Allergy (Patient Dossier)
1.0.0 - STU1

This page is part of the HL7 Belgium FHIR Implementation Guide - Allergy profiles (v1.0.0: Trial Use) based on FHIR R4. The current version which supercedes this version is 1.1.0. For a full list of available versions, see the Directory of published versions

ValueSet: BeAllergyIntoleranceCode

Official URL: Version: 1.0.0
Active as of 2022-06-07 Responsible: eHealth Platform Realm: BE Computable Name: BeAllergyIntoleranceCode

Codes as communicated by NIHDI and the FOD Terminology Center differentiating types of allergy intolerance codes. This valueset supports the Belgian federal FHIR profiling effort.


Logical Definition (CLD)

This value set includes codes based on the following rules:



This value set contains 148 concepts

Expansion based on:

All codes in this table are from the system

  52454007Albumin (substance)
  391737006Almond oil (substance)
  12503006Aluminium (substance)
  767108006Aluminium and aluminium compound (substance)
  264287008Animal dander (substance)
  711062002Animal protein and epidermal substance (substance)
  735215001Apple (substance)
  226491003Apple juice (substance)
  11526002Aspartame (substance)
  386936005Azelaic acid (substance)
  256307007Banana (substance)
  288328004Bee venom (substance)
  91598004Benzoyl peroxide (substance)
  255640000Biocide (substance)
  412061001Blueberries (substance)
  261243003Brass (substance)
  726764009Broad bean (substance)
  9021002Carbaryl (substance)
  256319004Carrot (substance)
  260152009Cat dander (substance)
  256326004Celery (substance)
  23182003Cereal (substance)
  102264005Cheese (substance)
  735248001Cherry (substance)
  102262009Chocolate (substance)
  227388008Cinnamon (substance)
  59351004Citrate (substance)
  102259006Citrus fruit (substance)
  11894001Clostridium botulinum toxin (substance)
  80237000Cocoa butter (substance)
  66925006Copper (substance)
  412357001Corn (substance)
  289122001Cosmetic material (substance)
  89889006Cotton fiber (substance)
  260153004Cow dander (substance)
  264295007Cow's milk protein (substance)
  289949002Cypress pollen (substance)
  226760005Dairy foods (substance)
  396031000Dimeticone (substance)
  387293003Dithranol (substance)
  260154005Dog dander (substance)
  61789006Dye (substance)
  762766007Edible substance (substance)
  303300008Egg protein (substance)
  256443002Egg white (substance)
  102263004Eggs (edible) (substance)
  115589000Ethanolamine (substance)
  12510000Eucalyptus oil (substance)
  227425007Figs (substance)
  735971005Fish (substance)
  406774009Fish derived omega 3 fatty acid (substance)
  735341005Fish oil (substance)
  59533004Food additive (substance)
  80259003Food flavoring agent (substance)
  72511004Fruit (substance)
  735030001Garlic (substance)
  57126000Glue (substance)
  430503006Glutamate (substance)
  89811004Gluten (substance)
  2309006Gold (substance)
  412145001Hair dye (substance)
  227374009Herbs and spices (substance)
  256417003Horse dander (substance)
  128488006House dust (substance)
  710942001Insect protein (substance)
  280939008Insect venom (substance)
  3829006Iron (substance)
  260176001Kiwi fruit (substance)
  47703008Lactose (substance)
  42416001Lanolin (substance)
  736162008Lobster (substance)
  719108000Lupin flour (substance)
  710179004Lupine seed (substance)
  735977009Marine crustacean (substance)
  28647000Meat (substance)
  260177005Melon (substance)
  425620007Metal (substance)
  2799001Methylbenzethonium chloride (substance)
  770326002Mollusk (substance)
  256419000Mouse epithelium (substance)
  260156007Mouse urine proteins (substance)
  735045008Mushroom (substance)
  51905005Mustard (substance)
  762953003Mustard seasoning (substance)
  33396006Nickel (substance)
  276310004Non-human hair - material (substance)
  13577000Nut (substance)
  230034002Nuts and seeds (substance)
  418504009Oats (substance)
  735979007Octopus (substance)
  260126003Olive pollen (substance)
  735047000Onion (substance)
  116549003Organochlorine pesticide (substance)
  119417004Organophosphate insecticide (substance)
  736031006Oyster (substance)
  255667006Paraffin (substance)
  735049002Peach (substance)
  762952008Peanut (substance)
  410853002Perfluorochemical (substance)
  418785009Perfume (substance)
  59545008Pesticide (substance)
  256248008Plant material (substance)
  387398009Podophyllum resin (substance)
  256259004Pollen (substance)
  83619009Polyvinyl alcohol (substance)
  226934003Pork (substance)
  735053000Potato (substance)
  28230009Poultry (substance)
  227313005Pulse vegetables (substance)
  311846002Pyrethroid insecticide (substance)
  412153009Rabbit dander (substance)
  256303006Ragweed pollen (substance)
  227444000Raspberries (substance)
  226915003Red meat (substance)
  67324005Rice (substance)
  43230003Rubber (substance)
  412068007Rye (substance)
  264337003Seed (substance)
  89707004Sesame oil (substance)
  260167008Sesame seed (substance)
  735029006Shellfish (substance)
  278840001Shrimp (substance)
  7791007Soy protein (substance)
  256355007Soya bean (substance)
  735006003Squid (substance)
  102261002Strawberry (substance)
  105590001Substance (substance)
  373270004Substance with penicillin structure and antibacterial mechanism of action (substance)
  767406000Sulfite and sulfite derivative (substance)
  289964002Surgical material (substance)
  734881000Tomato (substance)
  256305004Tree resin (substance)
  227144008Tuna fish (substance)
  260118006Wall pellitory pollen (substance)
  256352005Walnut - nut (substance)
  419420009Watermelon (substance)
  419604006Weed pollen (substance)
  412071004Wheat (substance)
  14402002Wood (substance)
  772245002Wool alcohol (substance)
  418266005Yellow paraffin (substance)
  716186003No known allergy (situation)
  716220001No known animal allergy (situation)
  409137002No known drug allergy (situation)
  428607008No known environmental allergy (situation)
  429625007No known food allergy (situation)
  428197003No known insect allergy (situation)
  716184000No known latex allergy (situation)

Explanation of the columns that may appear on this page:

Level A few code lists that FHIR defines are hierarchical - each code is assigned a level. In this scheme, some codes are under other codes, and imply that the code they are under also applies
System The source of the definition of the code (when the value set draws in codes defined elsewhere)
Code The code (used as the code in the resource instance)
Display The display (used in the display element of a Coding). If there is no display, implementers should not simply display the code, but map the concept into their application
Definition An explanation of the meaning of the concept
Comments Additional notes about how to use the code