乙酸+丙酮' (zh-CN), '酮体 = Beta-羟丁酸+乙酰乙酸+丙酮' (zh-CN), '酮体 = Beta-羟基丁酸+乙酰乙酸+丙酮' (zh-CN), '酮体 = β-羟丁酸+乙酰乙酸+丙酮' (zh-CN), '酮体 = β-羟基丁酸+乙酰乙酸+丙酮' (zh-CN), '酮类 UA 依次型' (zh-CN), '分类顺序型' (zh-CN), '定性的' (zh-CN), '序数型(或称等级型)' (zh-CN), '性质上的' (zh-CN), '有序型' (zh-CN), '有序性分类应答' (zh-CN), '有序性分类结果' (zh-CN), '秩次型' (zh-CN), '等级型' (zh-CN), '筛查' (zh-CN), '顺序型 存在情况' (zh-CN), '存在' (zh-CN), '存在与否' (zh-CN), '是否存在' (zh-CN), '阈值' (zh-CN), '界值' (zh-CN), '界限' (zh-CN), '阀值' (zh-CN), '临界值' (zh-CN), '存在情况(存在、存在与否、是否存在)或阈值(界值、界限、阀值、临界值) 尿' (zh-CN), '小便' (zh-CN), '下泉 尿测试条 尿液分析 尿液分析' (zh-CN), '尿液分析检测' (zh-CN), '尿液分析检测类' (zh-CN), '尿液分析检验' (zh-CN), '尿液分析检验类' (zh-CN), '尿液分析检验项目类' (zh-CN), '尿液分析测试' (zh-CN), '尿液分析测试类 尿液测试条 尿液试条 尿试条 尿试纸条 时刻' (zh-CN), '随机' (zh-CN), '随意' (zh-CN), '瞬间 电子化 自动 自动型 自动法' (zh-CN), '自动化 试条、试件' (zh-CN), '试片' (zh-CN), '试纸' (zh-CN), '试验片' (zh-CN), '试验片条' (zh-CN), '试验纸条 试条.自动' (zh-CN), '试条.自动化' (zh-CN), '试条.自动化法' (zh-CN), '试条.自动法' (zh-CN), '试纸.自动' (zh-CN), '试纸.自动化' (zh-CN), '试纸.自动化法' (zh-CN), '试纸.自动法' (zh-CN), '试纸条.自动' (zh-CN), '试纸条.自动化' (zh-CN), '试纸条(试条、试件、试片、试纸、试验片、试验片条、试验纸条).自动法' (zh-CN), 'Ketone' (pt-BR), 'Acetone bodies' (pt-BR), 'Ketone bodies' (pt-BR), 'Arbitrary concentration' (pt-BR), 'Point in time' (pt-BR), 'Random' (pt-BR), 'Ur' (pt-BR), 'Urn' (pt-BR), 'UA' (pt-BR), 'Ql' (pt-BR), 'Ordinal' (pt-BR), 'Qualitative' (pt-BR), 'Qual' (pt-BR), 'Screen' (pt-BR), '' (pt-BR), 'Dipstick' (pt-BR), 'Dip stick' (pt-BR), 'Auto' (pt-BR), 'Chemistry' (pt-BR), 'Ketonkörper' (de-DE), 'Analisi delle urine Presenza o Soglia Punto nel tempo (episodio) Striscia reattiva Striscia reattiva automatica' (it-IT), 'Mevcut' (tr-TR), 'automatische teststrip' (nl-NL), 'Tigette diagnostique.automatisé' (fr-BE)] (from for ''


C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-hematologyStudiesAsBundleCollection.jsonThe value provided ('be-nl') is not in the value set 'Common Languages' (, and a code is recommended to come from this value set) (error message = Error from server: Access violation at address 0000000001158DD8 in module 'FHIRServer.exe'. Read of address 0000000000000028)
C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\Bundle-hematologyStudiesAsFHIRDocument.jsonThe value provided ('be-nl') is not in the value set 'Common Languages' (, and a code is recommended to come from this value set) (error message = Error from server: Access violation at address 0000000001158DD8 in module 'FHIRServer.exe'. Read of address 0000000000000028)


C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\ServiceRequest-servicerequest1.jsonProfile reference '' has not been checked because it is unknown, and the validator is set to not fetch unknown profiles


C:\Temp\\fsh-generated\resources\StructureDefinition-be-observation-laboratory.jsonThe URL is not valid because '(URL contains Invalid Characters ([\]))' : file://C:\Temp\empty\core-clinical\output/StructureDefinition-be-observationcodeableconcept.html