Code | Display | Comments |
application | software application | |
certificateholder | certificate holder | |
deptabdpelvrehabandperinatalphysiotherapy | pelviperineal and perinatal physiotherapy | |
deptacutemedicine | acute medecine | |
deptadultpsychiatry | adult psychiatry | |
deptaestheticsurgery | plastic, reconstructive and esthetic surgery | |
deptalgology | algology | |
deptanatomopathology | anatomopathology | |
deptanesthesiaandresuscitation | anesthesia and reanimation | |
deptanesthesiology | anesthesiology | |
deptaudiology | audiology | |
deptbacteriology | bacteriology | |
deptcardiacsurgery | cardiac surgery | |
deptcardiology | cardiology | |
deptcardiovascularphysiotherapy | cardiovascular physiotherapy | |
deptchildandadolescentpsychiatry | child and adolescent psychiatry | |
deptclinicalbiology | clinical biology | |
deptclinicalgenetics | clinical genetics | |
deptclinicalhematology | clinical hematology | |
deptclinicalinfectiology | clinical infectiology | |
deptclinicalorthopedagogy | clinical orthopedagogy | |
deptclinicalpsychology | clinical psychology | |
deptdentistry | dentistry | |
deptdermatology | dermatology | |
deptdermatovenereology | dermatovenereology | |
deptdiabeticeducation | diabetic education | |
deptdiabetology | diabetology | |
deptdietetics | dietetics | |
deptemergency | emergency | |
deptendocrinodiabetology | endocrinodiabetology | |
deptendocrinology | endocrinology | |
deptforensicpsychiatry | forensic psychiatry | |
deptfunctionaldisabledrehabilitation | functional and professional rehabilitation | |
deptgastroenterology | gastroenterology | |
deptgeneralpractice | general practice | |
deptgenetics | genetics | |
deptgeriatry | geriatry | |
deptgynecology | gynecology | |
deptgynecologyobstetrics | gynecology and obstetrics | |
depthandsurgery | hand surgery | |
depthealthdatamanagement | health data management | |
depthearingaidfitting | hearing aid fitting | |
depthematology | hematology | |
depthospitalpharmacy | hospitalpharmacy | |
deptinfectiousdisease | infectious disease | |
deptinsurancemedicine | insurance medicine and medical assessment | |
deptintensivecare | intensive care | |
deptintensiveemergencycare | intensive emergency care | |
deptinternalmedicine | internal medicine | |
deptinvitronuclear | in vitro nuclear medicine | |
deptkinesitherapy | physiotherapy | |
deptlaboratory | laboratory service or department within an organisation | |
deptlegalmedecine | legal medecine | |
deptlogopedy | logopedy | |
deptmajorburns | major burns center | |
deptmanualtherapy | manual therapy | |
deptmaxillofacialsurgery | maxillofacial surgery | |
deptmedicalmicrobiology | medical microbiology | |
deptmedicine | internal medecine | |
deptmolecularbiology | molecular biology | |
deptneonatalogy | neonatalogy | |
deptnephrology | nephrology | |
deptneurologicalphysiotherapy | neurological physiotherapy | |
deptneurology | neurology | |
deptneuropsychiatry | neuropsychiatry | |
deptneurosurgery | neurosurgery | |
deptnonsurgicalaestheticmedicine | non-surgical aesthetic medicine | |
deptnte | nose-throat-ear | |
deptnuclear | nuclear medecine | |
deptnursing | nursing | |
deptnutritiondietetics | nutrition dietetics | |
deptobstetrics | obstetrics | |
deptoccupationalmedicine | occupational medicine | |
deptoccupationaltherapy | occupational therapy | |
deptoncology | oncology | |
deptophtalmology | ophtalmology | |
deptorthodontics | orthodontics | |
deptorthopedy | orthopedy | |
deptorthopticsoptometry | orthoptics optometry | |
deptpalliativecare | palliative care | |
deptpediatrichematologyoncology | pediatric hematology and oncology | |
deptpediatricintensivecare | pediatric intensive care | |
deptpediatricneurology | pediatric neurology | |
deptpediatricphysiotherapy | pediatric physiotherapy | |
deptpediatricsurgery | pediatric surgery | |
deptpediatry | pediatry | |
deptperiodontology | periodontology | |
deptperioperativecare | perioperative care | |
deptpharmacy | pharmacy service or department within an organisation | |
deptphysicalmedecine | physical medecine | |
deptphysiotherapy | physiotherapy | |
deptplasticandreparatorysurgery | plastic and reparatory surgery | |
deptpneumology | pneumology | |
deptpodiatry | podiatry | |
deptpodology | podology | |
deptpsychiatry | psychiatry | |
deptpsychogeriatry | psychogeriatry | |
deptpsychology | psychology | |
deptradiology | radiology | |
deptradiotherapy | radiotherapy | |
deptradiotherapyoncology | radiation oncology | |
deptrespiratoryphysiotherapy | respiratory physiotherapy | |
deptrevalidation | revalidation | |
deptrheumatology | rheumatology | |
deptrhumatology | rheumatology | |
deptsenology | senology | |
deptsocialservice | social service | |
deptspeechtherapy | speech therapy | |
deptsportsmedecine | sports medecine | |
deptstomatology | stomatology | |
deptsurgery | surgery | |
deptthoracicsurgery | thoracic surgery | |
depttoxicology | toxicology | |
depttropicalmedecine | tropical medecine | |
depturology | urology | |
deptvascularsurgery | vascular surgery | |
deptvisceraldigestiveabdominalsurgery | visceral digestive abdominal surgery | |
groupofnurses | group of nurses | |
groupofphysiciansdifferentaddress | group of physicians different address | |
groupofphysicianssameaddress | group of physicians same address | |
guardpost | duty post | |
hub | hub | |
orghospital | hospital | |
orginsurance | insurance | |
orglaboratory | independent laboratory | |
orgpharmacy | independent pharmacy | |
orgpolyclinic | polyclinic | |
orgpractice | practice | |
orgprevention | prevention service | |
orgprimaryhealthcarecenter | primary health care center | |
orgpsychiatriccarehome | psychiatric care home | |
orgpublichealth | public health organisation | |
orgretirementhome | retirement home | |
orgrevalidationcenter | revalidation center | |
orgshelteredliving | sheltered living | |
patient | patient | |
persabdpelvrehabandperinatalphysiotherapist | abdomino-pelvic and perinatal physiotherapist | |
persadministrative | administrative staff | |
persadultpsychiatrist | adult psychiatrist | |
persaestheticsurger | aesthetic surgeon | |
persambulancedriver | ambulance driver for non-emergency patient transport | |
persambulancefirstaid | ambulance first aid | |
persanathomopathologist | anathomopathologist | |
persanesthesistandresuscitation | anesthesist reanimator | |
persappliedpsychbachelor | bachelor in applied psychology | |
persaudician | audician | |
persaudiologist | audiologist | |
persbiologist | medical laboratory technician | |
perscardiologist | cardiologist | |
perscardiovascularphysiotherapist | cardiovascular physiotherapist | |
perscaregiver | caregiver | |
perschildandadolescentpsychiatrist | child and adolescent psychiatrist | |
persclinialhematologist | clinical hematologist | |
persclinicalbiologist | clinical biologist | |
persclinicalinfectiologist | clinical infectiologist | |
persclinicalorthopedagogist | clinical orthopedagogist | |
persclinicalpsychologist | clinical psychologist | |
persdentalhygienist | dental hygienist | |
persdentist | dentist | |
persdermatovenereologist | dermato venereologist | |
persdiabeticeducator | diabetis educator | |
persdiabetologist | diabetologist | |
persdietician | dietician | |
perseducator | educator | |
persemergencyphycisian | emergency physician | |
persendocrinodiabetologist | endocrino-diabetologist | |
persfamilysciencebachelor | bachelor in family sciences | |
persforensicpsychiatrust | forensic psychiatrist | |
persgastroenterologist | gastroenterologist | |
persgeneralphysician | general practitioner | |
persgeriatrist | geriatrist | |
persgerontologymaster | master in gerontological sciences | |
persgynecologistobstetrics | gynecologist obstetrics | |
pershealthdatamanagemer | health data manager | |
pershospitalpharmacist | hospital pharmacist | |
persinsurancephysician | insurance doctor and medical expert | |
persinternalphysician | internist | |
perslabtechnologist | medical lab technologist | |
perslegalphysician | legal physician | |
perslogopedist | logopedist | |
persmanualtherapist | manual therapist | |
persmedicalimaging | medical imaging technologist | |
persmedicalmicrobiologist | medical microbiologist | |
persmidwife | midwife | |
persneonatologist | neonatologist | |
persnephrologist | nephrologist | |
persneurologicalphysiotherapist | neurological physiotherapist | |
persneurologist | neurologist | |
persneuropsychiatrist | neuropsychiatrist | |
persneurosurger | neurosurgeon | |
persnonsurgicalaestheticphysician | non surgical aesthetic physician | |
persnurse | nurse | |
persoccupationalphysician | occupational physician | |
persoccupationaltherapist | occupational therapist | |
personcologist | oncologist | |
persophthalmologist | ophthalmologist | |
persoptician | optician | |
persoraldentalhygienist | oral dental hygienist | |
persoralmaxillofacialsurger | oral and maxillofacial surgeon | |
persorthodontist | orthodontist | |
persorthopedagogistmaster | master in orthopedagogy | |
persorthopedist | orthopedist | |
persorthoptist | orthoptist | |
persorthotist | orthotist | |
persotolaryngologist | otolaryngologist | |
persparamedical | paramedical staff | |
perspatientdriver | patient driver (not urgent) | |
perspedagogybachelor | bachelor in pedagogy | |
perspediatrichematologistoncologist | pediatric hematologist oncologist | |
perspediatrician | pediatrician | |
perspediatricneurologist | pediatric neurologist | |
perspediatricphysiotherapist | pediatric physiotherapist | |
persperiodontologist | periodontologist | |
perspharmacist | pharmacist | |
perspharmacistclinicalbiologist | pharmacist-clinical biologist | |
perspharmacyassistant | pharmacy assistant | |
persphysicalphysician | physical and rehabilitation doctor | |
persphysician | physician | |
persphysiotherapist | physiotherapist | |
perspneumologist | pneumologist | |
perspodologist | podologist | |
perspracticalnurse | practical nurse | |
persprothesist | prothesist | |
perspsychatrist | psychatrist | |
perspsychologist | psychologist | |
perspsychomotortherapymaster | master in psychomotor therapy | |
persreadaptationbachelor | bachelor in physiotherapy and rehabilitation | |
persrespiratoryphysiotherapist | respiratory physiotherapist | |
persrheumatologist | rheumatologist | |
perssocialworker | social worker | |
persstomatologist | stomatologist | |
perssurger | surgeon | |
perstechnician | medical imaging technician | |
perstrussmaker | bandagist | |
persurologist | urologist | |
persoptometrist | optometrist | |
persmobilityimprover | mobility improver (orthopedic technologist) | |
persbandagistorthosiologist | bandagist orthosiologist (orthopedic technologist) | |
persprosthesiologist | prosthesiologist (orthopedic technologist) | |
persshoetechnologist | shoe technologist (orthopedic technologist) | |
orgpharmacyinvoicingoffice | pharmacy invoicing office | |